Translations:Class:Necromancer/11/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „Necromancer has a small amount of HP. Intelligence is a key stat for a mage, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use th…“)
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Necromancer has a small amount of HP. Intelligence is a key stat for a mage, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use the table below with stats at 30th and 35th level. Drow is the race often used by players for necromancers.
Necromancer has a small amount of HP. Intelligence is a key stat for necromancer, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use the table below with stats at 30th and 35th level. Drow is the race often used by players for necromancers.

Aktuální verze z 23. 4. 2024, 12:25

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Zdroj zprávy (Class:Necromancer)
Necromancer má malý počet HP. Pro necromancera je klíčovým statem inteligence, zlepšuje jeho magické poškození, zásobu many a obnovu many. Výběr rasy tedy záleží na osobních preferencích. Např. drow má nižší sílu (má méně životů a horší nosnost) a obratnost (horší uhýbání útokům), avšak má více INT (má více many, lepší mana regen a silnější poškození kouzly), oproti elfovi, který je tomu skoro pravý opak. K posouzení slouží tabulka níže se staty na 30. a 35. levelu. Hráči často využívanou rasou pro necromancera je drow.

Necromancer has a small amount of HP. Intelligence is a key stat for necromancer, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use the table below with stats at 30th and 35th level. Drow is the race often used by players for necromancers.