Translations:Class:Rogue/12/en: Porovnání verzí

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== How to become ==
== How to become ==
Any player can become a rogue right after completing the introductory quests. Ask Class Tutor Glimp to teleport you to the Rogue Guildhall. Visit your Class Master Josephine and ask her if you can '''join'''. Then repeat the oath after her: "'''In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!"'''. Remember the location of your Class Master as you will need to visit her every time you want to level up.
Any player can become a rogue right after completing the introductory quests. Find Rogue Guildhall in Daguas city. Secret entrance ca be opened with torch. Visit your Class Master Josephine and ask her if you can '''join'''. Then repeat the oath after her: "'''In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!"'''. Remember the location of your Class Master as you will need to visit her every time you want to level up.

Aktuální verze z 24. 3. 2025, 08:44

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
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Zdroj zprávy (Class:Rogue)
== Jak se stát ==
Každý hráč se může stát roguem hned po dokončení úvodních questů. Nájdi vstup do Rogue Guildhall v Daugase. Tajný vchod otvoríš zahasením fakľe.

How to become

Any player can become a rogue right after completing the introductory quests. Find Rogue Guildhall in Daguas city. Secret entrance ca be opened with torch. Visit your Class Master Josephine and ask her if you can join. Then repeat the oath after her: "In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!". Remember the location of your Class Master as you will need to visit her every time you want to level up.