Class:Necromancer/en: Porovnání verzí

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Řádek 7: Řádek 7:
* {{ll|Weapons#Books|Books}}
* {{ll|Weapons#Books|Books}}
* {{ll|Armor#Kosťené|Kosťené}}
* {{ll|Armor#Bone|Bone}}
|Classmaster=6104,1568,Classmaster Morturus
|Classmaster=6104,1568,Classmaster Morturus
|PKClassmaster=1231,1357,Evil Classmaster Morturus
|PKClassmaster=1231,1357,Evil Classmaster Morturus
Řádek 337: Řádek 337:

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=== Procedure ===
=== Postup ===
The Necromancer has a complete staff and jewel with a gem, he has learned some reagents and put those he wants use to improve the properties of summons into a magic bag. Now just tap on the necro wand, select the magic bag and then the jewel. After clicking on a piece of jewelry, you will then learn what it improves and with how much power. With the jewelry prepared in this way, the summon can be improved (double-click on the jewelry and target your summon).
Nekromancer má kompletní hůl a šperk osazený drahokamem, naučil se některé reagenty a ty, kterými chce vylepšit vlastnosti summonů, vložil do magic bagu. Nyní stačí poklepat na necro wand, vybrat magic bag a následně šperk. Po kliknutí na šperk se následně dozví, co všechno vylepšuje a jak velkou silou. S takto připraveným šperkem už lze summona vylepšit (dvojklik na šperk a označení).

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=== Tips ===
=== Tipy ===
* The level of the necromancer affects the maximum power of a jewel that improves specific properties at the moment when the jewel is enchanted + the amount of reagents placed in the magic bag.
* Maximální sílu šperku vylepšujícího konkrétní vlastnosti ovlivňuje level nekromanta v okamžiku, kdy si očarovává daný šperk + množství reagentů vložených do magic bagu.
* Only the necromancer can find out what properties the jewel has. Other characters ignorant of the ritual see only an ordinary trinket.
* Jaké má šperk vlastnosti, může zjistit pouze nekromant. Ostatní postavy neznalé rituálu vidí pouze obyčejnou cetku.
* Some discovered books boost the same properties as the basic ones, but a smaller amount of reagents is needed to use the maximum power.
* Některé nalezené knihy boostují stejné vlastnosti jako základní, ovšem pro využití maximální síly stačí menší množství reagentů.

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== Equipment ==
== Výbava ==
=== Armor ===
=== Zbroje ===
Necromancers do not wear leather or metal armor because they cannot cast magic in them. They like to wrap themselves in light fabrics. However, they discovered a way to cast spells in bone armor without any problems.
Nekromanceři nenosí kožené ani kovové zbroje, protože v nich nedokáží kouzlit. Rádi se zahalí do lehkých látek. Objevili však způsob, jak bez problémů kouzlit v kostěném brnění.

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=== Weapons ===
=== Zbraně ===
Like elemental mages, these messengers of death prefer to use magic as their weapon. They use staves and mage books support to their abilities instead of using them in armed combat.
Stejně jako elementální mágové, i tito poslové smrti jako svou zbraň nejraději využívají magii. Hole a mágovské knihy spíše podporují jejich schopnosti, než aby s nimi šli do fyzického kontaktu.

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However, for some undead spells he uses a scythe (Grim Scythe), a unique necromancer attack item that also adds a bonus to all outgoing spell damage (scales gradually up to a maximum of 20% at level 30). However, while wielding this ultimate weapon, he cannot have any minion summoned at the same time. When equiped all conjured summons will disappear.
Pro některá nemrtvá kouzla však využívá kosu (Grim Scythe), jedinečný útočný předmět nekromantů, který zároveň přidává bonus do veškerého odchozího spell damage (škáluje se postupně až na maximum 20 % na levelu 30). Během nošení této ultimátní zbraně však nemůže současně mít vyvolaného jakéhokoliv pomocníka. Nasazením všichni vyčarovaní summoni zmizí.

{| class="respotable half"
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== <span lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Skilly</span> ==
== Skills ==
Řádek 396: Řádek 384:
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== Stats ==
== Staty ==
{{ll|Staty|Stats}} are basic character attributes whose values are affected by {{ll|Rasy|Races}} and {{ll|Povolání|Classes}}.
{{ll|Staty}} jsou základní atributy postav, jejíchž hodnoty jsou ovlivněny výběrem {{ll|Rasy}} a {{ll|Povolání}}.

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Necromancer has a small amount of HP. Intelligence is a key stat for necromancer, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use the table below with stats at 30th and 35th level. Drow is the race often used by players for necromancers.
Mág má malý počet HP. Pro mága je klíčovým statem inteligence, zlepšuje jeho magické poškození, zásobu many a obnovu many. Výběr rasy tedy záleží na osobních preferencích. Např. drow má nižší sílu (má méně životů a horší nosnost) a obratnost (horší uhýbání útokům), avšak má více INT (má více many, lepší mana regen a silnější poškození kouzly), oproti elfovi, který je tomu skoro pravý opak. K posouzení slouží tabulka níže se staty na 30. a 35. levelu. Hráči často využívanou rasou pro mága je drow.

Aktuální verze z 23. 4. 2024, 12:28

  • Damage

Classmaster Morturus

Necromancers are dark mages whose magic is strongly linked to death. This is a purely magical profession, just like elemental mages. They also have a few spells in common with mages, such as protection spells, but that's where the similarities between them end. Necromancers are very powerful summoners who summon undead helpers into the world and can also destroy their enemies directly by using magic. They wield a wide variety of curse and poison spells, along with a few destructive spells. They can also raise the dead.

Using undead minions is a unique art that requires more than an education in magic. He can use them immediately after conjuring. However, in order to use their full potential, they must indulge in terrifying rituals (more in the Boosting section).

How to become

To be accepted into the Necromancer's Guild, you must first be a Mage of 10th level. The guild is located underground in the graveyard's catacombs on the way from Harbor City to Medea. The entrance to the underground is in one of the tombs. Classmaster Morturus will accept you after reciting the oath "Always look on the bright side of death".


Title Level Type Description
Bone Armor Casting 10 Passive Allows the necromancer to cast spells and meditate in bone armor without any penalty.
Domination 15 Active Teleports summoned helpers to the player's position. Used by command .domination


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
Uus Jux
101 1

Blood Moss (bm) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily reduces the target's dexterity.
Magic Arrow
In Por Ylem
105 1

Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Very weak damaging spell.
Night Sight
In Lor
106 1

Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily improves target's sight, turning darkness into daylight.
Des Mani
108 1

Garlic (ga) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily reduces the target's strength.
Consume Corpse
Rel Corp Mani
317 1

Batwing (bw)

Targets a corpse. Restores a portion of the caster's health, stamina, and mana, and the corpse disappears.
An Mani
112 2

Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Weak offensive spell
Magic Trap
In Jux
113 2

Garlic (ga) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Creates a magical trap on an object that harms anyone touching it.
Dragon Skin
Ex Uus Sanct
227 2

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Basic protective spell for mages and necromancers. For a duration, it mitigates all physical damage received by 20%, absorbs 20% into mana, and inflicts the remaining 60% as actual damage.
Kal Lexi
259 2

Garlic (ga) 3xSpider's Silk (ss)

Ritual spell which increases the target's level for the purpose of other rituals (and thus the chance of success). Can be stacked, target has to stay in line of sight. More in ritual section.
In Nox
120 3

Nightshade (ns)

Inflicts poison
Rel Por
122 3

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr)

Moves the mage to targeted location.
Life Drain
Mani Rel
212 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Inflicts percentage-based damage to the target. The strength of the effect diminishes as the target takes more damage.
Death Ray
Corp Ort Grav
220 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

The damage spell is divided into two parts.
Aetheric Shock
Corp Jux
235 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

A time-limited neutral spell that allows the caster to ignore the enemy's spell reflection effect (Magic Reflection). The effect lasts for 2.5 minutes for non-damaging spells, but for damaging spells, it's a one-time effect, and the caster receives the same damage as the target.
Des Sanct
127 4

Garlic (ga) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Temporarily reduces the target's strength, dexterity, and intelligence.
Kal Ort Por
132 4

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Spell for traveling around the realm. A marked recall rune or a runebook is needed as target, teleporting the caster after 12 seconds to it's coordinates. While the mage is free to move after the initial cast, the spell can still be interrupted by receiving damage. Commonly referred to as "port" or "kop".
Des Ort
208 4

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily reduces the target's evaluating intelligence.
Bleeding Touch
Vas An Mani
211 4

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Inflicts bleeding damage that slowly hurts the target.
Ex Ort Por
219 4

Black Pearl (bp) Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily reduces the target's tactics and animal lore.
Quas Ort Hur
221 4

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga)

Temporarily affects the target's concentration, causing them to use more mana for spellcasting.
Consume Many Corpses
Vas Rel Corp Mani
318 4

Blackmoor (bk) Batwing (bw)

An area spell that consumes all nearby corpses, restoring the caster's health, stamina, and mana. The strength depends on the number of corpses.
Blade Spirit
In Jux Hur Ylem
133 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Summons an uncontrollable warrior that attacks everything around it.
Kal In Ex
135 5

Blood Moss (bm) Garlic (ga) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily changes the caster's identity. The duration depends on the caster's skill level. The target becomes visible again if they take any action, move, or the spell's duration expires.
Magic Reflection
In Jux Sanct
136 5

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

A protective positive spell that grants the target a time-limited (2.5 minutes) one-time effect to reflect hostile spells (Magic Reflection). This effect reflects negative spells back to the attacker and is exclusive with the Absorption spell (both effects cannot be active at the same time). However, it can be cast on friendly targets and on oneself and multiple targets simultaneously. It is colloquially known as the "mirror" or "reflector."
Mind Blast
Por Corp Wis
137 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Strong damaging spell, whose power is increased by the difference between the caster and the target. Will reflect back if the target has more intelligence.
An Ex Por
138 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily immobilizes the target.
Poison Field
In Nox Grav
139 5

Black Pearl (bp) Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Creates a magical wall that injures and poisons anyone passing through it.
Summon Creature
Kal Xen
140 5

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Summoning of a llama or a horse
Energy Bolt
Corp Por
142 5

Black Pearl (bp) Nightshade (ns)

An offensive spell with two damage components. One of them is reduced by armor.
Summon Undead
Kal Corp Ylem
178 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Summoning of undead minions.
Decay Body
Rel Corp
214 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Creates a dangerous area around a decaying corpse that harms anyone passing through it.
Mani Corp Sanct
222 5

Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

A protective positive spell that gives the caster a time-limited (2.5 minutes) one-time protection against physical damage. The maximum damage reduction is 55%. Cannot be active simultaneously with the Magic Reflection spell.
Vas In Jux
234 5

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Removes the magic reflection from the target if they have it. Hysteria goes through the magic reflection of the target (leaves it intact). If the target casts an offensive spell, they will take half the damage dealt.
Detonate Corpse
Flam Corp Ylem
357 5

Black Pearl (bp) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Only with Grim Scythe. Targets a corpse, which will explode and damage everything in the vicinity. The damage amount depends on the caster's magery skill, the monster's HP, and the distance between the target and the corpse. Does not work in PvP and cannot target a player's corpse.
An Lor Xen
144 6

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Temporarily hides the selected target. The duration depends on the caster's magery skill. The target becomes visible again if they take any action, move, or the spell's duration expires.
Kal Por Ylem
145 6

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr)

Marks the location of a rune, which can be used later for teleportation via the recall spell.
Mass Curse
Vas Des Sanct
146 6

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Temporarily reduces the strength, dexterity, and intelligence of all targets in the area of the spell.
Ort Quas
272 6

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

A positive spell that adds a 10-second whisper effect to the caster. Subsequent spells will not display spell words (spellwords). It is occasionally used in PvP to surprise enemies.
Des Ex Mani
358 6

Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa) 2xNightshade (ns)

Only with Grim Scythe. An offensive spell that receives bonus damage for each cursed effect on the target (curse, bleeding, poison...).
Mana Vampire
Ort Sanct
153 7

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Drains a portion of mana from the target and adds it to the caster's own mana.
Meld Corpses
In Rel Corp
319 7

Bone (bn) Blood Reagent (br)

Creates an abomination from nearby corpses. The strength of the abomination depends on the number of corpses and their levels.
An Corp
159 8

Blood Moss (bm) Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Brings fallen heroes back to life. Deals heavy damage to undead creatures.
Raise Corpse
Kal Rel Corp Ylem
196 8

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Can only be used on humanoid corpses. Turns them into zombies, retaining all items from the corpse.
Death Ritual
265 8 A ritual group spell. Several necromancers combine their powers to sacrifice a chosen victim. The victim's head is required to perform the ritual. Once the ritual begins, all inhabitants of Endor will be automatically notified. The spell can only be performed at a ritual site. If the character is already dead at the moment of death, they will resurrect and immediately die again; death will not conceal them.


Summoning undead servants is one of the necromancers' strongest points. They can be invoked by default via the number or name of the spell, or via the command together with the name to conjure up a specific undead.

.summoncreature [name]

Creature Title Type Min. Magery Description
llama llama mount 60 llama with bridle
horse horse mount 60 horse with bridle

.summonundead [name]

Undead Title Type Min. Magery Description
skeleton skeleton melee 30 Magic holding bones together. He's not a big killer, but he'll be loyal and happy to cover your back anyway.
zombie zombie melee 30 This rotting hunk of flesh won't smell nice in your cave wanderings, but it will determinedly pounce on anyone who comes after you.
skeleton archer skeleton_archer archer 54 The skeleton doesn't have much of an aptitude for becoming an elite marksman, but it can't be denied his desire to shower enemies with a rain of arrows. Unfortunately, it can't defend itself very well, it scatters very quickly at a short distance.
ghoul ghoul melee 61 It doesn't stink, this isn't a zombie. The twisted dark body likes to seek out victims to tear apart. The ghouls don't even flinch with any blows, often just grinning sinisterly and continuing to attack.
bone guard bone_guard melee 63 The creaking and snapping of bones accompanying the clanking of axes. This red warrior likes to decapitate enemies to smear blood on his bones.
ghost ghost melee 66 The constant calling back of the dead drove these spirits to the point of insanity. It is therefore not surprising that their speed and fury can torment many intruders.
shadow shadow melee 70 A mere shadow from the world of the dead. His presence is both mysterious and fascinating. It creeps slowly towards its targets, turning its limbs into physical ones with murderous claws at the opportune moment to tear the poor creature apart.
bone knight bone_knight melee 75 A unique fighter dealing crushing blows with an axe whose blade has already surprised many warriors.
bone mage bone_mage caster 80 This inconspicuous-looking bone wizard deceives with a body. Those who have had the honor of meeting him know that as soon as his vision darkens and energy sparkles around his knuckles, he has to stay out of his way.
Spells: death ray, life drain, poison, energy bolt
mummy mummy melee 82 This ancient mummified body shell is known for its unbreakable stamina and ability to withstand enemy attacks. He creeps along at a slow pace, his cold hands still hungry for human warmth.
skeleton marksman skeleton_marksman archer 84 A destitute skeleton wielding a bow excels at ranged shooting compared to an archer. He is fast and accurate in his attacks. Although not very durable, he can keep most prey at a safe distance with a frosty smile.
skeletal avenger skeletal_avenger melee 87 By assembling the skeletons of the greatest warriors of all time, necromancers summon the leaders of undead armies into their service. A few swipes from the two-handed sword is enough to leave nothing but crushed bodies lying around.
spectre spectre melee 89 It is a confused spirit that has been stripped of form and substance. The body shifts between mist and shadow, and its eyes are endless pits of lost souls. After issuing the instruction, he very quickly rushes at his opponents, who often do not even have time to call for help.
liche liche caster 90 One of the more fearless undead, his desiccated, half-mummified body is held together by the power of his immortal spirit. Every step he takes leaves a whisper of lost souls. He is equal to his master in the power of magic. In addition, he can fully regenerate by touching enemy summoned fighters.
Spells: lightning, explosion, fire bolt, flame strike
howling spectre howling_spectre cursing 96 Body almost invisible, but her voice wafts like a haunting song of nightmares. Her spells weaken and paralyze enemies, leaving them trapped in nightmares.
Spelly: greater stupor, paralysis, ravaging parasite
horror horror melee, caster, tough 98 He is the shadow of chaos itself. It spreads in darkness and consumes everything in its path.
Spelly: body fire, energy bolt, mind blast, ice bolt


Ancient necromancers discovered a way to empower undead servants. For this, the necromancer needs knowledge of certain types of reagents, which he can obtain from writings hidden in various cemeteries and places guarded by undead monsters. He also needs jewelry set with precious stones and a special necro wand - tool that can transfer energy from the reagents to the gems in the jewelry. With these charged jewels, the necromancer can create helpers of unimaginable power.

Required Items

Necro wand

Composing a necromancer's wand is not difficult. All you need to do is have the listed parts. Dark crystal/essence and rotten log have a chance to drop from monsters or treasures, arite necrowand head can be made by any more experienced craftsman (tinkering). With the parts, it is then necessary to go to the guild, where in the room with the pentagram on the ground, the necromancer clicks on one of the parts and thus begins the ritual.


The crafted staff must be equipped with a gem. The larger the gem and the better cut quality, the more often the staff will be able to be used. The craftsman will again take care of the production and setting of the gem (gemcutting, setting with gemcutting tools).
large old_mine cut diamond - 99 uses


Once the staff is complete and set with a gem, it is ready to enchant the jewel that the necromancer will use to enhance his minions. The jewelry (ring, bracelet, necklace, earrings) is again fitted with a precious stone, which determines the number of possible uses for summons. The jewel is made by a craftsman (tinkering) and set with a gem (gemcutting).
large old_mine cut diamond - 80 uses

Magic bag

The magic bag is an important part of the whole process. Magical reagents are inserted into it, with the help of which the type and also the strength of the enchantment are determined. All reagents placed in the bag will be used for the boost. Pay attention to the inserted amount. A gem will always take a certain amount for the maximum possible upgrade. If there is not enough, it will take everything from the given type, but the boost will not be of the highest power.


Each magical reagent enhances a different property. Basic can be learned right away in the guild in the room with the classmaster (Secrets of the Ancestors book). The properties of other reagents can be read in books around the world. These are places (dungeons, cemeteries) inhabited by undead creatures. The list of already learned boost properties of individual reagents can be viewed with the .necrolog command.

Reagent Title Enhances Position

Black Pearl (bp)

black pearl armor guild

Blood Moss (bm)

blood moss strength guild

Garlic (ga)

garlic dexterity guild

Ginseng (gi)

ginseng intelligence guild

Mandrake Root (mr)

mandrake root magic resistance guild

Nightshade (ns)

nightshade tactics guild

Spider's Silk (ss)

spider's silk wrestling guild

Sulphurous Ash (sa)

sulphurous ash axes guild

Batwing (bw)

bat wing strength The Great Pyramid deep in the desert west of the Ranger Guild

Blackmoor (bk)

blackmoor dexterity swamp graveyard far east of the Berserker guild along the coast

Daemon's Bone (db)

blood reagent aim Cursed Island northwest of the Berserker Guild

Blood Spawn (bs)

blood spawn intelligence graveyard west of Lios

Bone (bn)

bone magic resistance graveyard south of Forsaken Fortress

Brimstone (bt)

brimstone wrestling The Ancient Cemetery west of the Forsaken Fortress

Dead Wood (dw)

dead wood archers Cursed Island northwest of the Berserker Guild

Daemon's Bone (db)

daemon bone constitution Sand Crypt on Gladiator Island

Executioner's Cap (ec)

executioner's cap evaluating intelligence Haunted Ruins on Sand Island

Fertile Dirt (fd)

fertile dirt armor Ruined Houses west of the Berserker Guild

Obsidian (ob)

obsidian resist element Graveyard in the Lost Mountains west of Snowy Valley

Pig Iron (pi)

pig iron tactics Medea Cemetery

Pumice (pu)

pumice stone constitution Hamunaptra south of Alcarinque

Serpent Scale (sl)

serpent scale magery Shienar Cemetery

Volcanic Ash (va)

volcanic ash swordsmanship Evil Necromancer's Tower West of the Air Mages Guild


The Necromancer has a complete staff and jewel with a gem, he has learned some reagents and put those he wants use to improve the properties of summons into a magic bag. Now just tap on the necro wand, select the magic bag and then the jewel. After clicking on a piece of jewelry, you will then learn what it improves and with how much power. With the jewelry prepared in this way, the summon can be improved (double-click on the jewelry and target your summon).


  • The level of the necromancer affects the maximum power of a jewel that improves specific properties at the moment when the jewel is enchanted + the amount of reagents placed in the magic bag.
  • Only the necromancer can find out what properties the jewel has. Other characters ignorant of the ritual see only an ordinary trinket.
  • Some discovered books boost the same properties as the basic ones, but a smaller amount of reagents is needed to use the maximum power.



Necromancers do not wear leather or metal armor because they cannot cast magic in them. They like to wrap themselves in light fabrics. However, they discovered a way to cast spells in bone armor without any problems.


Like elemental mages, these messengers of death prefer to use magic as their weapon. They use staves and mage books support to their abilities instead of using them in armed combat.

However, for some undead spells he uses a scythe (Grim Scythe), a unique necromancer attack item that also adds a bonus to all outgoing spell damage (scales gradually up to a maximum of 20% at level 30). However, while wielding this ultimate weapon, he cannot have any minion summoned at the same time. When equiped all conjured summons will disappear.


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Magery 100
Meditation 100
Musicianship 100
Spiritspeak 100
Inscription 90
Magic Resistance 90
Alchemy 79
Detect Hidden 74
Evaluating Intelligence 74
Item Identification 57
Staves 57
Camping 53
Hiding 50
Cooking 35
Forensic Evaluation 35
Healing 35
Herding 35
Taste Identification 35
Wrestling 35
Animal Lore 32
Anatomy 22
Tactics 10


Stats are basic character attributes whose values are affected by Races and Classes.

Necromancer has a small amount of HP. Intelligence is a key stat for necromancer, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use the table below with stats at 30th and 35th level. Drow is the race often used by players for necromancers.

Level 30
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 92 57 78 107 117 119
Human 83 64 105 98 159 114
Half-elf 75 71 118 93 167 112
Elf 72 74 123 90 174 111
Drow 69 70 134 83 182 104
Level 35
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 98 60 88 114 132 127
Human 88 68 115 106 175 123
Half-elf 80 74 129 100 184 120
Elf 76 79 134 97 190 119
Drow 73 74 146 91 199 112