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== Auras (lvl 20) ==
== Auras ==

Auras are short-term powerful buffs for the paladin and the entire party. The effect lasts for 15 seconds and has a radius of 5 squares. Auras are not part of the paladin's starting skills, as they must be earned by completing quests at various NPCs throughout Endor.
Auras are short-term powerful buffs for the paladin and the entire party. The effect lasts for 15 seconds and has a radius of 5 squares. Auras are not part of the paladin's starting skills, as they must be earned by completing quests at various NPCs throughout Endor.

Verze z 13. 6. 2024, 07:04

  • Tank
  • Support

Classmaster Morturus

A paladin is a holy warrior whose domain is party support. In terms of dealing damage, it is no match for druids, berserkers, or mercs, as one-handed swords are fundamentally weaker and blade resist is popular with many NPCs. But a good paladin can be seen in a party that decides to delve into demon caves or dungeons full of undead. Paladin's domain is weapon blessings - spells that cast on a weapon in your hand, on someone else's weapon, or even mass blessings for the entire party. Another distinctive feature of the paladin are short-term auras activated according to the situation on the battlefield, which strengthen the paladin and his group.

Paladin is a very useful profession. Thanks to the ability to wear plate armor, he can stay in the front line, but at the same time he is not limited in combat and can deal a lot of damage. Another of his strengths are blessings, which significantly increase the fighting ability of the paladin himself or the entire party.

How to become

You can become a paladin as a fighter after reaching 10th level.
Visit Alexander, the Paladin Classmaster in the paladin guild, which you can get to through the ferryman Silver. Ask him to "join" and repeat after him: "If we uphold our honor and do our duties, Endor shall stand for a thousand years!". A paladin cannot be a PK (Player Killer), if he "turns red" he becomes a Mercenary.


Title Level Type Description
Truth Seeker 10 Active The Paladin is the only character who can reveal the secret thief's true name. Used by the command .truth
Battlecasting 10 Passive Allows you to cast spells with a weapon and shield in hand.
Aegis 18 Active Absorbs all dmg from next hit (magical and physical), lasts 10s to hit, only works with shield, cooldown 30s. Used by .aegis command.
Purgatory Aktivní Can be cast on a single target, debuffing it, reducing 40 - 50% amount of healing it does. This ability can be dispelled. Used by .purgatory command.


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
Blade of Redemption
Ort Ylem
216 2

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

White Blessing. It turns any weapon into an instrument of destruction against all undead it touches. Including intangible undead.
Blade of Justice
Ort Ylem
215 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Ginseng (gi)

Blue Blessing comes in handy when the party encounters player killers (PK), they then take increased damage from all blue blessed weapons.
Blade of Banishing
Ort Ylem
217 3

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Red Blessing, mainly used in fighting demons. However, it can be successfully used against many dungeon bosses who have high melee resistance.
Accuracy Blessing
Vas Ort Ylem
236 3

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Green blessing. The least used but still useful boon. Increases the impact of the blessed weapon so that it easily penetrates even heavily armored targets.
Prayer of Life
Bet In Mani
256 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

A weak but fast healing spell used mainly in PVP. It helps keep your party members on their toes so they can fully focus on attacking.
Des Nox
Des Nox
262 3

2xGarlic (ga)

Cure poison and plague on one target.
Mirror Shield
Ort Ylem Jux Sanct
273 4

Ginseng (gi) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Garlic (ga)

It is cast on a shield (your own or someone else's in the party). It either absorbs the spell or even reflects the spell back to the caster. Casting itself is faster than, for example, a Chain Lightning (VOG) spell, assuming the paladin's quick reaction.
Mass Blade of Justice
Grav Ort Ylem
359 6

Mandrake Root (mr) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Ginseng (gi)

Mass casting. Blue Blessing comes in handy when the party encounters player killers (PK), they then take increased damage from all blue blessed weapons.
Mass Blade of Redemption
Vas Ort Ylem
360 6

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Mass casting. White Blessing. It turns any weapon into an instrument of destruction against all undead it touches. Including intangible undead.
Mass Blade of Banishing
Vas Ort Ylem
361 6

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Mass casting. Red Blessing, mainly used in fighting demons. However, it can be successfully used against many dungeon bosses who have high melee resistance.
Mass Accuracy Blessing
Vas Ort Ylem
362 6

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

Mass casting. Green blessing. The least used but still useful blessing. Increases the impact of the blessed weapon so that it easily penetrates even heavily armored targets.

Auras (lvl 20)

Auras are short-term powerful buffs for the paladin and the entire party. The effect lasts for 15 seconds and has a radius of 5 squares. Auras are not part of the paladin's starting skills, as they must be earned by completing quests at various NPCs throughout Endor.

Resist auras

Each aura provides 40 resistance for the paladin and 25 resistance for the entire party.

  • Heat Resist .aura resistheat
  • Air Resist .aura resistair
  • Cold Resist .aura resistcold
  • Earth Resist .aura resistearth
  • Lightning Resist .aura resistlightning
  • Death Resist .aura resistdeath (poison+drain)

Support auras

Other support auras that can be obtained for completing tasks:

  • Holy Armor .aura holyarmor - 12 armor for paladin, 8 armor for party members
  • Swords of Justice .aura swordsofjustice - 25% tactics for paladin, 10% tactics for party members - 15% swordmanship for paladin
  • Repetance .aura repetance - 25% chance to paralyze when hit by paladin, 14% chance from party members
  • Holy Fire .aura holyfire - paladin deals a small damage every second to all unfriendly/enemy targets in the vicinity, even hidden ones, range is 3 squares
  • Wisdom of Light .aura wisdomoflight - purely support aura, party members get 18 int, 8 % EI, 8% magery
  • Agility of Blessed .aura agilityofblessed - purely support aura, party members get 18 dex, 8% aim, 8% archery


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Armedcast 100
Parry 100
Spiritspeak 100
Swordsmanship 100
Tactics 100
Spears 100
Healing 75
Arms Lore 74
Blades 74
Detect Hidden 74
Magery 74
Wrestling 74
Anatomy 70
Camping 70
Macefighting 57
Magic Resistance 57
Meditation 57
Staves 57
Hiding 50
Axes 35
Cooking 35
Forensic Evaluation 35
Herding 35
Taste Identification 35
Animal Lore 30
Evaluating Intelligence 20


Stats are basic character attributes whose values are affected by Races and Classes.

Level 30
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 120 85 38 144 68 165
Human 111 92 65 135 110 160
Half-elf 103 99 78 130 118 158
Elf 100 102 83 127 125 157
Drow 97 98 94 121 133 150
Level 35
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 130 93 42 158 75 180
Human 121 100 69 148 118 175
Half-elf 112 107 83 144 127 173
Elf 108 111 88 140 134 172
Drow 106 106 100 133 143 164