Translations:Rasy/2/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, which class you want to pursue, and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.“)
m (Nahrazení textu „\[\[(?!#|Class:|File|Soubor)([^]]*)\|([^]]*)\]\]“ textem „{{ll|$1|$2}}“)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, [[Povolání|which class you want to pursue]], and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.
The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, {{ll|Povolání|which class you want to pursue}}, and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.

Aktuální verze z 13. 2. 2024, 12:40

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
K této zprávě není dokumentace. Pokud víte, kde nebo jak se zpráva používá, můžete pomoci dalším překladatelům tím, že přidáte dokumentaci k této zprávě.
Zdroj zprávy (Rasy)
Zvolená rasa ovlivňuje staty postavy a také její vzhled. Vhodné je si předem rozhodnout, {{ll|Povolání|jakému povolání se chci věnovat}}, podle toho vyberu rasu. Je jasné, že některé rasy mají přirozené vlohy pro to stát se například rytířem nebo kouzelníkem. V Endoru ale není nic nemožné, každá postava má svobodnou volbu a rozhodně může padnout jako jablko od stromu o něco dál.

The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance, which class you want to pursue, and choose the race accordingly. It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.