Translations:Dungeony/282/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „== Low-Level Dungeons == {| class="wikitable" |- ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Dungeon Name ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Level ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Restrictions ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Notes ! style=…“)
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Řádek 26: Řádek 26:
| '''<span id="Medea_Sewers"></span>Medea Sewers''' || '''0–17''' || Yes || 3 different entrances in Medea, all leading to the same area. || X:'''800''' Y:'''3172''' Z:'''-11'''<br>X:'''808''' Y:'''3439''' Z:'''-11'''<br>X:'''973''' Y:'''3372''' Z:'''-11'''
| '''<span id="Medea_Sewers"></span>Medea Sewers''' || '''0–17''' || Yes || 3 different entrances in Medea, all leading to the same area. || X:'''800''' Y:'''3172''' Z:'''-11'''<br>X:'''808''' Y:'''3439''' Z:'''-11'''<br>X:'''973''' Y:'''3372''' Z:'''-11'''
| '''<span id="Brigandi"></span>Brigandi''' || '''7–15''' || No || Entrance via the bridge northwest of Daugas. || X:'''2733''' Y:'''1912''' Z:'''0'''
| '''<span id="Brigandi"></span>Brigands''' || '''7–15''' || No || Entrance via the bridge northwest of Daugas. || X:'''2733''' Y:'''1912''' Z:'''0'''

Aktuální verze z 3. 2. 2025, 10:52

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Zdroj zprávy (Dungeony)
== Low level dungeony ==
{| class="wikitable"
! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Název dungeonu
! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Level
! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Omezení
! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Poznámky
! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Souřadnice
| '''<span id="Daugas_Sewers"></span>Daugas Sewers (stoky)''' || '''0–12''' || Ano || 3 různé vstupy, každý vede do jiné části dungeonu. || X:'''3093''' Y:'''2255''' Z:'''-1'''<br>X:'''3313''' Y:'''2254''' Z:'''-8'''<br>X:'''2943''' Y:'''2144''' Z:'''-10'''
| '''<span id="Gremlins_Cave"></span>Gremlins Cave''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Vstup v Daugasu. [ Video walkthrough] || X:'''3208''' Y:'''2039''' Z:'''20'''
| '''<span id="Mystic_Garden"></span>Mystical Garden (dg zahradka)''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Vstup nad guildou cleriků. || X:'''3299''' Y:'''2030''' Z:'''20'''
| '''<span id="Daugas_Catacombs"></span>Daugas Catacombs''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Nemrtví nepřátelé, doporučuje se silver zbraně nebo požehnání Paladina. || X:'''3008''' Y:'''2057''' Z:'''7'''
| '''<span id="Dark_Orc_Deep"></span>Dark Orc Deep (orčák)''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Hlavní vstup vedle Daugaského hradu, další vstupy lodí. || X:'''3070''' Y:'''2491''' Z:'''28'''<br>X:'''3195''' Y:'''2454''' Z:'''16'''
| '''<span id="Lios_Catacombs"></span>Lios Catacombs''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Vstup v Lioské věznici. || X:'''1734''' Y:'''528''' Z:'''-18'''
| '''<span id="Snow_Orc_Mine"></span>Snow Orc Mine (lios orci)''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Vstup v Lioském dole. [ Video walkthrough] || X:'''1946''' Y:'''654''' Z:'''0'''
| '''<span id="Sindhar_Prisons"></span>Sindhar Prisons''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || Vstup v Sindharu. || X:'''3221''' Y:'''2861''' Z:'''-3'''
| '''<span id="Medea_Sewers"></span>Medea Sewers''' || '''0–17''' || Ano || 3 různé vstupy v Medei, vedou do stejné oblasti. || X:'''800''' Y:'''3172''' Z:'''-11'''<br>X:'''808''' Y:'''3439''' Z:'''-11'''<br>X:'''973''' Y:'''3372''' Z:'''-11'''
| '''<span id="Brigandi"></span>Brigand Village''' || '''7–15''' || Ne || Vstup přes most severozápadně od Daugasu. || X:'''2733''' Y:'''1912''' Z:'''0'''

Low-Level Dungeons

Dungeon Name Level Restrictions Notes Coordinates
Daugas Sewers 0–12 Yes 3 different entrances, each leading to a separate part of the dungeon. X:3093 Y:2255 Z:-1
X:3313 Y:2254 Z:-8
X:2943 Y:2144 Z:-10
Gremlins Cave 0–17 Yes Entrance in Daugas. Video X:3208 Y:2039 Z:20
Mystic Garden 0–17 Yes Entrance above the cleric guild. X:3299 Y:2030 Z:20
Daugas Catacombs 0–17 Yes Undead enemies; silver weapons or a Paladin's blessing recommended. X:3008 Y:2057 Z:7
Dark Orc Deep 0–17 Yes Main entrance next to the Daugas castle, additional entrances accessible by boat. X:3070 Y:2491 Z:28
X:3195 Y:2454 Z:16
Lios Catacombs 0–17 Yes Entrance in the Lios prison. X:1734 Y:528 Z:-18
Snow Orc Mine 0–17 Yes Entrance in the Lios mine. Video X:1946 Y:654 Z:0
Sindhar Prisons 0–17 Yes Entrance in Sindhar. X:3221 Y:2861 Z:-3
Medea Sewers 0–17 Yes 3 different entrances in Medea, all leading to the same area. X:800 Y:3172 Z:-11
X:808 Y:3439 Z:-11
X:973 Y:3372 Z:-11
Brigands 7–15 No Entrance via the bridge northwest of Daugas. X:2733 Y:1912 Z:0