Questy/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „However be careful because some quests are limited by the level for submission and therefore cannot be completed at higher character levels (a disproportionately small part of the quests).“)
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značka: ruční vrácení zpět
(Není zobrazeno 15 mezilehlých verzí od 2 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
[[Soubor:Pirat Neil.jpg|náhled|Pirát Neil at Harbour City wharf]]
[[Soubor:Pirat Neil EN.jpg|náhled|Pirát Neil at Harbour City wharf]]

In the world of Endor you can find quest NPC who are looking for help and will gladly reward you for your efforts. The reward can be different (gold coins, rusty coins, magic item, consumables etc.) but mainly you will get a decent portion of experience points (EXP) corresponding to the level of the quest. There are countless quests on Endor and most of its are about bringing the NPC who gave it some things that he is currently looking for and desperately needs. The NPC giving the quest will also address you so don't be afraid to talk to him/her even if you don't have time to complete the task right away because this quest can be completed later (these Endor quests have no time limit).
In the world of Endor you can find quest NPC who are looking for help and will gladly reward you for your efforts. The reward can be different (gold coins, rusty coins, magic item, consumables etc.) but mainly you will get a decent portion of experience points (EXP) corresponding to the level of the quest. There are countless quests on Endor and most of its are about bringing the NPC who gave it some things that he is currently looking for and desperately needs. The NPC giving the quest will also address you so don't be afraid to talk to him/her even if you don't have time to complete the task right away because this quest can be completed later (these Endor quests have no time limit).
Řádek 5: Řádek 5:
However be careful because some quests are limited by the level for submission and therefore cannot be completed at higher character levels (a disproportionately small part of the quests).
However be careful because some quests are limited by the level for submission and therefore cannot be completed at higher character levels (a disproportionately small part of the quests).

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Currently accepted quests as well as completed quests can be viewed using the command .questlog  
Aktuálně přijaté questy, ale zároveň i splněné questy lze zobrazit pomocí příkazu .questlog

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! Souřadnice !! Quest !! Potřebný level !! Potřebné suroviny
! Coordinates !! Quest !! Neccesary level !! Quest description
| 3236 2120 || Slepice na útěku || 0 || 10 slepic
| 3236 2120 || Hens || 0 || 10x hen
| 3020 2014 || Gnollové v dole || 0 || 10 kusů rudy z Gnollů
| 3020 2014 || Gnolls|| 0 || 10x ore from Gnolls
| 3044 2143 || Želvý krunýře || 0 || 10 želvých krunýřů
| 3044 2143 || Turtle shell || 0 || 10x Turtle shell
| 3263 2256 || Veverčí kůže || 0 || 10 veverčích kůží
| 3263 2256 || Squirrels || 0 || 10x squirrels
| 2911 2221 || Krvavá čelist || 0 || Bloodjaw kůže
| 2911 2221 || Bloody jaw || 0 || Bloodjaw hide
| 3317 2097 || Hostina v cechu Cleriků || 0 || 20 stehýnek
| 3317 2097 || Feast in the Clerics guild || 0 || 20x leg
| 2997 2103 || Vzteklina v Daugas City || 0 || 10 psích kůží
| 2997 2103 || Rabies at Daugas City || 0 || 10x dog hide
| 4141 3362 || Zapomenuté opatství || 0 || 5x pitcher of holy water
| 4141 3362 || The Forgotten Abbey || 0 || 5x pitcher of holy water
| 2926 2731 || Milanův prsten || 0 || 1x Milan's ring
| 2926 2731 || Milan's ring || 0 || 1x Milan's ring
| 3017 2299 || Počátek || 0 || 150 peří
| 3017 2299 || Beginning || 0 || 150x feather
| 3038 2266 || Vypůjčená kniha || 1 || Odnes knihu a pak hledej Awkala
| 3038 2266 || Bring book || 1 || Return book and find the Awkal
| 2937 1788 || Ovčák Bohumil || 1 || 3x bottle of ale, 1x ham a 1x bread loaf
| 2937 1788 || Shepherd Bohumil || 1 || 3x bottle of ale, 1x ham a 1x bread loaf
| 2963 1687 || Líná pracovní síla || 1 || Obejdi 5 líných dřevorubců
| 2963 1687 || Lazy workers || 1 || Speak with 5 lazy lumberjacks
| 3348 2279 || Erach a jeho milá || 1 || Zpráva od Daugas City sewers k chechu Berků a zpět s dortem
| 3348 2279 || Erach and his beloved || 1 || Message to the Daugas City sewers and back with cake
| 3323 2235 || Zpráva do Medea City || 1 || Zpráva z Daugas City sewers do Medea City na hrad 798 3278
| 3323 2235 || Message to Medea City || 1 || Message from Daugas City sewers to the Medea City castle 798 3278
| 3300 2070 || Lov žebráků || 1 || 5 srdcí z beggarů
| 3300 2070 || Beggars || 1 || 5x beggars heard
| 3128 2130 || Pitomé kočky || 3 || 10 Cat hides
| 3128 2130 || Cats || 3 || 10x cat hide
| 3159 2265 || Otravné krysy || 3 || 15 Rat hides
| 3159 2265 || Rats || 3 || 15x rat hide
| 3192 2142 || Části slimu || 3 || 5 Slime ichorů
| 3192 2142 || Slime || 3 || 5x slime ichor
| 2919 2126 || Ukradená káď || 3 || Láhev ze stok
| 2919 2126 || Stolen tube || 3 || 1x Daugas City sewers tube
| 2943 2120 || Zelený hnus || 3 || Láhev z Giant slime
| 2943 2120 || Green bottle || 3 || 1x green bottle from Giant slime
| 2923 2142 || Dřevo pro Adosima || 3 || Dřevo ze stok
| 2923 2142 || Wood for Adosim || 3 || 1x green wood from Daugas City sewers
| 2917 2139 || Thusiorovo poznámky || 3 || Kniha ze stok
| 2917 2139 || Thusior comments || 3 || 1x book from Daugas City sewers
| 916 264 || Sněžné kůže || 5 || 20 Snow orc hides
| 916 264 || Snow orc hides || 5 || 20x snow orc hide
| 2497 1432 || Nákup pro Donovana || 5 || Leather komplet, 50 látky, 2 šunky, 5 jablek, 1 seno, kryss
| 2497 1432 || Donovan || 5 || Leather complete, 50x cloth, 2x ham, 5x apple, 1x hay, kryss
| 1623 2635 || Žáby pod berkama || 5 || 15 essencí
| 1623 2635 || Frogs || 5 || 15x essence
| 3332 2232 || Cortezova koruna || 5 || Koruna z Harbour City katakomb
| 3332 2232 || Cortez crown || 5 || Crown from Harbour City catacombs
| 3097 2024 || Gremliní křídla || 5 || 10 gremliních křídel
| 3097 2024 || Gremlin wings || 5 || 10x  gremlin wings
| 2730 1811 || Meč pro Rynena || 5 || Odnést z kovárny meč k Daug bráně
| 2730 1811 || Ryen || 5 || Take the sword from the forge to the Daugas City gate
| 734 3028 || Mločí oči || 5 || Přines 25 Eye of newt čarodejnici nad Medeou
| 734 3028 || Eye of newt || 5 || 25x Eye of newt for witch
| 5769 200 || Felix hledá Gotreka || 5 || Dougas City sewers
| 5769 200 || Felix || 5 || Dougas City sewers
| 5948 35 || Tranquol || 5 || Dougas City sewers - postavy vyšší jak 12lvl mohou dokončit quest u Felixe 3327 2254
| 5948 35 || Tranquol || 5 || Dougas City sewers - characters higher than 12 level can complete the quest with Felix 3327 2254
| 1795 3458 || Pouštní hadi || 6 || 20 hadích kůží
| 1795 3458 || Snakes || 6 || 20x snake hide
| 912 3301 || Zapomětlivý sbor || 6 || Nákup 10 louten, 2 harfy, 3 bubny, 4 tamburíny a 20 knih v Medea City knihovně (nástroje 885 3286 carpentery)
| 912 3301 || A forgetful chorus || 6 || 10x lute, 2x harp, 3x drum, 4x tambourine and 20x books from Medea City library 885 3286
| 2939 2093 || Headlessové || 7 || 10 Headless hides
| 2939 2093 || Headless || 7 || 10x headless hides
| 2937 1853 || Mornova hlava || 7 || Hlava z Danla
| 2937 1853 || Morn head || 7 || Head from Danl
| 2528 1358 || Pirát Neil || 7 || Pirátské zásoby
| 2528 1358 || Pirate Neil || 7 ||  
| 818 3396 || Ztracený prsten || 7 || Do kostela, pak na Medea City hřbitov s lopatou, zpátky k Marquis
| 818 3396 || Lost ring || 7 || Go to the church and than to the Medea City cemetery with shovel (than back to Marquis)
| 2989 2110 || Morové krysy || 7 || Ratman hide
| 2989 2110 || Plague rats || 7 || 1x ratman hide
| 909 3357 || Medejský maják || 7 || Dones do majáku lesser poison a poté dej echo Pelviriovi 858 3239
| 909 3357 || Medea City lighthouse || 7 || take the lesser poison to the Pelvir 858 3239
| 4960 3906 || Brigandí šerpa || 7 || Šerpa z Briganda blízko cechu Druidů
| 4960 3906 || Brigand sash || 7 || Sash from brigands captain near the Druids guild
| 2074 2520 || Pirátská mapa || 7 || Mapa z Troll mága a poté port z mola
| 2074 2520 || Pirates map || 7 || Map from Troll's mage
| 2510 1399 || Ztracená kniha || 7 || Kniha z bedny na Harbour City hřbitově
| 2510 1399 || Lost book || 7 || Book from the Harbour City cemetary
| 2937 1853 || Mornova hlava || 7 ||  
| 3291 2079 || Necromancer || 8 || 5x zombie brain, 5x skeleton skull a 5x skeleton mage skull
| 3291 2079 || Nekromant přísady || 8 || 5x zombie brain, 5x skeleton skull a 5x skeleton mage skull
| 1839 626 || Veins || 8 || Iron, chlorite a arite vein
| 1839 626 || Výkup rudných žil || 8 || Iron, chlorite a arite veina
| 3048 2109 || Astral creatures || 8 || 35x astral reagent
| 3048 2109 || Astrální bytosti || 8 || 35 Astral reagents
| 2535 1476 || Hana and the key || 8 || Forge above Daugas City - 10x bottle of liqueur
| 2535 1476 || Hanička a klíč || 8 || Kovárna nad Dauas City, donést 10x bottle of liquor a s klíčem zpět do Harbour City
| 3313 2217 || Elemental || 8 || Minor shard (10lvl), Lesser shard (15lvl), Greater shard (20lvl), Powerful shard (25lvl)
| 3313 2217 || Elementární věci || 8 || Minor shard (10lvl), Lesser shard (15lvl), Greater shard (20lvl), Powerful shard (25lvl) - lze odevzat 4 různé elementy, takže vše lze splnit 4x
| 1255 2612 || Bartholomeus || 10 || Druid guild and back to the Orcs village
| 1255 2612 || Bartoloměj || 10 || Do druidů pro láhev a zpátky nad Orčí vesnici
| 1774 603 || Peterka || 10 ||  
| 1774 603 || Věci pro Peterku || 10 ||  
| 6641 2623 || Medea City sewers arena || 10 || Kill the 3 waves of the creatures
| 6641 2623 || Medea city sewers arena || 10 || Zabij 3 vlny nestvůr
| 5330 1059 || Ugly spider || 10 || 1x essence from spider
| 5330 1059 || Ošklivý pavouk || 10 || Esence z pavouka
| 1344 2448 || Bear || 10 || 33x honey (possible to buy in Druids guild)
| 1344 2448 || Mluvící medvěd || 10 || 33 medu
| 1741 3407 || Captain || 10 || 5x composite bow (71diff), 10x long-sword (50diff), 10x cloak, 5x rapier (55diff), 10x kite shield (52diff), 5x closed helm (76diff), 10x bronze ringmail complete (tunic, legings, sleevy, gloves) - possible to use as well the unfinished items
| 1741 3407 || Kapitán stráží || 10 || 5x composite bow (71diff), 10x longsword (50diff), 10x cloak, 5x rapier (55diff), 10x kite shield (52diff), 5x closed helm (76diff), 10x bronze ringmail komplet (tunic, legy, slevy, glovy) - lze pooužít i nedokončené itemy
| 1798 1564 || Robed knight|| 10 || 1x bridle, 1x Long-sword and 1x Heater shield
| 1798 1564 || Okradený Rytíř || 10 || Ohlávka, Longsword a Heater shield
| 1798 1564 || Robed knight - second part || 10 || 4x great heal, 4x great cure, 3x total refresh, 50x bandage, 4x bread, 10x quali hypnotic
| 1798 1564 || Okradený Rytíř - pokračování || 10 || 4x great heal, 4x great cure, 3x tottal refresh, 50x bandage, 4x chleba, 10x quali hypnotic
| 3114 1341 || Imps || 10 || 20x imp hide
| 3114 1341 || Kůže z Impů || 10 || 20 kůží z impů
| 2485 1312 || The whore || 10 || 20x greater heal, 10x greater cure, 200x bandage, 1x chameleon hide
| 2485 1312 || Prostitutka || 10 || 20x greater heal, 10x greater cure, 200x bandage, 1x chameleon hide
| 5222 1017 || Orc slave || 10 ||
| 5222 1017 || Orčí otrok || 10 ||
| 5177 1087 || Orc general || 10 ||  
| 5177 1087 || Orčí generál || 10 ||  
| 2087 1939 || Zyrden || 10 ||  
| 2087 1939 || Kosti pro Zyrdena || 10 ||  
| 2798 1567 || Lost daughter || 10 || Horn's daughter's bracelet
| 2798 1567 || Ztracená dcera || 10 || Horn's daughter's bracelet
| 2363 1971 || Sacred sword || 10 || A massive dungeon crawling quest
| 2363 1971 || Posvátný meč || 10 || Rozsáhlý quest s procházením dungeonů
| 5392 598 || Brigand || 10 || 1x silver hide and 14x cotton
| 5392 598 || Brigandí Krajčířka || 10 || Silver hide a 14 bavlny
| 2276 2453 || Lizardman || 10 || 5x lizardman scale
| 2276 2453 || Lizardmaní šupiny || 10 || 5 šupin z Lizardmanů
| 1237 3369 || Sea Serpent || 10 || 20x  meat from serpent (necessary to cook)
| 1237 3369 || Lov Sea Serpentů || 10 || 20 masa ze serpentů + odnést opečené
| 995 2132 || Zombie || 10 || Best answer is the first possible answer
| 995 2132 || Zombie || 10 || Odpověď je první možnost
| 836 3271 || Vale || 10 || 836 3271, 798 3278 (don't bride), 858 3239, 773 3279, 5999 1717, 858 3239,  836 3271,  3001 2472
| 836 3271 || Valeův případ || 10 || 836 3271, 798 3278 (neuplácet), 858 3239, 773 3279, 5999 1717, 858 3239,  836 3271,  3001 2472
| 6778 764 || Lords of the Medea City sewers || 10 || 1x Slags's head, 1x Lizardman kings crown, 1x Reagent's bones
| 6778 764 || Pánové stok || 10 || Hlava pána Slaga, korunu krále Lizardmanů a ostatky Kostěného Regenta (vše lze najít v Medea City sewers)
| 802 3275 || Attack plans || 10 || 2x map from Medea City sewers
| 802 3275 || Plány útoku || 10 || Dvě mapy z Medea City sewers
| 2018 3453 || Slade || 10 || 1x pitcher of water
| 2018 3453 || Barman Slade || 10 || 1x džbán vody
| 3819 1570 || Water for rooster || 10 ||  
| 3819 1570 || Voda pro Kohoutka || 10 || Studánka pod Gold Mines Village, Anička a Matouš v Liose, Anička, Studánka
| 2037 1886 || Dracula || 10 || 50x dragon's blood and 50x normal blood
| 2037 1886 || Krev pro Draculu || 10 || 50 dračí krve a 50 obyč krve
| 4342 1456 || Flowers || 10 || 5x Kingsblood, 5x Dreamfoil, 5x Sungrass, 5x Firebloom, 5x Mageroyal
| 4342 1456 || Kytky || 10 || 5x Kingsblood, 5x Dreamfoil, 5x Sungrass, 5x Firebloom, 5x Mageroyal (5 samostatných questů)
| 3302 2168 || Fallen camp || 10 || Fallen banner (10lvl), Carver banner (15lvl), Devilkin banner (20lvl), Dark one banner (25lvl), all 4 quests together as a special quest (25lvl)
| 3302 2168 || Fallen camp || 10 || Fallen banner (10lvl), Carver banner (15lvl), Devilkin banner (20lvl), Dark one banner (25lvl), všechny 4 questy dohromady ještě speciální odměna (25lvl)
| 2984 1787 || Sedrick || 13 ||  
| 2984 1787 || Tulák Sedrick || 13 ||  
| 2208 2635 || Zyjan's leg || 13 || 1x Zyjan's leg
| 2208 2635 || Zyjanova noha || 13 || 1x Zyjan's leg
| 3028 1722 || Aldath lost daughter || 13 || Aldath's daughter is located at Fearies cottage near the Gold Mines Village
| 3028 1722 || Aldathova unesená dcera || 13 || Aldathova dcera se nachází v Fearies cottage pod Gold Mines Village
| 5676 1273 || Tracy || 13 ||
| 5676 1273 || Tracy dcera obchodníka || 13 ||
| 2038 2160 || Lilliana || 15 || Find what's happen with Lilliana - a massive dungeon crawling quest
| 2038 2160 || Lilliana || 15 || Zjisti co se stalo s Lilianou.
| 3846 1543 || Erathis || 15 || Help to kill demons -  massive dungeon crawling quest
|  || Eriel || 15 || 50x kindlings, 150x logs, 300x morid logs
|  || Eriel || 15 || 50x kindling, 150x logs, 300x morid logs
| 2889 1446 || Hood || 15 || 5x red alder log, 10x morid/broadwood/normal logs, 10x great dexterity potions
| 2889 1446 || Hood || 15 || 5x red alder log, 10x morid/broadwood/normal logs, 10x great dexterity potions
| 3330 2164 || Výzkum démonů || 15 || Hell beholder eye + Minor Succubus heart + Dark cleric (15lvl), Hell gauth eye + Succubus heart + Dark acolyte (20lvl), Hell tyrant eye + Grand Succubus heart + Dark archmage (25lvl)
| 3330 2164 || Daemons || 15 || Hell beholder eye + Minor Succubus heart + Dark cleric (15lvl), Hell gauth eye + Succubus heart + Dark acolyte (20lvl), Hell tyrant eye + Grand Succubus heart + Dark archmage (25lvl)
| 2700 2199 || Goblin Warspear || 15 || Kopí z Goblin ridera v podzemí
| 2700 2199 || Goblin Warspear || 15 || 1x Goblin warspear
| 3640 2358 || Goblin Banner || 15 || Banner z Goblin ridera v podzemí
| 3640 2358 || Goblin Banner || 15 || 1x Goblin banner
| 3502 1637 || Goblin Spellbook || 15 || Kniha z Goblin shamana v podzemí
| 3502 1637 || Goblin Spellbook || 15 || 1x Goblin spellbook
| 2950 2093 || Trouble goblins || 15 || 20 hlav z Goblinů
| 2950 2093 || Trouble goblins || 15 || 20x Goblin head
| 2926 1764 || Ratman heads || 15 || 15 hlav z Ratmanů
| 2926 1764 || Ratman heads || 15 || 15x Ratman head
| 2861 1956 || Ratman hides || 15 || 10 kůží z Ratmanů
| 2861 1956 || Ratman hides || 15 || 10x Ratman hide
| 2811 1533 || Ratman Spellcloak || 15 || Cloak z Ratman shamana na pozici 3976 2461
| 2811 1533 || Ratman Spell-cloak || 15 || 1x Ratman spell-cloak which you can find at coordinates 3976 2461
| 4129 1923 || Weird Mushroom || 15 || Houba z Ratman shamana
| 4129 1923 || Weird Mushroom || 15 || 1x mushroom
| 661 2234 || Gnoll heads || 15 || 15 hlav z Gnollů
| 661 2234 || Gnoll heads || 15 || 15x Gnoll head
| 3588 1388 || Gnoll Hides || 15 || 15 kůží z Gnollů
| 3588 1388 || Gnoll Hides || 15 || 15x Gnoll hide
| 1105 2808 || Voda z shabooli oázy || 15 || 6x water from shabooli oasis
| 1105 2808 || Shabooli water || 15 || 6x water from shabooli oasis
| 559 2983 || Kate || 15 || 1x Arite vein, 3x small pieces of horazit, 2x horazit ore
| 559 2983 || Kate || 15 || 1x Arite vein, 3x small pieces of horazit, 2x horazit ore
| 2889 1446 || Červená olše || 15 || 10x red alder log
| 2889 1446 || Red alder || 15 || 10x red alder log
| 5235 647 || Kladivo pro Baradana || 15 ||
| 5235 647 || Hammer for Brandan || 15 ||
| 2027 1541 || Rontovy věci || 15 || Rontovy věci
| 2027 1541 || Ronto || 15 || Ronto's lost equipment
| 1620 2406 || Ukradené zásoby || 15 || 5x resources
| 1620 2406 || Stolen supplies || 15 || 5x resources
| 1087 1434 || Nová kosa pro smrtku || 15 ||  
| 1087 1434 || A new scythe for a mortal || 15 ||  
| 5762 3382 || Monstra ve skladu || 15 || 1x assasins head, 2x black spider hide
| 5762 3382 || Warehouse monsters || 15 || 1x assassins head, 2x black spider hide
| 856 3131 || Oprava mostu Medea City || 15 || 150x logs, 50x morid logs, 10x stone, 1x pila a 1x kladivo
| 856 3131 || Damaged bridge at Medea City || 15 || 150x logs, 50x morid logs, 10x stone, 1x saw a 1x hammer
| 3004 2480 || Arturovi přátelé || 15 || 3 různé questy - 10x šerpa zlodějských střelců, hlavy vůdců Alqarinque, 3 těla netopírů západně od Liosu
| 3004 2480 || Artur's friends || 15 || 3 different quests - 10x thief shooters sash, the heads of the leaders of Alqarinque, 3 bat bodies west of Lios
| 3657 2346 || Nemocná žena || 16 || Daecran 4271 1406
| 3657 2346 || Sick woman || 16 || Daecran 4271 1406
| 5478 1056 || Impův hřib || 17 ||   
| 5478 1056 || Imp's mushroom || 17 ||   
| 1821 654 || Sněžné kůže || 17 || 10x snow fur
| 1821 654 || Snow fur || 17 || 10x snow fur
| 1391 2135 || Dryad Blossom || 18 || Kytka z Pixie v podzemí
| 1391 2135 || Dryad Blossom || 18 || 1x flower from Pixie  
| 2556 2674 || Nerubian Venom || 18 || Láhev z Nerubian matriarchy
| 2556 2674 || Nerubian Venom || 18 || 1x Nerubian matriarch bottle
| 5346 3259 || Prokletí vládcové || 18 || Mass-quest
| 5346 3259 || The Cursed Rulers || 18 || Mass-quest
| 2632 3321 || Silver serpenty || 18 ||  
| 2632 3321 || Silver serpent || 18 ||  
| 1604 1646 || Ohrožený dobytek || 19 ||
| 1604 1646 || Endangered livestock || 19 ||
| 3941 1579 || Falcor - osamělý drak || 20 ||  
| 4227 1231 || Valeria Grimshroud || 20 || Mysterious island - several separate quests
| 2889 1449 || Ukradený luk || 20 || Doneste ukradený luk a celá parta (až 10 hráčů) dostane odměnu v podobě dovednostních bodů (EXP) - party quest.
| 3941 1579 || Falcor - lonely dragon || 20 ||  
| 1649 2398 || Centaur heads || 20 || 15 hlav z Kentaurů
| 2889 1449 || Stolen bow || 20 || Bring back the stolen bow and the whole party (up to 10 players) will be rewarded with skill points (EXP) - party quest.
| 6195 884 || Centaur hides || 20 || 15 kůží z Kentaurů
| 1649 2398 || Centaur heads || 20 || 15x Centaur head
| 2845 2721 || Centaur Staff || 20 || Hůl z Kentaur mága
| 6195 884 || Centaur hides || 20 || 15x Centaur hide
| 1266 1356 || Centaur Warspear || 20 || Warspear z Kentaur warriora
| 2845 2721 || Centaur Staff || 20 || 1x Staff of Power
| 1305 3293 || Dračí hlavy || 20 || 1x Red dragon head, 1x Ice Dragon head, 1x Storm dragon head
| 1266 1356 || Centaur War-spear || 20 || 1x Centaur War-spear
| 1931 604 || Wyverniny děti || 20 || 1x red egg, 1x brown egg, 1x green egg
| 1305 3293 || Dragon heads || 20 || 1x Red dragon head, 1x Ice Dragon head, 1x Storm dragon head
| 0 0 || Adalon || 20 || Největší a nejtěžší quest na Endoru, který je tvořen 6 questy a subquesty.
| 1931 604 || Wyvern child || 20 || 1x red egg, 1x brown egg, 1x green egg
| 5156 2811 || Ztracený Marten || 20 || MArten je vězněn v Urut-Hai dungeonu
| 2376 284 || Adalon || 20 || The biggest and hardest quest at Endor which consists of 6 quests and sub-quests.
| 5224 621 || Otrok Martin|| 20 ||  
| 5156 2811 || Lost Marten || 20 || Marten is prison at Urut-Hai dungeon
| 1305 3293 || Démoní hlavy|| 20 || 5x Daemon head
| 5224 621 || Slave Martin|| 20 ||  
| 1757 570 || Vampíři || 20 || 10x vampire bat's bone
| 1305 3293 || Daemon heads || 20 || 5x Daemon head
| 850 2678 || Air mastery kniha || 20 ||  
| 1757 570 || Vampires || 20 || 10x vampire bat's bone
| 2994 2216 || Ztracený manžel Martin || 20 ||  
| 850 2678 || Air mastery book || 20 ||  
| 1609 2389 || Nebezpečný kult || 21 || 1x Yirydanu's hat
| 2994 2216 || Lost husband Martin || 20 ||  
| 6091 2495 || Manfred - Hadí soutězka || 23 || 20x serpent scale
| 1609 2389 || A dangerous cult || 21 || 1x Yirydanu's hat
| 6091 2495 || Manfred - zásoby || 23 || 10x pickaxe, 20x but of rib, 5x bread loaf, 5x wheel of cheese
| 6091 2495 || Manfred - Snake Gorge || 23 || 20x serpent scale
| 2194 2200 || Lizardman hides || 23 || 10 kůží z Lizardmanů
| 6091 2495 || Manfred - supplies || 23 || 10x pickax, 20x but of rib, 5x bread loaf, 5x wheel of cheese
| 2266 2504 || Lizardman King || 25 || Koruna z Lizardman kinga
| 2194 2200 || Lizardman hides || 23 || 10x Lizardman hide
| 5645 2467 || Hobgoblin hides || 25 || 20 kůží z Hobgoblinů
| 2266 2504 || Lizardman King || 25 || 1x Lizardman's crown
| 5663 2510 || Hobgoblin heads || 25 || 15 hlav z Hobgoblinů
| 5645 2467 || Hobgoblin hides || 25 || 20x Hobgoblin hide
| 1765 584 || Hobgoblin crown || 25 || Koruna z Hobgoblin Kinga
| 5663 2510 || Hobgoblin heads || 25 || 15x Hobgoblin head
| 2524 1435 || Zlatník || 25 ||  
| 1765 584 || Hobgoblin crown || 25 || 1x Hobgoblin crown
| 2524 1435 || Jeweler || 25 ||  
| 2872 3583 || Fire elemental essence || 25 || 1x fire essence
| 2872 3583 || Fire elemental essence || 25 || 1x fire essence
| 1765 604 || Skaveni || 25 || 3 itemy ze Skaven dungeonu
| 1765 604 || Scaven || 25 || 3 items from Scaven dungeon

Aktuální verze z 27. 6. 2024, 14:06

Pirát Neil at Harbour City wharf

In the world of Endor you can find quest NPC who are looking for help and will gladly reward you for your efforts. The reward can be different (gold coins, rusty coins, magic item, consumables etc.) but mainly you will get a decent portion of experience points (EXP) corresponding to the level of the quest. There are countless quests on Endor and most of its are about bringing the NPC who gave it some things that he is currently looking for and desperately needs. The NPC giving the quest will also address you so don't be afraid to talk to him/her even if you don't have time to complete the task right away because this quest can be completed later (these Endor quests have no time limit).

However be careful because some quests are limited by the level for submission and therefore cannot be completed at higher character levels (a disproportionately small part of the quests).

Currently accepted quests as well as completed quests can be viewed using the command .questlog

Coordinates Quest Neccesary level Quest description
3236 2120 Hens 0 10x hen
3020 2014 Gnolls 0 10x ore from Gnolls
3044 2143 Turtle shell 0 10x Turtle shell
3263 2256 Squirrels 0 10x squirrels
2911 2221 Bloody jaw 0 Bloodjaw hide
3317 2097 Feast in the Clerics guild 0 20x leg
2997 2103 Rabies at Daugas City 0 10x dog hide
4141 3362 The Forgotten Abbey 0 5x pitcher of holy water
2926 2731 Milan's ring 0 1x Milan's ring
3017 2299 Beginning 0 150x feather
3038 2266 Bring book 1 Return book and find the Awkal
2937 1788 Shepherd Bohumil 1 3x bottle of ale, 1x ham a 1x bread loaf
2963 1687 Lazy workers 1 Speak with 5 lazy lumberjacks
3348 2279 Erach and his beloved 1 Message to the Daugas City sewers and back with cake
3323 2235 Message to Medea City 1 Message from Daugas City sewers to the Medea City castle 798 3278
3300 2070 Beggars 1 5x beggars heard
3128 2130 Cats 3 10x cat hide
3159 2265 Rats 3 15x rat hide
3192 2142 Slime 3 5x slime ichor
2919 2126 Stolen tube 3 1x Daugas City sewers tube
2943 2120 Green bottle 3 1x green bottle from Giant slime
2923 2142 Wood for Adosim 3 1x green wood from Daugas City sewers
2917 2139 Thusior comments 3 1x book from Daugas City sewers
916 264 Snow orc hides 5 20x snow orc hide
2497 1432 Donovan 5 Leather complete, 50x cloth, 2x ham, 5x apple, 1x hay, kryss
1623 2635 Frogs 5 15x essence
3332 2232 Cortez crown 5 Crown from Harbour City catacombs
3097 2024 Gremlin wings 5 10x gremlin wings
2730 1811 Ryen 5 Take the sword from the forge to the Daugas City gate
734 3028 Eye of newt 5 25x Eye of newt for witch
5769 200 Felix 5 Dougas City sewers
5948 35 Tranquol 5 Dougas City sewers - characters higher than 12 level can complete the quest with Felix 3327 2254
1795 3458 Snakes 6 20x snake hide
912 3301 A forgetful chorus 6 10x lute, 2x harp, 3x drum, 4x tambourine and 20x books from Medea City library 885 3286
2939 2093 Headless 7 10x headless hides
2937 1853 Morn head 7 Head from Danl
2528 1358 Pirate Neil 7
818 3396 Lost ring 7 Go to the church and than to the Medea City cemetery with shovel (than back to Marquis)
2989 2110 Plague rats 7 1x ratman hide
909 3357 Medea City lighthouse 7 take the lesser poison to the Pelvir 858 3239
4960 3906 Brigand sash 7 Sash from brigands captain near the Druids guild
2074 2520 Pirates map 7 Map from Troll's mage
2510 1399 Lost book 7 Book from the Harbour City cemetary
3291 2079 Necromancer 8 5x zombie brain, 5x skeleton skull a 5x skeleton mage skull
1839 626 Veins 8 Iron, chlorite a arite vein
3048 2109 Astral creatures 8 35x astral reagent
2535 1476 Hana and the key 8 Forge above Daugas City - 10x bottle of liqueur
3313 2217 Elemental 8 Minor shard (10lvl), Lesser shard (15lvl), Greater shard (20lvl), Powerful shard (25lvl)
1255 2612 Bartholomeus 10 Druid guild and back to the Orcs village
1774 603 Peterka 10
6641 2623 Medea City sewers arena 10 Kill the 3 waves of the creatures
5330 1059 Ugly spider 10 1x essence from spider
1344 2448 Bear 10 33x honey (possible to buy in Druids guild)
1741 3407 Captain 10 5x composite bow (71diff), 10x long-sword (50diff), 10x cloak, 5x rapier (55diff), 10x kite shield (52diff), 5x closed helm (76diff), 10x bronze ringmail complete (tunic, legings, sleevy, gloves) - possible to use as well the unfinished items
1798 1564 Robed knight 10 1x bridle, 1x Long-sword and 1x Heater shield
1798 1564 Robed knight - second part 10 4x great heal, 4x great cure, 3x total refresh, 50x bandage, 4x bread, 10x quali hypnotic
3114 1341 Imps 10 20x imp hide
2485 1312 The whore 10 20x greater heal, 10x greater cure, 200x bandage, 1x chameleon hide
5222 1017 Orc slave 10
5177 1087 Orc general 10
2087 1939 Zyrden 10
2798 1567 Lost daughter 10 Horn's daughter's bracelet
2363 1971 Sacred sword 10 A massive dungeon crawling quest
5392 598 Brigand 10 1x silver hide and 14x cotton
2276 2453 Lizardman 10 5x lizardman scale
1237 3369 Sea Serpent 10 20x meat from serpent (necessary to cook)
995 2132 Zombie 10 Best answer is the first possible answer
836 3271 Vale 10 836 3271, 798 3278 (don't bride), 858 3239, 773 3279, 5999 1717, 858 3239, 836 3271, 3001 2472
6778 764 Lords of the Medea City sewers 10 1x Slags's head, 1x Lizardman kings crown, 1x Reagent's bones
802 3275 Attack plans 10 2x map from Medea City sewers
2018 3453 Slade 10 1x pitcher of water
3819 1570 Water for rooster 10
2037 1886 Dracula 10 50x dragon's blood and 50x normal blood
4342 1456 Flowers 10 5x Kingsblood, 5x Dreamfoil, 5x Sungrass, 5x Firebloom, 5x Mageroyal
3302 2168 Fallen camp 10 Fallen banner (10lvl), Carver banner (15lvl), Devilkin banner (20lvl), Dark one banner (25lvl), all 4 quests together as a special quest (25lvl)
2984 1787 Sedrick 13
2208 2635 Zyjan's leg 13 1x Zyjan's leg
3028 1722 Aldath lost daughter 13 Aldath's daughter is located at Fearies cottage near the Gold Mines Village
5676 1273 Tracy 13
2038 2160 Lilliana 15 Find what's happen with Lilliana - a massive dungeon crawling quest
3846 1543 Erathis 15 Help to kill demons - massive dungeon crawling quest
Eriel 15 50x kindling, 150x logs, 300x morid logs
2889 1446 Hood 15 5x red alder log, 10x morid/broadwood/normal logs, 10x great dexterity potions
3330 2164 Daemons 15 Hell beholder eye + Minor Succubus heart + Dark cleric (15lvl), Hell gauth eye + Succubus heart + Dark acolyte (20lvl), Hell tyrant eye + Grand Succubus heart + Dark archmage (25lvl)
2700 2199 Goblin Warspear 15 1x Goblin warspear
3640 2358 Goblin Banner 15 1x Goblin banner
3502 1637 Goblin Spellbook 15 1x Goblin spellbook
2950 2093 Trouble goblins 15 20x Goblin head
2926 1764 Ratman heads 15 15x Ratman head
2861 1956 Ratman hides 15 10x Ratman hide
2811 1533 Ratman Spell-cloak 15 1x Ratman spell-cloak which you can find at coordinates 3976 2461
4129 1923 Weird Mushroom 15 1x mushroom
661 2234 Gnoll heads 15 15x Gnoll head
3588 1388 Gnoll Hides 15 15x Gnoll hide
1105 2808 Shabooli water 15 6x water from shabooli oasis
559 2983 Kate 15 1x Arite vein, 3x small pieces of horazit, 2x horazit ore
2889 1446 Red alder 15 10x red alder log
5235 647 Hammer for Brandan 15
2027 1541 Ronto 15 Ronto's lost equipment
1620 2406 Stolen supplies 15 5x resources
1087 1434 A new scythe for a mortal 15
5762 3382 Warehouse monsters 15 1x assassins head, 2x black spider hide
856 3131 Damaged bridge at Medea City 15 150x logs, 50x morid logs, 10x stone, 1x saw a 1x hammer
3004 2480 Artur's friends 15 3 different quests - 10x thief shooters sash, the heads of the leaders of Alqarinque, 3 bat bodies west of Lios
3657 2346 Sick woman 16 Daecran 4271 1406
5478 1056 Imp's mushroom 17
1821 654 Snow fur 17 10x snow fur
1391 2135 Dryad Blossom 18 1x flower from Pixie
2556 2674 Nerubian Venom 18 1x Nerubian matriarch bottle
5346 3259 The Cursed Rulers 18 Mass-quest
2632 3321 Silver serpent 18
1604 1646 Endangered livestock 19
4227 1231 Valeria Grimshroud 20 Mysterious island - several separate quests
3941 1579 Falcor - lonely dragon 20
2889 1449 Stolen bow 20 Bring back the stolen bow and the whole party (up to 10 players) will be rewarded with skill points (EXP) - party quest.
1649 2398 Centaur heads 20 15x Centaur head
6195 884 Centaur hides 20 15x Centaur hide
2845 2721 Centaur Staff 20 1x Staff of Power
1266 1356 Centaur War-spear 20 1x Centaur War-spear
1305 3293 Dragon heads 20 1x Red dragon head, 1x Ice Dragon head, 1x Storm dragon head
1931 604 Wyvern child 20 1x red egg, 1x brown egg, 1x green egg
2376 284 Adalon 20 The biggest and hardest quest at Endor which consists of 6 quests and sub-quests.
5156 2811 Lost Marten 20 Marten is prison at Urut-Hai dungeon
5224 621 Slave Martin 20
1305 3293 Daemon heads 20 5x Daemon head
1757 570 Vampires 20 10x vampire bat's bone
850 2678 Air mastery book 20
2994 2216 Lost husband Martin 20
1609 2389 A dangerous cult 21 1x Yirydanu's hat
6091 2495 Manfred - Snake Gorge 23 20x serpent scale
6091 2495 Manfred - supplies 23 10x pickax, 20x but of rib, 5x bread loaf, 5x wheel of cheese
2194 2200 Lizardman hides 23 10x Lizardman hide
2266 2504 Lizardman King 25 1x Lizardman's crown
5645 2467 Hobgoblin hides 25 20x Hobgoblin hide
5663 2510 Hobgoblin heads 25 15x Hobgoblin head
1765 584 Hobgoblin crown 25 1x Hobgoblin crown
2524 1435 Jeweler 25
2872 3583 Fire elemental essence 25 1x fire essence
1765 604 Scaven 25 3 items from Scaven dungeon