Attr:Lockpicking/en: Porovnání verzí

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Lockpicking je skill na odomykanie zamknutých dverí a pokladov. Pre odomknutie budeš potrebovať buď {{Item|Lockpick}} alebo {{Item|Thin Lockpick}} (používa sa do dungu kvôli váhe). Pred odomykaním si nezabudni dať dole rukavice.

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Lockpicking is a skill used to unlock locked doors and treasures. To unlock them, you'll need either a {{Item|Lockpick}} or a {{Item|Thin Lockpick}} (used in dungeons due to its weight). Don't forget to take off your gloves before picking locks.
=== Ako trénovať? ===
Tréning prebieha tak, že tinker craft pripraví chesty so zámkom určitej obťiažnosti aj s kľúčom. Rouge potom použije kľúč na zamknutie bedne a následne používa lockpick až kým chestu neodomkne. Odporúča sa používať chestu +5 skill od aktuálneho skillu ktorý máš.
=== How to train? ===
Training involves the tinker crafting chests with locks of a specific difficulty, along with a key. The rogue then uses the key to lock the chest and subsequently uses a lockpick to unlock it. It is recommended to use a chest with a difficulty that is +5 skill above your current skill level.

Aktuální verze z 17. 1. 2025, 15:08

Lockpicking is a skill used to unlock locked doors and treasures. To unlock them, you'll need either a Lockpick (0x14FB) or a Thin Lockpick (0x14FC) (used in dungeons due to its weight). Don't forget to take off your gloves before picking locks.

How to train?

Training involves the tinker crafting chests with locks of a specific difficulty, along with a key. The rogue then uses the key to lock the chest and subsequently uses a lockpick to unlock it. It is recommended to use a chest with a difficulty that is +5 skill above your current skill level.