Attr:Alchemy/en: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
Alchemy is a passive skill required for making potions. Some professions have it in the foundation. It is mainly needed for [[Class:Rogue|Rogue]]. It can be increased by mixing potions and its maximum value by magic items.
Alchemy is a passive skill required for making potions. Some professions have it in the foundation. It is mainly needed for [[Class:Rogue|Rogue]]. It can be increased by mixing potions and its maximum value by magic items. The only class which is viable for Alchemy is [[Class:Craftsman|Craftsman]] because other classes can't mix all potions and other classes does have lowered success chance. Skill can be increased by wearing magic items for +alchemy.



Řádek 10: Řádek 10:
* You'll need a mortar and pestle, bottles/barrels, and lots of containers to mix potions.
* You'll need a mortar and pestle, bottles/barrels, and lots of containers to mix potions.
* Mixing can be done using recipes or by clicking on the mortar and reg.
* Mixing can be done using recipes or by clicking on the mortar and reg.
* The recipe can be obtained from most common vendors for 200 gp. You can write your recipe by preparing the number of regs in the mortar according to the recipe, opening the recipe and clicking on the mortar. It only depends on your skill whether you manage to write the recipe.
* The recipe can be obtained from most common vendors for 200 gp. You can write your recipe by preparing the number of regs in the mortar according to the recipe, opening the recipe and clicking on the mortar. It only depends on your skill whether you manage to write the recipe. Mixing through recipes is much better for increasing skill than from mortars.

== Recipes ==
== Recipes ==
Řádek 138: Řádek 139:
| Slows the target. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.
| Slows the target. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Vial of Softening'''
| '''Vial of Softening'''
| {{Reagents/List|2bk,2ob,sl}}
| {{Reagents/List|2bk,2ob,sl}}
| Snižuje armor, lze aplikovat na zbraně a vrhací zbraně.
| Reduces armor. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lesser Air Bomb'''
| '''Lesser Air Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|2bw,bp}}
| {{Reagents/List|2bw,bp}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt vzdušného zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds an air damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Air Bomb'''
| '''Air Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|4bw,bp,sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|4bw,bp,sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt vzdušného zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds an air damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Greater Air Bomb'''
| '''Greater Air Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|5bw,bp,sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|5bw,bp,2sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt vzdušného zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds an air damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lesser Ice Bomb'''
| '''Lesser Ice Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|2pi,bp}}
| {{Reagents/List|2pi,bp}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt ledového zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds an ice damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Ice Bomb'''
| '''Ice Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|4pi,bp,sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|4pi,bp,sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt ledového zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds an ice damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Greater Ice Bomb'''
| '''Greater Ice Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|5pi,bp,2sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|5pi,bp,2sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt ledového zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds an ice damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lesser Fire Bomb'''
| '''Lesser Fire Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|2va,bp}}
| {{Reagents/List|2va,bp}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt ohnivého zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds a fire damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Fire Bomb'''
| '''Fire Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|4va,bp,sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|4va,bp,sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt ohnivého zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds a fire damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Greater Fire Bomb'''
| '''Greater Fire Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|5va,bp,sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|5va,bp,2sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt ohnivého zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds a fire damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lesser Dirt Bomb'''
| '''Lesser Dirt Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|2fd,bp}}
| {{Reagents/List|2fd,bp}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt zemního zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds a ground damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Dirt Bomb'''
| '''Dirt Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|4fd,bp,sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|4fd,bp,sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt zemního zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds a ground damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Greater Dirt Bomb'''
| '''Greater Dirt Bomb'''
| {{Reagents/List|5fd,bp,2sa}}
| {{Reagents/List|5fd,bp,2sa}}
| Lze aplikovat na zbraně. Přidá efekt zemního zranění.
| Can be applied to weapons. Adds a ground damage effect.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
| '''Fresh Air'''
| '''Fresh Air'''
| {{Reagents/List|3db,mr,bp}}
| {{Reagents/List|3db,mr,bp}}
| ??
| Add immunity or cures active "choking" effect

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lektvar neviditelnosti'''
| '''Invisibility potion'''
| {{Reagents/List|4bw}}
| {{Reagents/List|4bw}}
| Po vypití dá hráči stealth, ve kterém může běžet, hráč může být detekován a jakákoli akce typu poškození nebo použití dovednosti ho odhalí. Lektvarové CD: 10 minut
| Once drunk, it gives the player stealth in which he can run. The player can be detected, and any damage type action or skill use will reveal them. Potion CD: 10 minutes

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lektvar zkamenění'''
| '''Petrification Potion'''
| {{Reagents/List|1db,2pi,2dw}}
| {{Reagents/List|2pi,2dw,db}}
| Zkamení hráče na 10 sekund. Po skončení efektu hráč utrpí standardní poškození, podobně jako při obdržení efektu zkamenění od nestvůry s touto schopností. Účinek zásahu PvP se ruší. Teleportace do helproomu a efekty vyvolání jsou zrušeny použitím lektvaru zkamenění. Lektvarové CD: 10 minut
| Petrify the player for 10 seconds. After the effect ends, the player takes standard damage, similar to receiving a petrification effect from a monster with this ability. PvP damage ends the effect. Helproom teleportation and summoning effects are canceled by using petrification potion. Potion CD: 10 minutes

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lektvar absorpce'''
| '''Absorption Potion'''
| {{Reagents/List|3ob,2sl}}
| {{Reagents/List|3ob,2sl}}
| Udělí absorbční efekt při síle 1x většího uzdravení na příslušné úrovni. Lektvarové CD: 10 minut
| Grants an absorption effect at the power of 1x greater heal at the appropriate level. Potion CD: 10 minutes

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lektvar volného pohybu'''
| '''Invulnerability potion'''
| {{Reagents/List|1bp,1mr}}
| {{Reagents/List|pu,2bn,3va,2ew,bt}}
| Uvolní hráče ze všech omezujících efektů a učiní hráče vůči nim imunní na 8 sekund. Lektvarové CD: 10 minut
| For 15s player gets reduced damage. Potion CD: 10 minutes

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Lektvar smrti'''
| '''Death Potion'''
| {{Reagents/List|6br}}
| {{Reagents/List|6br}}
| Po vypití lektvaru okamžitě zabije hráče, ten však ztratí jen polovinu zkušeností, které by jinak ztratil při běžné smrti. Nelze použít, pokud je hráč v efektu kontroly davu, jako je paralýza.
| After drinking the potion, it will instantly kill the player, but the player will only lose half the experience they would otherwise lose on a normal death. Cannot be used while the player is under a crowd control effect such as paralysis.
| '''Remedy potion'''
| {{Reagents/List|mr,bp}}
| Cures disease.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
| '''Crazy alchymistický lektvar'''
| '''Nightsight'''
| {{Reagents/List|2bn,1bt,2ew,1pu,3va}}
| {{Reagents/List|ss}}
| Během trvání lektvaru se ke každému jinému vypitému lektvaru přidá ještě 1 náhodný efekt lektvaru. Bude vybrán ze všech existujících lektvarů, pozitivních i negativních. Délka: 3 minuty, bez CD.
| Reduce the effects of darkness.

Aktuální verze z 4. 3. 2025, 17:43

Alchemy is a passive skill required for making potions. Some professions have it in the foundation. It is mainly needed for Rogue. It can be increased by mixing potions and its maximum value by magic items. The only class which is viable for Alchemy is Craftsman because other classes can't mix all potions and other classes does have lowered success chance. Skill can be increased by wearing magic items for +alchemy.

Mixing potions

  • Alchemists are artists creating lots of support potions, but also dangerous poisons and bombs. It is one of the voluminous professions.
  • You'll need a mortar and pestle, bottles/barrels, and lots of containers to mix potions.
  • Mixing can be done using recipes or by clicking on the mortar and reg.
  • The recipe can be obtained from most common vendors for 200 gp. You can write your recipe by preparing the number of regs in the mortar according to the recipe, opening the recipe and clicking on the mortar. It only depends on your skill whether you manage to write the recipe. Mixing through recipes is much better for increasing skill than from mortars.


Potion Ingredients Description
Lesser Heal

Ginseng (gi)


3xGinseng (gi)

Greater Heal

7xGinseng (gi)

Lesser Cure

Garlic (ga)

Cures potion

3xGarlic (ga)

Cures potion
Greater Cure

6xGarlic (ga)

Cures potion

Black Pearl (bp)

Restores stamina
Total Refresh

5xBlack Pearl (bp)

Restores stamina
Total Refresh

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Restores stamina
Lesser Poison

Nightshade (ns)

Poisons after drinking. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.

2xNightshade (ns)

Poisons after drinking. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.
Greater Poison

4xNightshade (ns)

Poisons after drinking. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.
Deadly Poison

8xNightshade (ns)

Poisons after drinking. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.

Blood Moss (bm)

Increase dexterity
Greater Agility

3xBlood Moss (bm)

Increase dexterity
Lesser Strength

Mandrake Root (mr)

Increase strength

2xMandrake Root (mr)

Increase strength
Greater Strength

5xMandrake Root (mr)

Increase strength

Mandrake Root (mr) Blood Moss (bm) Blood Spawn (bs)

Increase intelligence
Greater Intellect

3xMandrake Root (mr) 2xBlood Moss (bm) Blood Spawn (bs)

Increase intelligence
Lesser Mana

Ginseng (gi) 2xEye of Newt (ew)

Restores mana

Fertile Dirt (fd) Ginseng (gi) Eye of Newt (ew)

Restores mana
Greater Mana Restores mana. Obtaines only as a PvP reward.
Vial of Slowing

2xBlackmoor (bk) Dead Wood (dw)

Slows the target. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.
Vial of Softening

2xBlackmoor (bk) 2xObsidian (ob) Serpent Scale (sl)

Reduces armor. Can be applied to weapons and throwing weapons.
Lesser Air Bomb

2xBatwing (bw) Black Pearl (bp)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds an air damage effect.
Air Bomb

4xBatwing (bw) Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds an air damage effect.
Greater Air Bomb

5xBatwing (bw) Black Pearl (bp) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds an air damage effect.
Lesser Ice Bomb

2xPig Iron (pi) Black Pearl (bp)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds an ice damage effect.
Ice Bomb

4xPig Iron (pi) Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds an ice damage effect.
Greater Ice Bomb

5xPig Iron (pi) Black Pearl (bp) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds an ice damage effect.
Lesser Fire Bomb

2xVolcanic Ash (va) Black Pearl (bp)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds a fire damage effect.
Fire Bomb

4xVolcanic Ash (va) Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds a fire damage effect.
Greater Fire Bomb

5xVolcanic Ash (va) Black Pearl (bp) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds a fire damage effect.
Lesser Dirt Bomb

2xFertile Dirt (fd) Black Pearl (bp)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds a ground damage effect.
Dirt Bomb

4xFertile Dirt (fd) Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds a ground damage effect.
Greater Dirt Bomb

5xFertile Dirt (fd) Black Pearl (bp) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Can be applied to weapons. Adds a ground damage effect.
Fresh Air

3xDaemon's Bone (db) Mandrake Root (mr) Black Pearl (bp)

Add immunity or cures active "choking" effect
Invisibility potion

4xBatwing (bw)

Once drunk, it gives the player stealth in which he can run. The player can be detected, and any damage type action or skill use will reveal them. Potion CD: 10 minutes
Petrification Potion

2xPig Iron (pi) 2xDead Wood (dw) Daemon's Bone (db)

Petrify the player for 10 seconds. After the effect ends, the player takes standard damage, similar to receiving a petrification effect from a monster with this ability. PvP damage ends the effect. Helproom teleportation and summoning effects are canceled by using petrification potion. Potion CD: 10 minutes
Absorption Potion

3xObsidian (ob) 2xSerpent Scale (sl)

Grants an absorption effect at the power of 1x greater heal at the appropriate level. Potion CD: 10 minutes
Invulnerability potion

Pumice (pu) 2xBone (bn) 3xVolcanic Ash (va) 2xEye of Newt (ew) Brimstone (bt)

For 15s player gets reduced damage. Potion CD: 10 minutes
Death Potion

6xBlood Reagent (br)

After drinking the potion, it will instantly kill the player, but the player will only lose half the experience they would otherwise lose on a normal death. Cannot be used while the player is under a crowd control effect such as paralysis.
Remedy potion

Mandrake Root (mr) Black Pearl (bp)

Cures disease.

Spider's Silk (ss)

Reduce the effects of darkness.