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(založena nová stránka s textem „用于生产配备有魔法符文文字的物品的卷轴。它用于现成的可插座物品。符文词可以增强物品中嵌入的符文/宝石的效果。“)
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(Není zobrazeno 5 mezilehlých verzí od 3 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 10: Řádek 10:
== Runes ==
== Runes ==
魔法符文有不同的效果,你会在识别( <code>item id</code> )后发现。它们从所有怪物身上掉落,稀有符文仅从特定等级的怪物身上掉落。它们可以插入可插入的东西(宝石切割工具)中。通过正确组合这些符文,可以获得符文之语 - 该物品因此获得额外的属性。如果符文之字要工作,就必须没有空闲的套接字。
魔法符文有不同的效果,你会在识别( <code>item id</code> )后发现。它们从所有怪物身上掉落,稀有符文仅从特定等级的怪物身上掉落。它们可以插入可插入的东西(宝石切割工具)中。通过正确组合这些符文,可以获得符文之语 - 该物品因此获得额外的属性。如果符文之字要工作,就必须没有空闲的套接字。

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Runa
! Runa
! Slot
! Vlastnost
! Pozice
! Bonus
! Bonus
! Small
! Medium
! Large
| faster cast rate
| faster cast rate
| 1,6-2,6
| 1,6+
| -
| -2,6
| weapon
| weapon
| blunt damage
| blunt damage
| 1
| 1-2
| 1-2
| 2
| armor
| armor
| blunt resist
| blunt resist
| 3-5
| 3
| 4-5
| EL
| EL
| durability
| durability
| 26-50%
| 26-50%
| cleave
| cleave
| 2,2-4
| 2,2+
| -
| -4
| magery
| magery
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| max mana
| max mana
| 5-8
| 5-6
| 7-8
| weapon
| weapon
| penetrate
| penetrate
| 3-6
| 3-4
| 5-6
| armor
| armor
| armor
| armor
| 5-8
| 5-6
| 7-8
| hp regen
| HP regeneration
| 0,5-1
| 0,5-0,6
| 0,6-0,8
| 0,8-1
| summon control
| SC (summon control)
| 1
| 1
| IO
| IO
| weapon
| weapon
| lightning damage
| lightning damage
| 0,5-2
| 0,1-1
| 1,1-2
| 2
| armor
| armor
| lightning resist
| lightning resist
| 3-5
| 3
| 4-5
| shock resist
| shock resist
| 2-6
| 3
| 4-5
| 6
| intelligence
| intelligence
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| armor penetration
| armor penetration
| 2,2-4
| 2,2+
| -
| -4
| KO
| KO
| animallore
| animallore
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| aim + archery
| aim + archery
| 1-3 + 2-4
| 4 together
| 5+ together
| weapon
| weapon
| spell damage
| spell damage
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| armor
| armor
| magicresistance
| magicresistance
| 1,2-2
| 1,2-1,5
| 1,5-1,9
| 1,9-2
| LO
| LO
| wisdom
| wisdom
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| weapon
| weapon
| spell damage
| spell damage
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| armor
| armor
| evaluatingintelligence
| evaluatingintelligence
| 1,2-2
| 1,2-1,5
| 1,5-2
| neni
| max hp
| max hp
| 2-6
| 2
| 3-5
| 6
| evaluatingintelligence + magicresistance
| evaluatingintelligence + magicresistance
| 1-3 + 2-4
| 4 together
| 5+ together
| dexterity
| dexterity
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| critical strike
| critical strike
| 2,2-4
| 2,2-2,7
| 3,6-4,0
| weapon
| weapon
| weapon enchantment
| weapon enchantment
| lesser/greater
| lesser
| greater
| armor
| armor
| melee resist
| melee resist
| 1-3
| 4-6 together
| 7-9 together
| 10-12 together
| weapon
| weapon
| blade damage
| blade damage
| 1
| 1-2
| 1-2
| 2
| armor
| armor
| blade resist
| blade resist
| 3-5
| 3
| 4-5
| stam regen
| stamina regeneration
| 0,7-2
| 0,7-1,1
| 1,2-1,6
| 1,7-2
| clear mind
| clear mind
| 2,2-4
| 2,2+
| -
| -4
| weapon
| weapon
| pierce damage
| pierce damage
| 1
| 1-2
| 1-2
| 2
| armor
| armor
| pierce resist
| pierce resist
| 3-5
| 3-4
| 5-6
| anatomy + healing
| anatomy + healing
| 1-3 + 1-3
| 4 together
| 5+ together
| veterinary
| veterinary
| 1-3
| 1+
| -
| -3
| strength
| strength
| 1-3
| 1
| 2
| 3
| UM
| UM
| mana regen
| mana regeneration
| 0,5-1
| 0,5-0,6
| 0,6-0,8
| 0,8-1
| tactics + strength
| tactics + strength
| 2-4 + 1-3
| 4 together
| 5+ together
| durability
| durability
| 9900%
| 9900%
== Runeword scroll ==
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
== Runewordy ==
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Jsou svitky, ze kterých si vytvoříte itemy podobající se unikátům. Padnout mohou z NPC, map pokladů, sosek i pokladů v dungeonech.
* Runy musí být v předmětu vloženy v přesném pořadí určeném na svitku, jinak runový svitek nepůjde použít.
* Mějte prosím na paměti, že vlastnosti RW ve vloženém itemu mohou být různé, záleží na síle jednotlivých run a taky na štěstí. Nezapomeňte RW tvořit za crafta, který má 100 itemid.
* Několik RW není vyplněno. Jsou to ty, které nebyly nijak upraveny. Jestli máte vyfocené vlastnosti RW, které v tomto výpisu chybí, pošlete, prosím, PM na DC Harry.
=== Accuracy ===
Runy: '''KOL ZOD SOL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Large '''
9900% durability
3% archery
5 pierce resist
12% aim
4% blades
=== Adamant ===
Runy: '''SOL DOL PUL ZOD'''
Slot: Armor
''' Large '''
9900% durability
19 blade resist
18 blunt resist
19 pierce resist
18 claws resist
=== Ancient pledge ===
Runy: '''GUL IST SOL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
9 armor
5 defense
7% parry
28 shock resist
20 pierce resist
10 heat resist
10 cold resist
10 air resist
10 earth resist
7% tactics
=== Animal ===
Runy: '''RAL THUL MAL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
4,1% veterinary
5 maximum hitpoints
1,5x faster stamina regeneration
''' Medium '''
6,1% veterinary
11 maximum hitpoints
2,4x faster stamina regeneration
=== Balance ===
Runy: '''LO ETH MAR'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
2% magicresistance
7 wis
0,4 faster mana regeneration
2,1% magery
2,9% evaluatingintelligence
''' Large '''
4% magicresistance
13 wis
0,4 faster mana regeneration
3,1% magery
3,2% evaluatingintelligence
=== Blessed ===
Runy: '''SUR SUR FAL IST'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
''' Large '''
=== Brutality ===
Runy: '''ELD GUL VEX RAL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
9 armor
5 defense
1 str
12,7 cleave
4% tactics
2,1 faster stamina regeneration
''' Large '''
13 armor
7 defense
3 str
15,1 cleave
6% tactics
3 faster stamina regeneration
=== Bull's eye ===
Runy: '''NEF SOL KOL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
10% archery
6 dex
4% aim
10 pierce resist
=== Captain ===
Runy: '''TIR EL RAL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
34% durability
4 con
3 str
4% tactics
1 dex
1,5x faster stamina regeneration
''' Medium '''
34% durability
6 con
6 str
6% tactics
1 dex
2.4x faster stamina regeneration
=== Cleric ===
Runy: '''FAL ITH LEM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
5 maximum mana
1 int
1,4% magicresistance
4% healing
4% magery
4% anatomy
''' Medium '''
6 maximum mana
2 int
1,7% magicresistance
4% healing
5% magery
7% anatomy
=== Concentration ===
Runy: '''LUM ITH MAR'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Medium '''
54% durability
2% magicresistance
11% spell damage
4% evaluatingintelligence
4 int
''' Large '''
XX% durability
XX% magicresistance
15% spell damage
XX% evaluatingintelligence
XX int
=== Cure ===
Runy: '''RAL NEF HEL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
50 poison resist
5 harm resist
5 dex
1,5 faster stamina regeneration
1,4 faster hitponts regeneration
''' Medium '''
72 poison resist
10 harm resist
7 dex
2.6 faster stamina regeneration
2,4 faster hitponts regeneration
=== Death's advance ===
Runy: '''NEF VEX PUL GUL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
7 armor
300% durability
5 defense
6 dex
5 str
8% tactics
4% magery
8 blade resist
''' Large '''
12 armor
400% durability
8 defense
9 dex
10% tactics
6% magery
12 blade resist
=== Dexterity ===
Runy: '''NEF ZOD IST RAL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Large '''
=== Domination ===
Runy: '''ITH AMN OHM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
5 int
6,7% faster cast rate
6,4% critical strike
''' Large '''
6 int
8,6% faster cast rate
6,8% critical strike
=== Elements ===
Runy: '''IST IO MAL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
4 shock resist
4 maximum hitpoints
19 earth resist
20 air resist
17 cold resist
17 heat resist
24 lightning resist
=== Focus ===
Runy: '''LEM EL ITH'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Small '''
79% durability
3,2% evaluatinginteligence
1,9% magery
3 int
4% spell damage
''' Medium '''
87% durability
6,3% evaluatinginteligence
2,8% magery
4 int
5% spell damage
=== Forgiveness ===
Runy: '''SHAEL FAL ITH'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
6 maximum mana
1 int
4% magery
3,4 clear mind
5 maximum hitpoints
''' Medium '''
7 maximum mana
2 int
7% magery
4 clear mind
8 maximum hitpoints
=== Fountain ===
Runy: '''UM FAL'''
Slot: Armor/weapon
''' Small '''
23 maximum mana
1 fastermana regeneration
''' Medium '''
34 maximum mana
1,2 fastermana regeneration
''' Large '''
36 maximum mana
1,9 fastermana regeneration
=== Free will ===
Runy: '''IST LEM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
20 shock resist
5.1% magicresistance
''' Medium '''
22 shock resist
6.2% magicresistance
=== Fury ===
Runy: '''TIR ORT GUL EL'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Medium '''
Lesser enchantment
6 damage
534% durability
8 to penetrate
3 dex
''' Large '''
Greater enchantment
8 damage
634% durability
9 to penetrate
9 str
4 dex
=== Health ===
Runy: '''MAL EL HEL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
34% durability
6 poison resist
4 harm resist
10 draining resist
50 disease resist
14 maximum hitpoins
1,8x faster hitpoints regeneration
''' Medium '''
34% durability
9 poison resist
10 harm resist
10 draining resist
60 disease resist
21 maximum hitpoins
2,7x faster hitpoints regeneration
=== Holy thunder ===
Runy: '''ZOD ORT IO LEM'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Large '''
Greater enchantment
7 damage
9900% durability
8% spell damage
7 lightning resist
2 lightning damage
=== Hunter ===
Runy: '''NEF KOL IO SOL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
''' Large '''
=== Immunity ===
Runy: '''SUR MAL GUL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
12 armor
7 defense
2% anatomy
2% healing
54 disease resist
9 poison resist
6 cold resist
11 maximum hitpoints
6 harm resist
6 draining resist
''' Large '''
16 armor
9 defense
3% anatomy
81 disease resist
13 poison resist
10 cold resist
21 maximum hitpoints
9 harm resist
8 draining resist
=== Intelligence ===
Runy: '''ITH ZOD FAL UM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Large '''
=== Leech ===
Runy: '''PUL VEX ORT'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Medium '''
Lesser enchantment
4 damage
400% durability
3% tactics
5 str
1-2 blade damage
16% hp leeching
=== Mage ===
Runy: '''ITH FAL LUM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
6 maximum mana
2 int
3.5% meditation
2.1% EI
''' Medium '''
10 maximum mana
4 int
5% meditation
2,7% EI
=== Master ===
Runy: '''ITH CHAM MAR UM'''
Slot: Armor/weapon
''' Large '''
4% magicresistance
3 summon commanding
4% evaluatingintelligence
1,9 faster mana regeneration
=== Mind ===
Runy: '''LUM LUM SHAEL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
8,8 evaluatingintelligence
8% magicresistance
14,5% clear mind
=== Penetration ===
Runy: '''JAH GUL ORT TIR'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
9 armor
6 defense
3 blade resist
3 blunt resist
2 pierce resist
1 claws resist
14,5% armor penetration
6 str
5% axes
''' Large '''
12 armor
7 defense
3 blade resist
3 blunt resist
3 pierce resist
2 claws resist
15.4% armor penetration
8 str
5% axes
=== Phoenix ===
Runy: '''LEM MAL OHM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
47 heat resist
5,9% magicresistance
11 maximum hitpoints
8,4% critical strike
=== Rock ===
Runy: '''PUL DOL SOL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
6 armor
300% durability
3 defense
3% parry
1 maximum hitpoins
5 blade resist
6 pierce resist
7 blunt resist
4 claws resist
''' Medium '''
9 armor
400% durability
6 defense
4% parry
2 maximum hitpoins
8 blade resist
6 pierce resist
8 blunt resist
5 claws resist
=== Savagery ===
Runy: '''KO TIR THUL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
6% animallore
5% wrestling
4% veterinary
5 str
5% magicresistance
''' Large '''
11% animallore
8% wrestling
4% veterinary
9 str
6% magicresistance
=== Scorpion ===
Runy: '''emerald EL'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Medium '''
=== Shadow ===
Runy: '''NEF IO'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
3 lightning resist
3% stealth
3% hiding
3 dex
4 harm resist
4 draining resist
+3 hiding bonus
''' Medium '''
5 lightning resist
5% stealth
4% hiding
5 dex
8 harm resist
8 draining resist
+5 hiding bonus
=== Sharpness ===
Runy: '''OHM NEF KOL LEM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
2% aim
2% archery
13,3% critical strike
4 dex
6% magicresistnace
''' Large '''
3% aim
4% archery
17,2% critical strike
6 dex
8% magicresistnace
=== Steadiness ===
Runy: '''NEF SOL IST'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
3 shock resist
4,1% aim
9 pierce resist
4 dex
0,5x faster stamina regeneration
''' Medium '''
4 shock resist
6,3% aim
13 pierce resist
5 dex
1,2x faster stamina regeneration
=== Storm ===
Runy: '''IO MAL TIR'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
1% spell damage
15 lightning resist
7 maximum hitpoints
5 maximum mana
4 str
5 dex
4 int
''' Large '''
2% spell damage
20 lightning resist
10 maximum hitpoints
8 maximum mana
6 str
7 dex
7 int
=== Stream ===
Runy: '''TIR FAL EL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
134% durability
5 str
4% tactics
3% magery
7 maximum mana
''' Medium '''
184% durability
8 str
5% tactics
5% magery
11 maximum mana
=== Strength ===
Runy: '''TIR ZOD MAL GUL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Large '''
12 armor
9900% durability
7 defense
6 maximum hitpoints
31 str
=== Summoner ===
Runy: '''ITH UM FAL'''
Slot: Armor/weapon
''' Medium '''
2 int
6 maximum mana
1 summon commanding
=== Tireless ===
Runy: '''ORT TIR EL'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Medium '''
Lesser enchantment
4 damage
734% durability
8 str
16 stamina draining
=== Titan ===
Runy: '''TIR VEX ZOD GUL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Large '''
=== Trance ===
Runy: '''ITH IO ITH'''
Slot: Armor/weapon
''' Small '''
4% meditation
3 int
5 lightning resist
''' Medium '''
6% meditation
7 int
8 lightning resist
''' Large '''
8.9% meditation
12 int
9 lightning resist
=== Treachery ===
Runy: '''ITH ETH'''
Slot: Armor
''' Small '''
1 int
3% magery
4% parry
2,8 faster cast rate
''' Medium '''
2 int
5% magery
5% parry
4,2 faster cast rate
=== Viper ===
Runy: '''EL ORT GUL'''
Slot: Weapon
''' Medium '''
100% chance lesserpoison
Lesser enchantment
2 damage
667% durability
5 to penetrate
18 poison resist
''' Large '''
100% chance lesserpoison
Greater enchantment
4 damage
825% durability
6 to penetrate
22 poison resist
=== Weapon mastery ===
Runy: '''VEX TIR EL'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
34% durability
6 str
4% tactics
7% axes
7% blades
7% macefighting
7% polearms
7% spears
7% staves
7% swordsmanship
''' Large '''
34% durability
9 str
5% tactics
9% axes
9% blades
9% macefighting
9% polearms
9% spears
9% staves
9% swordsmanship
=== Wizard ===
Runy: '''ETH ITH LUM'''
Slot: Armor
''' Medium '''
3,1% evaluatingintelligence
6 int
4% magery
''' Large '''
5,8% evaluatingintelligence
6 int
6% magery

Aktuální verze z 14. 3. 2025, 19:13





魔法符文有不同的效果,你会在识别( item id )后发现。它们从所有怪物身上掉落,稀有符文仅从特定等级的怪物身上掉落。它们可以插入可插入的东西(宝石切割工具)中。通过正确组合这些符文,可以获得符文之语 - 该物品因此获得额外的属性。如果符文之字要工作,就必须没有空闲的套接字。


Runa Foto Pozice Bonus Small Medium Large
AMN faster cast rate 1,6+ - -2,6
DOL weapon blunt damage 1 1-2 2
armor blunt resist 3 4-5
EL durability 26-50%
ELD cleave 2,2+ - -4
ETH magery 1 2 3
FAL max mana 5-6 7-8
GUL weapon penetrate 3-4 5-6
armor armor 5-6 7-8
HEL HP regeneration 0,5-0,6 0,6-0,8 0,8-1
CHAM SC (summon control) 1
IO weapon lightning damage 0,1-1 1,1-2 2
armor lightning resist 3 4-5
IST shock resist 3 4-5 6
ITH intelligence 1 2 3
JAH armor penetration 2,2+ - -4
KO animallore 1 2 3
KOL aim + archery 4 together 5+ together
LEM weapon spell damage 1 2 3
armor magicresistance 1,2-1,5 1,5-1,9 1,9-2
LO wisdom 1 2 3
LUM weapon spell damage 1 2 3
armor evaluatingintelligence 1,2-1,5 1,5-2 neni
MAL max hp 2 3-5 6
MAR evaluatingintelligence + magicresistance 4 together 5+ together
NEF dexterity 1 2 3
OHM critical strike 2,2-2,7 3,6-4,0
ORT weapon weapon enchantment lesser greater
armor melee resist 4-6 together 7-9 together 10-12 together
PUL weapon blade damage 1 1-2 2
armor blade resist 3 4-5
RAL stamina regeneration 0,7-1,1 1,2-1,6 1,7-2
SHAEL clear mind 2,2+ - -4
SOL weapon pierce damage 1 1-2 2
armor pierce resist 3-4 5-6
SUR anatomy + healing 4 together 5+ together
THUL veterinary 1+ - -3
TIR strength 1 2 3
UM mana regeneration 0,5-0,6 0,6-0,8 0,8-1
VEX tactics + strength 4 together 5+ together
ZOD durability 9900%