Rasy/en: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:

The selection of one of the five possible races takes place immediately after the creation of the character, but before entering the world. This is a crucial step that directs the character towards his destiny.
The selection of one of the five possible races takes place immediately after the creation of the character, but before entering the world. This is a crucial step that directs the character towards his destiny.

The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, [[Povolání|which class you want to pursue]], and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.
The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, {{ll|Povolání|which class you want to pursue}}, and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.

Řádek 12: Řádek 12:
Humans are a diverse race that has penetrated into various fields, but can only excel in some. Humans are a fairly powerful race, though no match for orcs. Among the people we find a number of brave and passionate warriors who often choose the path of the paladin. On the other hand, among the people we also find a lot of feared killers and thieves. Many find their way to nature and become druids or sometimes rangers, some choose a spiritual path and enter monasteries to become priests.
Humans are a diverse race that has penetrated into various fields, but can only excel in some. Humans are a fairly powerful race, though no match for orcs. Among the people we find a number of brave and passionate warriors who often choose the path of the paladin. On the other hand, among the people we also find a lot of feared killers and thieves. Many find their way to nature and become druids or sometimes rangers, some choose a spiritual path and enter monasteries to become priests.

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Humans are a fairly versatile race, although in terms of dexterity and intelligence they are only average. They rarely pursue a purely magical profession.
Lidé jsou poměrně univerzální rasa, i když co se týče obratnosti a inteligence, jsou jen průměrní. Málokdy se věnují ryze magickému povolání.

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People are traditionally resourceful, manual dexterous and a lot of business. Human artisans are legendary among others.
Lidé jsou tradičně vynalézaví, manuálně zruční a hodně se věnují obchodu. Lidští řemeslníci jsou mezi jinými pověstní.

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|+ Vlastnosti rasy
|+ Race Traits
| Síla || Nadprůměrná
| Strength || Above average
| Obratnost || Průměrná
| Dexterity || Average
| Inteligence || Průměrná
| Intelligence || Average

== Half-Elf ==
== Half-Elf ==
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Half-breeds of humans and elves combine and average their traits. In general, half-elves are suited for the same occupations that humans and elves are suited for at the same time. Due to elven blood, they tend not to be as skilled warriors as humans, and on the contrary, due to human heritage, they do not excel in more difficult magic like elves - half-elven mages are almost non-existent.
Míšenci lidí a elfů kombinují a průměrují jejich vlastnosti. Obecně se half-elfové hodí pro stejná povolání, pro která se hodí lidé a elfové zároveň. Díky elfí krvi nebývají tak zdatnými válečníky jako lidé a naopak díky lidskému dědictví nevynikají moc v obtížnejší magii jako elfové - mágové half-elfové takřka neexistují.

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|+ Vlastnosti rasy
|+ Race Traits
| Síla || Průměrná
| Strength || Average
| Obratnost || Vysoká
| Dexterity || High
| Inteligence || Nadprůměrná
| Intelligence || Above average

== Elf ==
== Elf ==
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A very widespread race that in recent years has been competing with humans for the "all-rounder" label. At first, the elves were mainly engaged in magic and taking care of the forests, but gradually they began to penetrate into various fields and were able to establish themselves very well in them.
Velice rozšířená rasa, která v posledních letech soupeří s lidmi o označení “všestranná”. Zpočátku se elfové věnovali převážně magii a starali se o lesy, postupně ale začali pronikat do nejrůznějších oborů a dokázali se v nich velmi dobře prosadit.

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Elves are not as strong and durable as humans, but they make up for it with their renowned agility. In addition, they tend to be very intelligent and have a talent for magic, so their application is really wide.
Elfové nejsou tak silní a odolní jako třeba lidé, ale dokáží to dobře vyrovnávat svou proslulou obratností. Navíc bývají velice inteligentní a mají nadání pro magii, takže jejich uplatnění je opravdu široké.

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The traditional profession of elves is ranger. But among the elves there are also a number of excellent mages, druids, priests and heretics, rogues. Elven warriors, on the other hand, are almost impossible to spot - when an elf longs for this path, he usually becomes a druid. Elven necromancers are virtually non-existent, as elves have an innate aversion to this type of magic.
Tradiční povolání elfů je ranger. Mezi elfy je ale také řada vynikajících mágů, druidů, kněží i heretiků, roguů. Naopak téměř nelze zahlédnout elfí válečníky - když už elf touží po této cestě, většinou se stane druidem. Prakticky vůbec neexistují elfí nekromanceři, protože elfové cítí k tomuto druhu magie vrozený odpor.

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|+ Vlastnosti rasy
|+ Race Traits
| Síla || Podprůměrná
| Strength || Below average
| Obratnost || Velmi vysoká
| Dexterity || Very high
| Inteligence || Vysoká
| Intelligence || High

== Orc ==
== Orc ==
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By far the strongest and most tenacious of all the races. Orcs are not very dexterous and intelligent, they have a reputation as cruel primitives, but one cannot deny their courage and loyalty to their clan. Orcs tend to be great warriors and generally avoid academic disciplines because they consider them weaklings.
Zdaleka nejsilnější a nejhouževnatější ze všech ras. Orkové nejsou příliš obratní a inteligentní, mají pověst krutých primitivů, kterým se ovšem nedá upřít odvaha a věrnost svému klanu. Orkové bývají skvělí válečníci a vzdělaneckým disciplínám se zpravidla vyhýbají, neboť je považují za slabošské.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
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|+ Vlastnosti rasy
|+ Race Traits
| Síla || Velmi vysoká
| Strength || Very high
| Obratnost || Nízká
| Dexterity || Low
| Inteligence || Velmi nízká
| Intelligence || Very low

== Drow ==
== Drow ==
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The drow are a very proud and closed race. They value an individual's intellectual abilities and knowledge the most, and in their desire for knowledge they are willing to cross all boundaries. It is a nation primarily of mages and necromancers, many drow can also be found in the ranks of heretics and priests. This is by far the most intelligent race. Drow tend to be smaller and physically weaker, but they are relatively agile.
Drowové jsou velice pyšná a uzavřená rasa. U jedince si cení nejvíce jeho intelektuálních schopností a vědomostí a ve své touze po poznání jsou ochotni překračovat všechny hranice. Je to národ především mágů a nekromancerů, mnoho drowů lze také najít v řadách heretiků a kněží. Jedná se o zdaleka nejinteligentnější rasu. Drowové bývají drobnější a fyzicky slabší, zato jsou poměrně obratní.

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
{| class="wikitable"
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|+ Vlastnosti rasy
|+ Race Traits
| Síla || Velmi nízká
| Strength || Very low
| Obratnost || Nadprůměrná
| Dexterity || Above average
| Inteligence || Velmi vysoká
| Intelligence || Very high

Aktuální verze z 12. 3. 2025, 00:11

The selection of one of the five possible races takes place immediately after the creation of the character, but before entering the world. This is a crucial step that directs the character towards his destiny.

The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, which class you want to pursue, and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.


Humans are a diverse race that has penetrated into various fields, but can only excel in some. Humans are a fairly powerful race, though no match for orcs. Among the people we find a number of brave and passionate warriors who often choose the path of the paladin. On the other hand, among the people we also find a lot of feared killers and thieves. Many find their way to nature and become druids or sometimes rangers, some choose a spiritual path and enter monasteries to become priests.

Humans are a fairly versatile race, although in terms of dexterity and intelligence they are only average. They rarely pursue a purely magical profession.

People are traditionally resourceful, manual dexterous and a lot of business. Human artisans are legendary among others.

Race Traits
Strength Above average
Dexterity Average
Intelligence Average


Half-breeds of humans and elves combine and average their traits. In general, half-elves are suited for the same occupations that humans and elves are suited for at the same time. Due to elven blood, they tend not to be as skilled warriors as humans, and on the contrary, due to human heritage, they do not excel in more difficult magic like elves - half-elven mages are almost non-existent.

Race Traits
Strength Average
Dexterity High
Intelligence Above average


A very widespread race that in recent years has been competing with humans for the "all-rounder" label. At first, the elves were mainly engaged in magic and taking care of the forests, but gradually they began to penetrate into various fields and were able to establish themselves very well in them.

Elves are not as strong and durable as humans, but they make up for it with their renowned agility. In addition, they tend to be very intelligent and have a talent for magic, so their application is really wide.

The traditional profession of elves is ranger. But among the elves there are also a number of excellent mages, druids, priests and heretics, rogues. Elven warriors, on the other hand, are almost impossible to spot - when an elf longs for this path, he usually becomes a druid. Elven necromancers are virtually non-existent, as elves have an innate aversion to this type of magic.

Race Traits
Strength Below average
Dexterity Very high
Intelligence High


By far the strongest and most tenacious of all the races. Orcs are not very dexterous and intelligent, they have a reputation as cruel primitives, but one cannot deny their courage and loyalty to their clan. Orcs tend to be great warriors and generally avoid academic disciplines because they consider them weaklings.

Race Traits
Strength Very high
Dexterity Low
Intelligence Very low


The drow are a very proud and closed race. They value an individual's intellectual abilities and knowledge the most, and in their desire for knowledge they are willing to cross all boundaries. It is a nation primarily of mages and necromancers, many drow can also be found in the ranks of heretics and priests. This is by far the most intelligent race. Drow tend to be smaller and physically weaker, but they are relatively agile.

Race Traits
Strength Very low
Dexterity Above average
Intelligence Very high