Attr:Gemcutting/en: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
== Drahokamy ==
== Gemstones ==
=== Citrine ===
=== Citrine ===
This stone can be found almost on every corner. When cut, it doesn't have much practical use. It can only be placed in basic golems, perhaps. Beginner gem cutters use it to master the basic techniques of working with gemstones.
This stone can be found almost on every corner. When cut, it doesn't have much practical use. It can only be placed in basic golems, perhaps. Beginner gem cutters use it to master the basic techniques of working with gemstones.
Řádek 9: Řádek 8:
The finest-cut sapphire is widely used by druids for their transformation crystals. When embedded in a weapon, it grants the properties of an icy breath. In armor, it provides protection against cold, blizzards, and frost.
The finest-cut sapphire is widely used by druids for their transformation crystals. When embedded in a weapon, it grants the properties of an icy breath. In armor, it provides protection against cold, blizzards, and frost.

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=== Emerald ===
=== Emerald ===
Velice mocný drahokam. Pokud Vám ho řemeslník vloží do Vaší zbraně tak po zásahu protivník bude otráven. Ve zbroji Vás ochrání před hady a ostatní havětí která má k dispozici jedy a před monstry vysávajícími životní energii. Účinek ve zbroji je viditelný pouze pokud emerald opracuje zručnější klenotník.
A very powerful gemstone. If a craftsman embeds it into your weapon, your strikes will poison your opponents. In armor, it protects you from snakes and other creatures that use venom, as well as from monsters that drain life energy. The effect in armor becomes apparent only if the emerald is crafted by a skilled jeweler.

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=== Ruby ===
=== Ruby ===
Tento kámen po vložení do zbraně nažhaví její ostří a zle popalí toho, koho zasáhne Váš hněv. Ve zbroji ochrnání majitele před ohněm a popáleninami. Tento kámen má pro druidy stejné vlastnosti jako safír takže i v jejich krystalech ho dost často můžem vidět.
This stone, when embedded in a weapon, heats its blade and severely burns those struck by your wrath. In armor, it protects the wearer from fire and burns. For druids, this stone shares the same properties as a sapphire, making it a common component in their crystals as well.

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=== Amethyst ===
=== Amethyst ===
Přezdívá se kámen upírů. Ve zbrani má tento kámen pouze dekorativní charakter. Naopak ve zbroji Vás ochrání před krvácením po speciálních úderech a kouzlech a stejně jako emerald brání útokům vysávající vaší životní energii. Aby byl znát účinek tohoto kamene ve zbroji, musí jej opracovat již zručnější řemeslník.
Nicknamed the "Vampire's Stone," this gem serves a purely decorative purpose when placed in a weapon. However, in armor, it protects you from bleeding caused by special attacks and spells and, like the emerald, shields against life-draining assaults. For the stone's effects in armor to manifest, it must be crafted by a skilled artisan.

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=== Tourmaline ===
=== Tourmaline ===
Tento kámen je často nazýván kámen mistrů, protože právě na tomto kamenu často brusiči dovádějí své umení k dokonalosti.
This stone is often called the "Master's Stone" because gem cutters frequently use it to perfect their craft.

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=== Diamant ===
=== Diamant ===
Opravdovým mistrem vybroušený diamant používají zkušení druidi do přeměn v bájné draky, také mocní nekromanceři (např. Mocný Earl) tento kámen do svých holí vkládají a poté s nimi posillují své poskoky. Pokud vložíme diamant do zbraně, ta se stává skoro neviditelnou a její zásah téměř nejde odrazit. Ve zbroji přidává uživateli nejrůznější ochrany.
A diamond expertly cut by a true master is used by experienced druids for transformations into mythical dragons. Powerful necromancers (such as the mighty Earl) embed this gem into their staves to enhance their minions. When placed in a weapon, the diamond renders it nearly invisible, making its strikes almost impossible to deflect. In armor, it grants the wearer various forms of protection.

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==== Number of charges by cut ====
=== Number of charges by cut ====
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Řádek 65: Řádek 53:
| 36
| 36

Aktuální verze z 10. 1. 2025, 13:29



This stone can be found almost on every corner. When cut, it doesn't have much practical use. It can only be placed in basic golems, perhaps. Beginner gem cutters use it to master the basic techniques of working with gemstones.


The finest-cut sapphire is widely used by druids for their transformation crystals. When embedded in a weapon, it grants the properties of an icy breath. In armor, it provides protection against cold, blizzards, and frost.


A very powerful gemstone. If a craftsman embeds it into your weapon, your strikes will poison your opponents. In armor, it protects you from snakes and other creatures that use venom, as well as from monsters that drain life energy. The effect in armor becomes apparent only if the emerald is crafted by a skilled jeweler.


This stone, when embedded in a weapon, heats its blade and severely burns those struck by your wrath. In armor, it protects the wearer from fire and burns. For druids, this stone shares the same properties as a sapphire, making it a common component in their crystals as well.


Nicknamed the "Vampire's Stone," this gem serves a purely decorative purpose when placed in a weapon. However, in armor, it protects you from bleeding caused by special attacks and spells and, like the emerald, shields against life-draining assaults. For the stone's effects in armor to manifest, it must be crafted by a skilled artisan.


This stone is often called the "Master's Stone" because gem cutters frequently use it to perfect their craft.


A diamond expertly cut by a true master is used by experienced druids for transformations into mythical dragons. Powerful necromancers (such as the mighty Earl) embed this gem into their staves to enhance their minions. When placed in a weapon, the diamond renders it nearly invisible, making its strikes almost impossible to deflect. In armor, it grants the wearer various forms of protection.

Number of charges by cut

Cut Charges
large omc 99
medium omc 94
small omc 84
tiny omc 74
figure sapphire 59
octogun ruby 59
octogun emerald 51
brilliant cut diamond 36