Class:Ranger/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „Tracking is the skill of following tracks left by humans or animals. It involves observation, intuition and knowledge of footprints, scents and marks in the wilderness to aid in navigation and hunting. Improving this skill increases tracking range.“)
(založena nová stránka s textem „You can use different commands to specify what to track:“)
Řádek 125: Řádek 125:
Tracking is the skill of following tracks left by humans or animals. It involves observation, intuition and knowledge of footprints, scents and marks in the wilderness to aid in navigation and hunting. Improving this skill increases tracking range.
Tracking is the skill of following tracks left by humans or animals. It involves observation, intuition and knowledge of footprints, scents and marks in the wilderness to aid in navigation and hunting. Improving this skill increases tracking range.

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You can use different commands to specify what to track:
Pomocí různých příkazů můžete určit, co se má stopovat:

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">

Verze z 13. 2. 2024, 15:12

  • Damage

Classmaster Joseph

Agile and experienced Rangers excel at wilderness survival and archery. They are masters of tracking, combining natural magic with a sharp aim and with their animal companions, they defend forests and allies from threats.

Rangers' most popular weapons are bows, but they can wield blades, spears, or staves when needed. As for armor, they like to wear leather or chain armor that doesn't prevent them from shooting arrows accurately. At 18th level, the Ranger gains a small increase in resistance to the nature elements.

Their skill in taming wild horses and rare mustangs is unmatched. The small exception is some high level battle beasts that are exclusive to druids.

How to become

Any player can become a ranger right after completing introductory quests. Ask Glimp, the Class Tutor, to teleport you to the ranger's guild. Visit your classmaster Joseph and ask him if you can join'. Then repeat the oath after him: “Woods are my home and my grounds. I will care!"
Note the location of your classmaster as you will need to visit him every time you want to level up.


Title Level Type Description
Resist elements 18 Passive Gains 15 points of resistance against four elements (earth, fire, air, ice).

Taming and Herding

Taming is the art of bonding with wild creatures and turning them into loyal companions. It takes patience, trust and understanding to form a deep bond between human and animal. The initial skill will allow you to start taming brown bears (to help you in combat), later more bear variants and wild horses, and finally the rarest mounts living at the end of the hardest dungeons.

Herding is the skill of leading and controlling a group of animals to move and attack together as a cohesive unit. Effective herding requires knowledge of animal behavior. A higher herding skill allows you to command stronger animals (or groups of smaller animals).

Notable Battle Beasts to help you level up:

Jméno [Herding] Taming
brown bear 30 25
wolf 30 30
black bear 40 30
gorilla 45 40
grizzly bear 50 40
dingo 50 50
kodiak bear 62 55
desert snake 62 60
aligator 68 60
dire wolf 76 64
snow leopard 76 68
polar bear 81 80
ice bear 93 87
varan 97 85

.useskill animaltaming

A few tips:

  • Remember that pets and horses need to be fed to stay tamed.
  • If you want to ride a horse, you must first equip it with a bridle purchased from the stables.
  • You cannot gain more knowledge by taming the same animal repeatedly.
* Wearing magic items that increase your Taming increases your chances of taming an animal, but you must have your base Taming trained high enough to begin a taming attempt.


Tracking is the skill of following tracks left by humans or animals. It involves observation, intuition and knowledge of footprints, scents and marks in the wilderness to aid in navigation and hunting. Improving this skill increases tracking range.

You can use different commands to specify what to track:

  • .useskill tracking stopuje všechny stopovatelné objekty v dosahu dovednosti
  • .trackname polar bear stopuje všechny lední medvědy v okolí
  • .trackname John stopuje všechny postavy se jménem John
  • .track mount stopuje všechny mounty v okolí (ale někteří nemusí být ochočitelní)
  • .track playerkiller zobrazí zabijáky hráčů v okolí (na vysokých úrovních dovednosti i jejich jména)

tip: nejčastěji používaná kombinace je .track mount player playerkiller


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
In Xen Mani
232 2

Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Positive, weak but fast healing spell for beasts or druids in morph. Restores 10 HP to the target.
Uus Xen Mani
237 2

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Positive buff spell that increases the STR of the targeted beast by 17-23 points for 6 minutes.
Uus Xen Ex
238 2

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr)

Positive buff spell that increases the DEX of the targeted beast by 17-23 points for 6 minutes.
Uus Xen Wis
239 2

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Positive buff spell that increases the INT of the targeted beast by 17-23 points for 6 minutes.
Stone Fur
Uus Xen Sanct
240 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Positive buff spell that increases the AR of the targeted beast by 17-23 points for 6 minutes.
Uus Xen Por Jux
243 3

Blood Moss (bm) Nightshade (ns)

Slows the target.
Enhanced Caution
Ex Hur Sanct
266 4

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Makes you untraceable for few minutes.
Natural Aura
Ort Xen Sanct
241 5

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Positive buff spell that increases the elemental resistances (air, cold, earth, fire) of the targeted beast by 17-23 points for 6 minutes.
Greater Stupor
Vas Uus Xen Por Jux
244 5

Blood Moss (bm) Nightshade (ns)

Slows the target.
An Xen Ort Sanct
246 5

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Neutral spell that shrinks a tamed animal for 24 hours. The animal becomes an item and appears in the druid's main backpack. Double-clicking on the shrunken animal restores it to its original size. The shrunken animal disappears after 24 hours in its reduced form.
Shadow Person
Uus Quas
257 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Sharp Senses
Lor Wis
258 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Sense Denial
Ex Hur Quas
267 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Holy Fur
Rel Uus Xen
242 6

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Positive buff spell that increases the melee resistances (blade, blunt, claws, pierce) of the targeted beast by 12-15 points for 6 minutes.


Luky a Kuše

Střelné zbraně jsou trochu jiné než zbraně pro boj zblízka: - Útok zbraněmi na dálku vyžaduje, abyste stáli na místě (mezi výstřely se můžete pohybovat). - Výjimkou je jezdecká kuše (cavalry crossbow), kterou lze nabít předem a pak střílet za pohybu. - Abyste mohli střílet, musíte být od cíle vzdáleni alespoň 1 políčko - U vyšších luků se při střelbě z určitých vzdáleností uděluje bonusové zranění. - Zbraně na dálku potřebují ke střelbě munici


  • luky střílejí šípy, zatímco kuše potřebují šipky
  • šipky i šípy lze uložit do toulců (malý 250 / střední 500 / velký 1000).
  • šipky i šípy mají stejné typy munice s následujícími atributy:
  • normální - standardní poškození, standardní průbojnost pancíře - .projectile normal
  • otrávený - nízké poškození, brání cíli v uzdravení - .projectile poison
  • stříbrný - bonusové poškození do nemrtvých - .projectile silver
  • magický - ignoruje magické štíty, dobrý proti casterům, vystřelení stojí manu - .projectile magic
  • bleskový - proniká brněním, dobrý proti bojovníkům zblízka, vystřelení stojí manu - .projectile lightning
  • knock - shazuje protivníku z mounta - .projectile knocking


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Aim 100
Animal Lore 100
Animal Taming 100
Archery 100
Armedcast 100
Camping 100
Cartography 100
Herding 100
Spiritspeak 100
Tracking 100
Veterinary 85
Healing 80
Detect Hidden 74
Engineering 74
Fishing 74
Forensic Evaluation 74
Lumberjacking 74
Stealth 74
Taste Identification 74
Anatomy 70
Tactics 70
Hiding 60
Magery 67
Cooking 57
Parry 57
Spears 57
Staves 57
Wrestling 57
Meditation 50
Magic Resistance 40
Arms Lore 35


Staty jsou základní atributy postav, jejíchž hodnoty jsou ovlivněny výběrem Rasy a Povolání.

Level 30
Rasa Str Dex Int HP Mana Stam
Orc 111 91 42 135 57 159
Human 102 98 69 127 99 155
Half-elf 94 105 82 121 107 153
Elf 90 108 87 118 114 151
Drow 88 103 98 112 122 144
Level 35
Rasa Str Dex Int HP Mana Stam
Orc 120 99 46 147 62 174
Human 110 107 73 138 105 169
Half-elf 102 114 87 133 113 167
Elf 97 118 92 129 119 165
Drow 95 113 104 123 129 158