Speedruny/en: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 3: Řádek 3:

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== Process ==
== Průběh ==
* To record the time to complete a dungeon, anyone in the party needs to click on the blue lantern located at the end of the dungeon (mostly near the treasures).
* Pro zaznamenání času dojití dungeonu je potřeba, aby kdokoliv z party poklikal na modrou lucernu nacházející se na konci dungeonu (většinou u pokladů).
* In order for a dungeon run to be recorded in the hall of fame, it is necessary to be a member of any guild.
* Aby se dungeon běh zapsal do síně slávy, je potřeba být v guildě.
* Points for passing dungeons are awarded to each character separately. According to the number of points earned in one season, players will receive a one-time reward, after which the season points will be reset. Top results are kept in the history table.
* Body za průchody dungeonů se připisují každé postavě zvlášť. Podle počtu získaných bodů v jedné sezóně hráči dostanou jednorázově reward, potom se sezónní body resetují. Top výsledky jsou ale drženy v historické tabulce.
* The system is safe against things like "pre-clearing" the dungeon. Once a speedrun has started, it cannot be reset even by running into the dungeon again. Additionally, if there are too many people hanging around the dungeon (such as another party clearing out the dungeon), the time at the end of the dungeon will not be saved.
* Systém je ošetřen proti věcem jako “předvybíjení” dungeonu. Jakmile speedrun začne, nelze jej zresetovat ani opětovným naběhnutím do dungeonu. Navíc, pokud se kolem dungeonu bude motat moc lidí (například jiná parta, která kus dungeonu vybije), čas na konci dungeonu se neuloží.
* The results and location of guild runs are visible on the entrance obelisk for each dungeon. Therefore you can check what the fastest time was before entering.
* Výsledky a umístění guildovních běhů jsou pro každý dungeon viditelné na vstupním obelisku. Můžete si tedy před vstupem zkontrolovat, jaký byl nejrychlejší čas.

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== Conditions for time records ==
== Podmínky pro zapsání času ==
* The entire group of players must be from the same guild, ie. if there is one person in the party without a guild or from another guild, the run will not be valid.
* Celá parta hráčů musí být z jedné guildy, tzn. pokud je v partě jeden člověk bez guildy nebo z jiné guildy, běh nebude platný.
* There can´t be more than 10 players in the dungeon (at any time during the entire run!).
* V dungeonu nesmí být více jak 10 hráčů (kdykoliv během celého běhu!).
* No more than 120 minutes have passed since entering the final lantern.
* Od vstupu do poklikání na finální lucernu neuběhlo více jak 120 minut.
* The dungeon must not be on cooldown - after anyone clicks on the lantern at the end of the dungeon, a 2 hour cooldown commences so the dungeon can respawn and reset. If someone completes the dungeon during this period, the run will not count. You can tell that the dungeon is currently on cooldown by the entrance obelisk - it turns red.
* Dungeon nesmí být na cooldownu - poté, co kdokoliv na konci dungeonu pokliká na lucernu, naskakuje dvouhodinový cooldown, aby se dungeon mohl respawnout a zresetovat. Pokud někdo dungeon projde během tohoto období, běh se mu nebude počítat. Že je dungeon zrovna na cooldownu, poznáte podle vstupního obelisku - zčervená.

Aktuální verze z 13. 2. 2024, 16:19

There is an existing automatical system for speed runs on Endor dungeons. The way it works is that the dungeon writes down the names of the players upon entry and then compares them at the end of the dungeon. You can tell that there is an option to participate in a time trial in a specific dungeon by the blue obelisk before entering the dungeon.


  • To record the time to complete a dungeon, anyone in the party needs to click on the blue lantern located at the end of the dungeon (mostly near the treasures).
  • In order for a dungeon run to be recorded in the hall of fame, it is necessary to be a member of any guild.
  • Points for passing dungeons are awarded to each character separately. According to the number of points earned in one season, players will receive a one-time reward, after which the season points will be reset. Top results are kept in the history table.
  • The system is safe against things like "pre-clearing" the dungeon. Once a speedrun has started, it cannot be reset even by running into the dungeon again. Additionally, if there are too many people hanging around the dungeon (such as another party clearing out the dungeon), the time at the end of the dungeon will not be saved.
  • The results and location of guild runs are visible on the entrance obelisk for each dungeon. Therefore you can check what the fastest time was before entering.

Conditions for time records

  • The entire group of players must be from the same guild, ie. if there is one person in the party without a guild or from another guild, the run will not be valid.
  • There can´t be more than 10 players in the dungeon (at any time during the entire run!).
  • No more than 120 minutes have passed since entering the final lantern.
  • The dungeon must not be on cooldown - after anyone clicks on the lantern at the end of the dungeon, a 2 hour cooldown commences so the dungeon can respawn and reset. If someone completes the dungeon during this period, the run will not count. You can tell that the dungeon is currently on cooldown by the entrance obelisk - it turns red.