Class:Heretic/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „Heretics are originally priests, but sometimes during their studies they lost or fundamentally changed their faith and completely deviated from their original religion. Heretics excel at summoning various dark creatures, such as imps or gargoyles. The pinnacle of their art is the summoning of powerful demons (from level 20), which they command and with which they fight. They can cast almost any curse known to Endor upon their enemies, wielding both po…“)
(založena nová stránka s textem „Abilities“)
Řádek 22: Řádek 22:
== How to become ==
== How to become ==

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The entrance to the Heretic Guild is located on a tropical island north of Medea. It is easily accessed through the gate located in the graveyard west of the Forsaken Fortress. If you are a [[Class:Cleric|Cleric]] of at least 7th level, you can join this cult of the damned. In the Heretic guild, find Sargatans, the Heretic classmaster. To display the oath, type "join" near him and repeat after him: "I command, Endor obeys."
Vchod do cechu heretiků se nachází na tropickém ostrově severně od Medey. Dá se na něj dostat snadno bránou nacházející se na hřbitově západně od Forsaken Fortress. Pokud jste [[Class:Cleric|Cleric]] alespoň 7. úrovně, můžete se přidat do tohoto kultu zatracených. V cechu heretiků najděte Sargatanse, classmastera Heretiků. Pro zobrazení přísahy mu napište “join” a zopakujte po něm: “I command, Endor obeys.

== <span lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Ability</span> ==
== Abilities ==
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Verze z 12. 2. 2024, 19:31

  • Damage
  • Support

Classmaster Sargatans

Heretics are originally priests, but sometimes during their studies they lost or fundamentally changed their faith and completely deviated from their original religion. Heretics excel at summoning various dark creatures, such as imps or gargoyles. The pinnacle of their art is the summoning of powerful demons (from level 20), which they command and with which they fight. They can cast almost any curse known to Endor upon their enemies, wielding both poison and destructive spells. They are highly sought after for their ability to effectively replenish the mana of their comrades. From their beginnings among clerics and priests, certain skills remained.

They know a few positive spells to protect themselves, they can use magic to cure poisoning, just like priests they master club fighting and can cast spells even in heavy armor, including plate. Heretics have perfected this art and can cast spells even with a weapon and shield in hand. At the same time, they took away from their studies a great passion for writing down magical formulas on parchment. The same cannot be said for brewing potions or healing wounds with bandages, but they do have some basics.

How to become

The entrance to the Heretic Guild is located on a tropical island north of Medea. It is easily accessed through the gate located in the graveyard west of the Forsaken Fortress. If you are a Cleric of at least 7th level, you can join this cult of the damned. In the Heretic guild, find Sargatans, the Heretic classmaster. To display the oath, type "join" near him and repeat after him: "I command, Endor obeys."


Jméno Úroveň Typ Popis
Battle Casting 10 Pasivní Umožňuje kouzlit se zbraní a štítem v rukou. Při správném načasování heretici dokáží kouzlit mezi útoky.
Passive Healing 12 Pasivní Bez námahy rychleji samovolně doplňuje zdraví.
Lifetap 15 Aktivní Obětuje část svého zdraví a doplní manu. Poměr doplněného množství many vůči ubranému zdraví se s rostoucím levelem zlepšuje. Používá se příkazem .lifetap [počet HP]
Domination 15 Aktivní Teleportuje vyvolané pomocníky na pozici hráče. Používá se příkazem .domination
Advanced Passive Healing 25 Pasivní Passive Healing se silnějším účinkem


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
Uus Jux
101 1

Blood Moss (bm) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily reduces the target's dexterity.
Rel Wis
103 1

Ginseng (gi) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily decreases target's intelligence.
Magic Arrow
In Por Ylem
105 1

Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Very weak damaging spell.
Night Sight
In Lor
106 1

Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily improves target's sight, turning darkness into daylight.
Des Mani
108 1

Garlic (ga) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily reduces the target's strength.
An Nox
111 2

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Cures poison.
An Mani
112 2

Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Weak offensive spell
Magic Trap
In Jux
113 2

Garlic (ga) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Creates a magical trap on an object that harms anyone touching it.
Uus Sanct
115 2

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Temporarily increases target's armor.
Reflective Aura
Ort Corp Sanct
250 2

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Defensive spell, which provides the target with 35% damage reduction against one spell attack. Has a limited duration.
Kal Lexi
259 2

Garlic (ga) 3xSpider's Silk (ss)

Ritual spell which increases the target's level for the purpose of other rituals (and thus the chance of success). Can be stacked, target has to stay in line of sight. More in ritual section.
In Nox
120 3

Nightshade (ns)

Inflicts poison
Rel Por
122 3

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr)

Moves the mage to targeted location.
Banishment Ritual
Nox Zu Xen
260 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Group ritual spell, cast upon a head of a player. If successful, the victim cannot login into game (max. 48 hours). The bigger sum of all the casters levels, the better chance of success. More in ritual section.
Mana Drain
Ort Rel
131 4

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Drains the target's mana.
Kal Ort Por
132 4

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Spell for traveling around the realm. A marked recall rune or a runebook is needed as target, teleporting the caster after 12 seconds to it's coordinates. While the mage is free to move after the initial cast, the spell can still be interrupted by receiving damage. Commonly referred to as "port" or "kop".
Vas Uus Jux
207 4

Black Pearl (bp) Spider's Silk (ss)

Reduces target's magic resistance skill. Mainly used on stronger monsters and bosses.
Des Ort
208 4

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily reduces the target's evaluating intelligence.
Ex Ort Por
219 4

Black Pearl (bp) Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily reduces the target's tactics and animal lore.
Quas Ort Hur
221 4

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga)

Temporarily affects the target's concentration, causing them to use more mana for spellcasting.
Life Leech
Vas Mani Rel
295 4

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Moderate damaging spell which also heals the caster.
Blade Spirit
In Jux Hur Ylem
133 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Summons an uncontrollable warrior that attacks everything around it.
Dispel Field
An Grav
134 5

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Dispells magical walls in a 6 tile area.
Kal In Ex
135 5

Blood Moss (bm) Garlic (ga) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily changes the caster's identity. The duration depends on the caster's skill level. The target becomes visible again if they take any action, move, or the spell's duration expires.
Mind Blast
Por Corp Wis
137 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Strong damaging spell, whose power is increased by the difference between the caster and the target. Will reflect back if the target has more intelligence.
An Ex Por
138 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily immobilizes the target.
Poison Field
In Nox Grav
139 5

Black Pearl (bp) Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Creates a magical wall that injures and poisons anyone passing through it.
Summon Creature
Kal Xen
140 5

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Summoning of a llama or a horse
Vas In Jux
234 5

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Removes the magic reflection from the target if they have it. Hysteria goes through the magic reflection of the target (leaves it intact). If the target casts an offensive spell, they will take half the damage dealt.
Ravageous Parasite
Vas Des An Sanct
254 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Increases the next physical damage the target recieves.
Mystic Parasite
Vas Des Ort Sanct
255 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Increases the next magical damage the target recieves.
Kal Por Ylem
145 6

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr)

Marks the location of a rune, which can be used later for teleportation via the recall spell.
Paralyze Field
In Ex Grav
147 6

3xBlack Pearl (bp) 3xGinseng (gi) 3xSpider's Silk (ss)

Summons a passable wall that paralyzes anyone who tries to step through. The wall is oriented perpendicular to the way the caster is facing upon finishing the spell.
Dispel Creature
An Ort Xen
192 6

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Banishes a summoned creature. Damages instead if it's master is still alive. Damages undead.
Dispel Blessings
An Rel Sanct
195 6

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Negates any magical effects regarding target's basic stats.
Des Corp Por
298 6

Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Heavy damaging spell, also draining target's staminga.
Mana Vampire
Ort Sanct
153 7

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Drains a portion of mana from the target and adds it to the caster's own mana.
Blood Pact
In Ort Corp
299 7

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr)

Target gains mana, caster takes minor damage.
An Corp
159 8

Blood Moss (bm) Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Brings fallen heroes back to life. Deals heavy damage to undead creatures.
Summon Daemon
Kal Vas Xen Corp
161 8

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Advanced summoning spell. Above level 20.
Summon Balor
Kal Vas Xen Flam Corp Wis
302 9

[[Image:|Balor Scroll (bsr)|link=]] 3xDaemon's Bone (db)

Summons very powerful deamon. A "Summon Balor scroll" (uncommon drop) is required as well as 3 daemon's bones(necro reagent). Above level 30.


Otevírání brány do temných a pro někoho zakázaných sfér umožňuje heretikovi zavolat na pomoc různé bytosti, které budou sloužit jeho záměrům. Každé vyvolání představuje spojení s vyšší silou a je zde riziko, že se vymknou kontrole, což dává vyvolávači moc a zároveň ho vystavuje nebezpečí.

To, jakého summona je možné vyčarovat, závisí na výši skillu magery. U démonů je podmínkou i výše levelu. Přivolávání je možné standardně přes číslo nebo název kouzla, kde si následně v tabulce konkrétní typ pomocníka vyberu, případně jde příkazem rovnou vykouzlit toho, kterého potřebuji, pomocí jeho názvu (viz níže).

.summoncreature [název]

Creature Název Typ Min. Magery Popis
imp imp melee 30 Tyto malé démonické bytosti s rohy a křídly jsou známí svým temperamentem, rádi provádějí nejrůznější záludnosti.
gremlin gremlin melee 48 Lesklé oči září zlostí, drobné ostré drápy na štíhlých prstech tohoto darebáka jsou připraveny k útoku.
night clan warrior goatman melee 52 První ze členů Night Clanu. Warrior je temným rytířem, jehož největší silou je nezlomná oddanost a loajalita. Postaví se do cesty každému, kdo by se odvážil ohrozit svého pána.
night clan archer goatmanarcher archer 54 Mistr lukostřelby. Své cíle zasáhne vždy přesně i z velké vzdálenosti. Nepřátele tak snadno udrží na odstupu.
slave master slavemaster caster, undead 56 Jde o postavu obestřenou temnotou a zkázou. Dávno upadl do temných studnic magie a teď se vznáší mezi životem a smrtí.
Spelly: life drain, death ray, bleeding touch, energy bolt
banshee banshee melee, undead 59 Vlasy dlouhé a temné jako noc, oči stříbrné zářící mrazivým svitem, oblečena v dlouhých bílých šatech. Známá je svým nezapomenutelným hlasem. A ten přináší smrt.
llama llama mount 60 lama s ohlávkou
horse horse mount 60 kůň s ohlávkou
burning soul burningsoul melee, fire 61 Ztělesnění ohně. Postava zcela obalena ohnivými plameny, které se pohybují podle její vůle.
daemonic acolyte daemonicacolyte caster 63 Kdekoliv se objeví, přináší s sebou hrozivou a zlověstnou atmosféru. Jen zašeptá a své nepřátele posílá do onoho světa.
Spelly: life drain, death ray, energy bolt, explosion, fire bolt
gargoyle gargoyle melee, caster 66 Gargoyle přichází ze světa stínů. Mohutné tělo s démonickými rysy pokrývá odolná šupinatá kůže, drápy ostré jako čepel s křídly, před kterými se nepřátelé budou krčit strachy.
Spelly: life drain, death ray, bleeding touch, energy bolt
night clan assassin goatmanassassin archer, poison 68 Nejlepší ze střelců klanu prochází mistrovským učením. Jsou to obávaní hbití zabijáci potírající hroty svých šípů toxickou směsí. Stačí škrábnutí a assassin je ve svém lovu úspěšný.
stone gargoyle stone_gargoyle melee 70 Tento gargoyle má schopnost změnit své tělo do kamenného stavu, což ho činí odolným vůči mnoha útokům.
frost gargoyle frost_gargoyle melee, caster, ice 73 Z jeho pohledu zamrazí v zádech. Oči jako dva krystaly ledu spočinou na své oběti, kterou zasypou bouří sněhových úderů.
Spelly: water sprout, ice bolt, ice strike
flaming gargoyle flame_gargoyle melee, caster, fire 77 Běžně bývá k nalezení v sopečných jeskyních a vyhaslých kráterech. Jeho přivoláním si můžete být jisti, že přivoláte i živý okřídlený oheň.
Spelly: explosion, fire bolt, flame strike

.summondaemon [název]

Daemon Name Type Min. LVL Min. Magery Description
minor succubus minorsuccubus cursing 20 74 A younger representative of the succubus. They are just learning to use their strengths.
Spelly: similar to mystic parasite
servant of hell hellservant melee 21 76 A servant summoned from hell is a deadly warrior at his word. His arrival spells doom and misery for his opponents.
minor daemon minordaemon cursing 23 81 A younger representative of cursed demons. He uses his powerful mind so preferentially that he gradually sheds his wings and limbs to evolve into Evil Eye.
Spelly: similar to ravagesous parasite
minor winged daemon minorwingeddaemon caster 24 83 Even though it is a smaller demon, its appearance inspires fear and unease. After being given the reins and ordered to kill, he performs a whirlwind of vicious spells. A beautiful spectacle.
Spelly: death ray, bleeding touch, mind blast, energy bolt
succubus succubus cursing 26 88 Known for her sensuality and dizzying beauty, she uses her seductive allure to achieve her twisted goals. Whoever rests in her eyes will become frail and completely forget about their magical protection.
Spelly: strong similar to mystic parasite
evil eye evileye cursing 27 90 An adult individual whose penetrating gaze pierces enemies whose armor is thinning, bones withering, and bodies weakening.
Spelly: strong equivalent of ravagesous parasite
master winged daemon masterwingeddaemon melee, caster 28 93 Ruler of all lesser demons. A stunning look with majestic wings that seem to be the sky itself. He wields terrible magic that causes destruction and death.
Spells: explosion, fire bolt, energy bolt, flame strike
daemon warrior warriordaemon melee, tough 29 95 Standing at the head of the dark armies, he tears the pawns to pieces. His blade is a raging beast, broken and reborn in fiery heat. He is a demon king whose beauty and terror have been combined into one perfect harmony.

.cast summon balor

Daemon Type Min. LVL Min. Magery Description
balor melee, caster, very tough 30 100 After a long study of forgotten and forbidden texts, the heretic discovered an ancient ritual that made it possible to summon a being of unprecedented power from outside hell. If he understood everything correctly, he had everything he needed with him. It was enough to throw away all worries and thoughts and say the magic formula. “Kal Vas Xen Flam Corp Wis,” he whispered as he was determined to complete his journey to become the most powerful summoner. The light went out. The hero felt the excitement, the pride, even the terrifying drumming of his heart. A red glow flashed in his eyes as the mysterious portal opened with a tremendous roar. The flickering flames all around were gradually absorbed by the shadow. Balor stepped into the world of Endor to unleash the apocalypse.
Spells: flame strike



Shirts, Cloaks, Robes, Hats, Skins, Rings, Plates and Heavy Shields… They are no picky eater, Heretics take nothing for granted in this regard.


Heretics have never had a taste for sharp weapons. Maces, clubs, hammers and sticks became their favorites. When necessary, he can fight with his bare fists.


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Armedcast 100
Forensic Evaluation 100
Magery 100
Meditation 100
Musicianship 100
Spiritspeak 100
Inscription 90
Camping 80
Detect Hidden 74
Macefighting 74
Magic Resistance 74
Wrestling 74
Alchemy 66
Evaluating Intelligence 60
Healing 60
Staves 57
Hiding 50
Parry 50
Anatomy 40
Arms Lore 35
Cooking 35
Herding 35
Poisoning 35
Taste Identification 35
Animal Lore 34
Tactics 10


Staty jsou základní atributy postav, jejíchž hodnoty jsou ovlivněny výběrem Rasy a Povolání.

Level 30
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 94 70 77 120 107 134
Human 85 77 104 111 149 130
Half-elf 77 83 117 106 158 127
Elf 73 87 122 103 164 126
Drow 70 82 133 96 172 119
Level 35
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 99 75 87 129 121 144
Human 90 83 114 120 164 140
Half-elf 81 89 128 115 173 137
Elf 77 94 133 112 179 136
Drow 75 89 145 105 188 129