Translations:Spawnery/2/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

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In the outside world of the underground, there are so-called "Spawners" in most cases in the form of fireflies (however, they can also look different), which from time to time reward the adventurer for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag contains a bottle that gives a bodily experience after drinking. In the second, it is possible to find even the most valuable gifts of Endor.
In the world outside the underground, there are so-called "Spawners" in most cases in the form of fireflies (however, they can also look different), which from time to time reward the adventurer for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag (Bag of Knowledge) contains a bottle that gives experience points after drinking. In the second (Bag of Spoils) it is possible to find the most valuable gifts of Endor.
Be careful though! Pouches are not for everyone and not always both. Each area will only release its wealth once every unknown amount of time.

Aktuální verze z 8. 4. 2024, 13:43

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
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Zdroj zprávy (Spawnery)
Ve světe mimo podzemí se nacházejí tzv. "Spawnery" ve většině případů v podobě ohínků (mohou však vypadat i jinak), které čas od času odmění dobrodruha za zabití všech příšer okolo. Jakmile je oblast bez nepřátel, u ohýnku se objeví pytlíčky s různou odměnou. Jeden pytlíček (Bag of Knowledge) obsahuje lahvičku, která po vypití dává body zkušeností. Ve druhém (Bag of Spoils) je možné najít i ty nejcennější dary Endoru.

In the world outside the underground, there are so-called "Spawners" in most cases in the form of fireflies (however, they can also look different), which from time to time reward the adventurer for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag (Bag of Knowledge) contains a bottle that gives experience points after drinking. In the second (Bag of Spoils) it is possible to find the most valuable gifts of Endor.