Dungeony/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

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Řádek 544: Řádek 544:

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
* 2 entrances, either northeast of Daugas or from Daugas Castle (2801;2110;36, 2927;2492;35)
* 2 entrances, either northeast of Daugas or from Daugas Castle (2801;2110;36, 2927;2492;35)
* 10-20 (maximum level that can enter is 21, entrance from Daugas Castle to level 18)* Middle:
* 10-20 (maximum level that can enter is 21, entrance from Daugas Castle to level 18)* Middle:

== Level 20+ ==
== Level 20+ ==
Řádek 773: Řádek 775:
* limitation - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
* limitation - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Element ===
=== Element ===
Řádek 779: Řádek 786:

* 1 entrance in the rock southwest of Alcarinque (1749;3618;0)
* 1 entrance in the rock southwest of Alcarinque (1749;3618;0)
Řádek 1 116: Řádek 1 124:

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
* Entry to 6172, 3622
* Entry to 6172, 3622
* entry ?
* entry ?
* level?
* level?
* restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
* restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Prism of ice ===
=== Prism of ice ===
Řádek 1 127: Řádek 1 142:
|Text=Prism of ice
|Text=Prism of ice

* Entry to 6450, 2632
* Entry to 6450, 2632
Řádek 1 267: Řádek 1 283:
* restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
* restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
=== * Wyvern valley ===
=== * Wyvern valley ===
Řádek 1 273: Řádek 1 290:
|Text=Wyvern valley
|Text=Wyvern valley

* Entry to 5848, 3729
* Entry to 5848, 3729
Řádek 1 278: Řádek 1 296:
* restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
* restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
=== * Bloody Grotto ===
=== * Bloody Grotto ===
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Vstup na 1785, 14
* level 30+
* bez obmedzeni

* coordinates ?
* level?
* constraint?

<span id="*_Battle_orc"></span>
<span id="*_Battle_orc"></span>
Řádek 1 293: Řádek 1 319:
* constraint?
* constraint?

<span id="Abandoned_reservoir"></span>
<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
=== * Abandoned reservoir ===
=== * Abandoned reservoir ===

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
* coordinates ?
* coordinates ?
* level?
* level?
* constraint?
* constraint?
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Vstup na 1064, 92
* level 25+
* bez obmedzeni

=== * Ancient mausoleum ===
=== * Ancient mausoleum ===
Řádek 1 311: Řádek 1 348:
* restrictions?
* restrictions?

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
=== Forgotten catacombs ===
=== Forgotten catacombs ===
Řádek 1 316: Řádek 1 354:
* level?
* level?
* restrictions?
* restrictions?
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Vstup na 3435, 1231
* level 25+
* bez obmedzeni

<div class="mw-translate-fuzzy">
=== Pagans Hideout ===
=== Pagans Hideout ===
Řádek 1 322: Řádek 1 368:
* level?
* level?
* restrictions?
* restrictions?
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Vstup na 4771, 771
* level 25+
* omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
=== Screaming Vault ===
=== Screaming Vault ===
* coordinates ?
* level?
* restrictions?
|Text=Screaming Vault
|Text=Screaming Vault
<div lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">
* Vstup na 5470, 2640 a 5422, 2594
* level 25+
* bez obmedzeni

=== Shadowed Caverns ===
=== Shadowed Caverns ===

Verze z 6. 1. 2025, 21:38

Hello, we have a dungeon section here. If you can't find one, or if you want to add information, please write here on the wiki and we will add it. Thank you all.

Low level dungeons

Daugas sewers

Daugas sewers

Daugas sewers

Daugas sewers

  • 3 entrances in different places in Daugas, each leading to a different part of the dungeon (3093;2255;-1, 3313;2254;-8, 2943;2144;-10).
  • 0-12 (maximum level that can enter is 12)

Gremlins cave (gremlins)

Gremlins cave

  • Entry in Daugas (3208;2039;20)
  • 0-17 (maximum level that can enter is 17)

Mystic garden (gardens)

Mystic garden (gardens)

  • Entrance in Daugas above the cleric guild. (3299;2030;20)
  • 0-17 (the maximum level that can enter is 17)

Daugas Catacombs

Daugas Catacombs

  • Entrance at the Daugas church (3008;2057;7)
  • 0-17 (the maximum level that can enter is 17)
  • Undeads silver weapon or paladin with bless is recommended.

Dark Orc Deep

Darc orc deep

Dark orc deep

  • 3 entrances, the main entrance is next to Daugas castle (3070;2491;28, coordinates of entrance to 12level=3195;2454;16, by boat from Daugas ? coordinates)
  • 0-17? (exp stones from level 10, the maximum level that can enter is 17?)

Lios Catacombs (early Holy garden)

Lios Catacombs

  • The entrance is in the Lios prison. (1734;528;-18)
  • 0-17 (the maximum level that can enter is 17)

Snow orc mine

Snow orc mine

  • The entrance is in Lios mine (1946;654;0)
  • 0-17 (the maximum level that can enter is 17)

Sindhar prisons

Shidar prisons

  • Entry in Sindhar (3221;2861;-3)
  • 0-17 (maximum level that can enter is 17)

Medea sewers

Medea sewers

Medea sewers

Medea sewers

  • 3 entrances in different places in Medea that lead to the same place. (800;3172;-11, 808;3439;-11, 973;3372;-11)
  • 0-17 (the maximum level that can enter is 17)



  • Entrance is via the bridge southwest of Daugas (approximate location 2733;1912;0)
  • 7-15 (entrance is not limited by level)

Level 15+

Mercenary underground

  • Entry is directly in the mercenary guild. (5626;2494)
  • 13+ Entry is limited by level - I don't know exactly how many 15-18 max I think - please if anyone knows exactly, let info on comments
  • There are undeads there and relatively strong. More people and silver weapons or paladin are recommended.* Bear cave
  • coordinates ?
  • level ?
  • level restriction ?
  • Animal cave
  • coordinates ?
  • level ?
  • level restriction ?
  • Minidungeons:

Bear cave

  • coordinates ?
  • level ?
  • max level ?

Animal cave

  • coordinates ?
  • level ?
  • max level ?



  • Cottage at the fork southeast of Golden Mines Village (4020, 1814)
  • 15+ (entry not limited by level)

Terathan 1 (Under necromancers)

Terathan 1

  • 1 entrance south of necromancer's guild (2054, 2019)
  • 15+ (entry is not limited by level)

Terathan 2 (Above Berserkers Guild)

Terathan 2

  • 1 entrance is east of berserker guild (1195, 2394)
  • 15+ (entrance is not limited by level)

Terathan 3 (Island)

Terathan 3

  • The entrance is to the east of the orc village. Must have boat (1847, 2761)
  • 15+ (entry is not limited by level)



  • Entrance is southeast of Golden mine Village (3633, 1623)
  • 15+ (entrance is not limited by level)

Horazit - old mine

Horazit - old mine

  • The entrance is north of the berserker guild, or south of Lios (1535, 1598)
  • 15+ (entry is not limited by level)
  • There are a lot of chlorite golem traps on the second floor. You have to find the right way.

Ice garden

Ice garden

  • Entry is in forgotten realms on snow (6085, 2173)
  • Level 15+ (entry is not limited by level)



  • The entrance is to the south of Lios and you need to have a boat, or via a teleport by marked rune. (1623, 1183)
  • 15+ (entry not limited by level)



  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (3886, 951)
  • 15+ (entry is not limited by level)



  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (4045, 1106)
  • 15+ (entry not limited by level)



  • Entrance is southeast of Alcaringue town (1404, 3644)
  • 18+ (entrance is not limited by level)

Scare Oorok Cave

Scare Oprok

  • 1 entrance north of Daugas (2980, 1477)
  • 20+ (entry not limited by level)

Shadow crypt

Shadow crypt

  • 1 entry to them from the Abhorsen guild (5441, 3108)
  • level ?
  • restrictions ?

Snow fort

Snow fort

  • 1 entrance south of ice mages guild (1116, 980)
  • level?
  • restrictions?



  • 1 entrance northeast of Harbor city (3022, 927)
  • level?
  • restrictions?

Vikings Hideout

Vikings hideout

  • Entrance from the island (the underground is entered at 701;1886)
  • level 20+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Goliath Ruins


  • 1 entry to forgotten realms on snow (5846, 2607)
  • Level ?
  • restrictions ?

Viking camp

Viking camp

  • The entrance is south of Lios, or west of Harbor city (1631, 1232)
  • Level 15+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Viking camp outpost

Viking camp outpost

  • This is an island and a boat is needed (709, 1881)
  • Level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Viking temple

Viking temple

  • This is an island and a boat is needed (672, 498)
  • Level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Viking tower

Viking tower

  • 1 entrance west of Daugas city (2499 2447)
  • Level ?
  • restrictions ?* Low:

Damned Mines 1

Damned Mines 1

Damned Mines 1

  • 2 entrances north of the berserker guild, each leading to a different part of the dungeon (1497, 1994 and 1508, 1870)
  • 10-30 (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
  • After killing the Balrog, it is possible to go to Damned Mines 2 over the bridge.

Cave of suffering

Cave of suffering

  • 1 entrance south of Sindhar city (3160, 3051)
  • 14+ (maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Entrance in the desert, east of Medea (1154;3198;-2)
  • 10-25 (entry is not limited by level)

Winter passage

Winter Passage (Snowman)

  • 1 entrance to forgotten realms in the snow (6118, 2684)
  • 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Abbys Garden in Ruined Island

Abbys Garden in Ruined Island

  • 1 entrance on the island, must reach by boat (3747;4004;0)
  • 15-25 (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Enter east of Necromancer Graveyard or west of Harbor City. (2225, 1765)
  • There is no bridge, so a boat, or teleport by marked rune.
  • 0-25 (maximum input is not limited by level)

Duergar Cave



  • Also called Dwarves
  • 2 entrances a short distance from each other to the southwest of the ice mage guild (first 1250, 666) (second 1393,631)
  • 16+ (maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Ice Valley

Ice Valley

  • 1 entry to forgotten realms in the snow (5818, 2061)
  • 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (3928, 1006)
  • 16+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Troll caves

Troll caves

  • 1 entrance south of Hoggard (3051, 954)
  • 10-25 (maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Drow Island

Drow Island

  • this is an island and a boat is needed, the island is at (1825, 3096)
  • 15+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

The Burned Dungeon

The Burned Dungeon

The Burned Dungeon

  • 2 entrances, either northeast of Daugas or from Daugas Castle (2801;2110;36, 2927;2492;35)
  • 10-20 (maximum level that can enter is 21, entrance from Daugas Castle to level 18)* Middle:

Level 20+

Ancient catacombs

Ancient catacombs

  • Entry to 5519, 2263
  • level?
  • restriction?

Ruins of Avalon

Ruins of Avalon

  • This is an island southeast of the priest guild (4420 1789)
  • A boat is needed.
  • 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

City of Lost Angels

City of Lost Angels

  • 1 entrance west of Daugas (2622 2077)
  • 20+ (maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Damned Mines 2

Damned Mines 2

  • 2 entrances either through Damned Mines 1 or through the entrance in the mine above Golden Mines (3783;1318;0)
  • 15-36 (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Urut-hai Camp

Uruk Hai

  • Entrance to 5296, 2538
  • 1 entrance to the north of the Hierophant guild (5296 2538)
  • 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Vampire mansion

Vampire mansion

  • Entrance at 1530, 2266
  • 1 entrance above the berk guild immediately (1530 2266) - first, however, you need to visit the turret to be able to open (1593, 1990)
  • 18+ (maximum level that can enter not limited) there is subsequently a dragon in the dungeon that has high regen.
  • Only undead and demons down after morph?

Cultist hideout

Cultist hideout

  • Entrance to 481, 3433
  • 1 entrance on the island need a boat and then mark the rune (481 3433)
  • level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
  • Demons, cultists.

Cursed island

Cursed island

  • 1 entrance on the island requires a boat (1027 1931)
  • Level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited) in the dungeon there is a dragon that has a large regen.
  • Undead.

Pretorian Island

Pretorian Island

  • 1 entrance on the island requires a boat (333 3852)
  • Level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Pretorian Village

Pretorian Village

  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (3928 651)
  • Level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Pretorian Big Island

Pretorian Big Island

  • 1 entrance on the island requires a boat (348, 2551)
  • Level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Diablo 1

Diablo 1




  • 1 entrance, you will be transported to the village by an Arch mage who is in several places, for example (1775, 2917) (5991, 3437) (2112, 361) - entrance (6230 3976)
  • level 18+ (the maximum level that can enter is not restricted)
  • undead

Ogres at Shienar

Ogres at Shienar

  • level 25+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Mini Skaven

Mini Skaven

  • Entry to 5277, 2683
  • level?
  • restriction?



  • Entry to 2578, 1916
  • level?
  • restriction?

The Hunting Shadow Fortress

The Hunting Shadow Fortress

  • 1 entrance west of the ranger guild (3481;2546;0)
  • 20-36 (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)
  • Be careful here, if you cross the bridge and enter the gate, the gate will close.
  • Human and undead NPCs.

Snake cult

Snake cult

  • Entry at 5239, 3370
  • level - 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Ophidian cave

Ophidian cave

  • Entrance at 3158, 2596
  • 1 entrance south of Daugas, or north of Sindhar city (3158 2596)
  • 18+ (maximum level that can enter is not limited)* Upper Middle:

Level 25+

Dragon nest

{{Map |X=1369 |Y=3155 |Text=Dragon nest } }

  • Entry at 1369, 3155
  • level - 25+
  • limitation - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • 1 entrance in the rock southwest of Alcarinque (1749;3618;0)
  • 20-36 (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Pagan Fortress

Pagan Fortress

  • 1 entry to forgotten realms in the snow (5997, 2159)
  • 25+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Undead Dragon Cave

Undead Dragon Cave

  • also called Greyhound 1
  • 1 entrance in the cemetery north of Medea (872;3030;0)
  • level 25 +
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Forgotten catacombs

Forgotten catacombs

  • 1 entrance
  • level 20+
  • restriction - ??

Minotaur cave

Minotaur cave

  • 1 entrance hole in the ground east of the berserker guild (1840 2310)
  • level - 20+
  • limitation - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Skavens mine

Skavens mine

  • 1 entrance in the rock north of golden mine village (3914 1394)
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Diablo 2

Diablo 2

  • Entry to 6289, 4043
  • level 20+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)* Old Fortress
  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • restrictions?* High:



  • Entry to 5226, 3682
  • level?
  • restriction?

Dimensional river

Dimensional river

  • 1 entrance east of Harbor City (3011 1172)
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Forgotten castle

Forgotten castle

  • Entry to 2472, 2264
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Entry to 1193, 922
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Entry to 4554, 2632
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Merion's Pyramid


  • Entry to 1790, 3725
  • level 25+ ( ideally 30+ )
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Raven Swamps

Raven Swamps

  • Entry to 5350, 3914
  • level 25+ ( ideally 30+ )
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Raven castle

Raven Castle

  • Entrance to 5350, 3914
  • you walk through the Raven swamps
  • level 25+ (ideally 30+ )
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Castle 2

Castle 2

  • Entry to 5840, 3640
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)![map]

Sand crypt

  • level?
  • restrictions?



  • 1 entrance on the island where you can mark the rune (3594 3860)
  • 20-36 (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Greyhound 2

Greyhound 2

  • Entry to 1305, 3297
  • to enter you need a dragon head from the Greyhound 1
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Sphinx 1

Sphinx 1

  • Entry to 2903, 2874
  • level 25+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Sphinx 2

Sphinx 2

  • Entry to 2924, 2774
  • to enter you need an item from Sphinx 1
  • level 25+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Dragonforce keep

Dragonforce keep

  • Entry to 1115, 3614
  • level 30+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Temple 2+3

Temple 2+3

  • Entrance at 1681, 3581
  • 1 entrance southwest of Alcaringue town (1681 3581)
  • level 25+ (maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Molten core

Molten core

  • Entry to 1666, 3499
  • level?
  • restriction?



  • Entry to 3546, 379
  • 1 entry and it is an island and you need a boat (3546 379)
  • level 25+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Assault 1



  • coordinates ( 985 672) and ( 1099 962)
  • there are two inputs, see map. You talk to the NPC and he will make a gate for you.
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Assault 2


  • coordinates ( 1099 962) NPC and will make a gate.
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Arcane sanctuary

Arcane sanctuary

  • Entry at 4411, 1910
  • 1 entry from Avalon Island. You need a ship and finish.
  • level 23+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Fall of the High Council


  • Input to 6391, 1274
  • input ?
  • level?
  • restriction?

Goblin mines

Goblin mines

  • Entry to 6504, 2484
  • entry ?
  • level?
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Entry to 6172, 3622
  • entry ?
  • level?
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Prism of ice

Prism of ice

  • Entry to 6450, 2632
  • level ?
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Castle 3

Castle 3

  • Entry to 5889, 3891
  • level?
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Ruins of Morass

Ruins of Morass

  • Entry to 7000, 2557
  • entry ?
  • level?
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Entry to 1810, 3709
  • level?
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Sisters to the Slaughter


  • Entry to 2601, 2538
  • level?
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Spider Valley

Spider Valley

  • (5383 4056)
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Tomb of eternal horror

* Tomb of eternal horror

  • Entry to 2811, 2977
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Tal Rasha

Tal Rasha

  • Entry to 4142, 3346
  • level 25+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)



  • Entry to 373, 1410
  • level?
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Temple of the sand serpent

Temple of the sand serpent

  • Entry to 5835, 4022
  • level 25+ (ideally 30+)
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Diablo 3

Diablo 3

  • Entry to 6289, 4043
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Diablo 4

Diablo 4

  • Entry to 6289, 4043
  • level 30+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Vampires retreat

Vampires retreat

  • Entry to 4069, 2113
  • level 30+
  • restrictions - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

* Wyvern valley

Wyvern valley

  • Entry to 5848, 3729
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

* Bloody Grotto

  • Vstup na 1785, 14
  • level 30+
  • bez obmedzeni

* Battle orcs

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • constraint?

* Abandoned reservoir

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • constraint?
  • Vstup na 1064, 92
  • level 25+
  • bez obmedzeni

* Ancient mausoleum

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • constraint?

Dread pirates paradise

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • restrictions?

Forgotten catacombs

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • restrictions?
  • Vstup na 3435, 1231
  • level 25+
  • bez obmedzeni

Pagans Hideout

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • restrictions?
  • Vstup na 4771, 771
  • level 25+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

Screaming Vault

Screaming Vault Screaming Vault

  • Vstup na 5470, 2640 a 5422, 2594
  • level 25+
  • bez obmedzeni

Shadowed Caverns

  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • restrictions?

Mountain troll

Mountain troll

  • Entry to 1541, 1699
  • level 25+
  • restriction - (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)

Ork camp

Barbarian camp

  • Entry to 3503, 865
  • level 25+ (the maximum level that can enter is not limited)