Translations:Rebirth/2/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „It is a game mechanic for dedicated adventurers, available from level 35 and above, who want to push their strength beyond the limit of a common mortal. Rebirth allows the player to give up their experience and skills in exchange for a permanent bonus to their stats of choice. Rebirth can be repeated up to 5 times.“)
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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
It is a game mechanic for dedicated adventurers, available from level 35 and above, who want to push their strength beyond the limit of a common mortal. Rebirth allows the player to give up their experience and skills in exchange for a permanent bonus to their stats of choice. Rebirth can be repeated up to 5 times.
It is a game mechanic for dedicated adventurers, available from level 35 and above, who want to push their strength beyond the limit of a common mortal. Rebirth allows the player to give up their experience and skills in exchange for a permanent bonus to their stats of choice. Experience above level 35 are not lost, you will gain them again after reaching lvl 35. Levels must be bought again though.

Aktuální verze z 19. 12. 2024, 22:50

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
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Zdroj zprávy (Rebirth)
Je herní mechanika pro zaryté dobrodruhy, dostupná od levelu 35 a výš, kteří chtějí posunout svou sílu nad limit běžného smrtelníka. Rebirth dovoluje hráči vzdát se svých zkušeností a dovedností, za odměnu dostane trvalý bonus do svých statů dle vlastního výběru. Rebirth je možné opakovat 5x. Zkušenosti nad level 35 se neztrácí, získáte je opět po dosažení levelu 35. Levely je však nutné koupit znova.

It is a game mechanic for dedicated adventurers, available from level 35 and above, who want to push their strength beyond the limit of a common mortal. Rebirth allows the player to give up their experience and skills in exchange for a permanent bonus to their stats of choice. Experience above level 35 are not lost, you will gain them again after reaching lvl 35. Levels must be bought again though.