Rytířský turnaj/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „Jousting tournament“)
(založena nová stránka s textem „https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZrKTP2IGwF4&t=4s“)
(Není zobrazeno 16 mezilehlých verzí od 2 dalších uživatelů.)
Řádek 1: Řádek 1:

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[[File:Kolbiste_HC.jpg|náhled|Jousting arena at Harbour City]]
[[File:Kolbiste_HC.jpg|frame|Kolbiště Harbour City]]

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Once in a while a jousting tournament is held at the Jousting arena in Harbor City. This is a GM event and is therefore directly organized by one of the GMs from the Endor team.
Jednou za čas se na kolbišti v Harbour city pořáda rytířský turnaj. Jedná se o GM event a je tedy přímo pořádaný jedním z GM z Endor teamu.

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The tournament is designed for a maximum of 32 players and if you want to participate in the tournament you need to register with the host GM via PM on Discord. This tournament is announced in advance in the "announcement" section.
Turnaj je určen pro maximální počet 32 hráčů a pokud se chcete turnaje zúčastnit, tak je potřeba se u pořádajícího GM přihlásti přes PM na Discordu. Tento turnaj je předem hlášen v sekci "oznámení".

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Location: Harbor City - Jousting arena
Lokace : Harbour City arena

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Rules: He gets everything he needs in the arena so it is necessary to participate without any equipment and with an empty backpack. Bringing in alcohol or other items is not allowed. The purpose is to knock the opponent off his horse during the duel and he plays 1v1 for 2 winning rounds.
Pravidla: V aréně dostane vše potřebné, takže je potřeba se zúčastnit bez jakéhokoliv vybavení a s prázdným batohem. Vnášení alkoholu nebo jiných věcí není povoleno. Účelem je shodit protivníka z koně během souboje a hraje 1v1 na 2 vítězné kola.

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Fee: The fee for knights participating in the tournament is 10,000 gold coins and is paid to the tournament organizer upon entering the arena. Spectators can also participate in the tournament for a fee of 2,000 gold coins.
Poplatek : Poplatek pro rytíře, účastnící se turnaje, je 10.000 zlatých mincí a paltí se organizátorovi turnaje při vstupu do arény. Turnaje se mohou za poplatek 2.000 zlatých mincí účastnit i diváci.

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Reward : The top 3 knights will be rewarded with gold coins, experience points and a horse or llama. At the same time, the reward is always announced before the start of the tournament, so the knights know what they are fighting for.
Odměna : 3 nejlepší rytíři dostanou odměnu v podobě zlatých mincí, zkušenostních bodů a koně nebo lamy. Odměna je zároveň vždy oznámena před začátkem turnaje, takže rytíři ví o co mezi sebou bojují.

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Tips from training: After each fight, change sides. It is important to stand on the starting grid, indicating that you are ready for the next round. Individual matches take place in the BO3 format (for 2 wins). The .joust command is used twice. The first time just before running out and the second time when you want to hit the opponent. You can only hit your opponent while running; stopping automatically means failure.
Tipy z tréninku: Po každém souboji se střídají strany. Je důležité postavit se na startovní pole, čímž indikujete, že jste připraveni na další kolo. Jednotlivé zápasy probíhají formátem BO3 (na 2 vítězství). Příkaz .joust se používá 2x. Poprvé těsně před vyběhnutím a podruhé v okamžiku, kdy chcete zasáhnout soupeře. Zasáhnout soupeře můžete pouze během běhu; zastavení znamená automaticky neúspěch.

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Reccomended to turning on → always run in Options/General/General/Line3
Doporučujeme zapnout → always run v Options/General/General/Line3


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Aktuální verze z 21. 5. 2024, 10:36

Jousting arena at Harbour City

Once in a while a jousting tournament is held at the Jousting arena in Harbor City. This is a GM event and is therefore directly organized by one of the GMs from the Endor team.

The tournament is designed for a maximum of 32 players and if you want to participate in the tournament you need to register with the host GM via PM on Discord. This tournament is announced in advance in the "announcement" section.

Location: Harbor City - Jousting arena

Rules: He gets everything he needs in the arena so it is necessary to participate without any equipment and with an empty backpack. Bringing in alcohol or other items is not allowed. The purpose is to knock the opponent off his horse during the duel and he plays 1v1 for 2 winning rounds.

Fee: The fee for knights participating in the tournament is 10,000 gold coins and is paid to the tournament organizer upon entering the arena. Spectators can also participate in the tournament for a fee of 2,000 gold coins.

Reward : The top 3 knights will be rewarded with gold coins, experience points and a horse or llama. At the same time, the reward is always announced before the start of the tournament, so the knights know what they are fighting for.

Tips from training: After each fight, change sides. It is important to stand on the starting grid, indicating that you are ready for the next round. Individual matches take place in the BO3 format (for 2 wins). The .joust command is used twice. The first time just before running out and the second time when you want to hit the opponent. You can only hit your opponent while running; stopping automatically means failure.

Reccomended to turning on → always run in Options/General/General/Line3
