Translations:Poklady/1/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „During various adventures, you can come across a treasure map ( <code>a treasure map</code> ). In order to understand the ciphers leading to the place where the treasure chest is buried, it is first necessary to decipher it ( <code>cartography</code> ). Subsequently, its location and age (level) can be read from the map. The older the treasure map, the richer the spoils it hides. Treasure is protected by powerful creature.<br> A certain minimum value…“)
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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
During various adventures, you can come across a treasure map ( <code>a treasure map</code> ). In order to understand the ciphers leading to the place where the treasure chest is buried, it is first necessary to decipher it ( <code>cartography</code> ). Subsequently, its location and age (level) can be read from the map. The older the treasure map, the richer the spoils it hides. Treasure is protected by powerful creature.<br> A certain minimum value of mining skill is required for digging (the character must have the treasure map with him, followed by a double-click on the shovel and on the ground). It is also necessary to take into account that the treasure chest is equipped with a lock and trap.<br> In the individual sections of this article, you will find a list of monsters that can guard the treasure, as well as the contents that can be found in the chest.
During various adventures, you can come across a treasure map ( <code>a tattered map</code> ). In order to understand the ciphers leading to the place where the treasure chest is buried, it is first necessary to decipher it ( <code>cartography</code> ). Subsequently, its location and age (level) can be read from the map. The older the treasure map, the richer the spoils it hides. Treasure is protected by powerful creature.<br> A certain minimum value of mining skill is required for digging (the character must have the treasure map with him, followed by a double-click on the shovel or pickaxe and on the ground). It is also necessary to take into account that the treasure chest is equipped with a lock and trap.<br> In the individual sections of this article, you will find a list of monsters that can guard the treasure, as well as the contents that can be found in the chest.

Aktuální verze z 24. 4. 2024, 10:06

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
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Zdroj zprávy (Poklady)
Při nejrůznějších dobrodružstvích lze narazit na mapu pokladů (<code>a tattered map</code>). Aby bylo možné porozumět šifrám vedoucím k místu, kde je truhla s pokladem zakopaná, je nutné ji nejdříve rozluštit (<code>cartography</code>). Následně jde z mapy vyčíst její polohu a taky stáří (level). Čím starší je mapa pokladů, tím bohatší obsah skrývá. Stejně tak ji chrání mocnější stvoření.<br> Pro vykopání je třeba určitá minimální hodnota miningu (mapu pokladu musí mít postava u sebe, následuje dvojklik na lopatu nebo krumpáč a na zem). Taky je nutné počítat s tím, že je truhla s pokladem opatřena zámkem a pastí.<br> V jednotlivých sekcích tohoto článku najdete seznam příšer, která poklad mohou střežit, a také obsah, který se může v truhle nacházet.

During various adventures, you can come across a treasure map ( a tattered map ). In order to understand the ciphers leading to the place where the treasure chest is buried, it is first necessary to decipher it ( cartography ). Subsequently, its location and age (level) can be read from the map. The older the treasure map, the richer the spoils it hides. Treasure is protected by powerful creature.
A certain minimum value of mining skill is required for digging (the character must have the treasure map with him, followed by a double-click on the shovel or pickaxe and on the ground). It is also necessary to take into account that the treasure chest is equipped with a lock and trap.
In the individual sections of this article, you will find a list of monsters that can guard the treasure, as well as the contents that can be found in the chest.