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Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „Another important piece of information she will advise you on is how to reach other levels. Levels on Endor do not jump automatically, but after reaching a sufficient amount of experience (exp) you have to buy a new level from your classmaster. Masters of each profession are discussed in the respective wiki articles. To advance to the next level, if you have enough money in your main backpack, tell the master the command <code>level</code> .“)
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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
Another important piece of information she will advise you on is how to reach other levels. Levels on Endor do not jump automatically, but after reaching a sufficient amount of experience (exp) you have to buy a new level from your classmaster. Masters of each profession are discussed in the respective wiki articles. To advance to the next level, if you have enough money in your main backpack, tell the master the command <code>level</code> .
Another important piece of information she will advise you on is how to reach other levels. Levels on Endor do not jump automatically, but after reaching a sufficient amount of experience (exp) you {{ll|Attr:Experience|have to buy}} a new level from your classmaster. Masters of each profession are discussed in the respective wiki articles. To advance to the next level, if you have enough money in your main backpack, tell the master the command <code>level</code> .

Aktuální verze z 16. 3. 2024, 23:32

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
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Zdroj zprávy (Začátek Hry)
Další důležitá informace kterou vám poradí je jak dosáhnout dalších levelů. Levely na Endoru nenaskakují automaticky, ale po dosažení dostačného množství zkušeností (expů) si nový level {{ll|Attr:Experience|musíte koupit}} u svého mistra (classmaster). Mistři jednotlivých povolání jsou probraní v příslušných článcích na wiki. Na další level postoupíte tím, pokud máte v hlavním batohu dostatečné množství peněz tak mistrovi řekněte příkaz <code>level</code>.

Another important piece of information she will advise you on is how to reach other levels. Levels on Endor do not jump automatically, but after reaching a sufficient amount of experience (exp) you have to buy a new level from your classmaster. Masters of each profession are discussed in the respective wiki articles. To advance to the next level, if you have enough money in your main backpack, tell the master the command level .