Class:Rogue/en: Porovnání verzí
(založena nová stránka s textem „{{Map |X=3115 |Y=2209 |text=Secret Torch }}“) |
(založena nová stránka s textem „Find classmaster Josephine and ask her if You could “'''join'''”. PThan repeat the oath: “'''In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!“'''. Remember how to find Josephine because You will have to visit her each time You want to level up.“) |
Řádek 27: | Řádek 27: | ||
}} | }} | ||
Find classmaster Josephine and ask her if You could “'''join'''”. PThan repeat the oath: “'''In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!“'''. Remember how to find Josephine because You will have to visit her each time You want to level up. | |||
== Lockpicking == | == Lockpicking == |
Aktuální verze z 24. 3. 2025, 08:45
Death from the shadows. The Rogues are one of the most played characters on Endor. Their ability to open locked chests and remove traps makes them one of the essential members of any party. From a combat point of view, rogues mainly use one-handed slashing weapons and throwing shurikens or daggers. At high levels, rogues are also strong enough to wield heavy crossbows. Their backstab ability is the perfect start to any ambush (monster or player). Last but not least, rogues often coat their weapons with poison, effectively preventing the target from healing. Rogues are also able to disguise themselves as another character or even change their names.
How to become
Any player can become a rogue right after completing the introductory quests. Find Rogue Guildhall in Daguas city. Secret entrance ca be opened with torch. Visit your Class Master Josephine and ask her if you can join. Then repeat the oath after her: "In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!". Remember the location of your Class Master as you will need to visit her every time you want to level up.
Find classmaster Josephine and ask her if You could “join”. PThan repeat the oath: “In the shadows we move, loyal to each other!“. Remember how to find Josephine because You will have to visit her each time You want to level up.
Is skill with whose help you can attempt to open a locked chest or treasure using lockpicks. You can get these from some NPC vendors or ask artisans specializing in tinkering to make some for you. There are two types of lockpicks: regular and thin. While regular ones are easier to make, they are heavier, making them an excellent choice for training in the city, on the other hand, thin lockpicks are the right choice for dungeon crawling, where every kilogram of weight counts.
Don't forget to take off your gloves before picking locks, as gloves limit your ability to pick locks.
You use lockpicking by double-clicking on the lockpick and selecting the target chest.
Removing Traps
The Art of Removing Traps is another of Rogue's core abilities. You can try to clear the traps anytime and anywhere, but keep in mind that some traps are very difficult to clear and if you fail to do so, they will often be triggered. The rogue will then usually takes a lot of damage (and sometimes cause instant death) from the trap. The same restriction for not wearing gloves applies here as well. Detecting traps can be done using the Detecting Hidden skill on a chest or an area.
.useskill removetrap
.useskill detectinghidden
Hiding and Stealth skills are the foundation of any professional rogue. To use these skills without penalty, you must be wearing armor that does not reduce your dexterity. (cloth robe, leather armor and some smaller metal parts).
- Hiding determines your chance to disappear into the shadows. The higher your Hiding skill, the closer to enemies you can use it.
.useskill hiding
- 'Stealth allows you to move undetected and position yourself behind the target for the most effective backstab. Increasing the skill increases the number of steps you can take stealthily.
.useskill stealth
Tip: using .useskill stealth
will first use the hiding skill to determine if you've successfully hidden and immediately trigger a stealth move attempt to calculate the number of steps.
Poisons and Bombs
Poisons and Bombs allow the rogue to prepare for the enemy they will face. He can use his Poisoning skill ([Poisoning]) and use poison or a bomb to change the type of damage he deals. Weak poisons and bombs can be bought from the merchant, stronger ones must be made by the player (preferably a craftsman specializing in alchemy).
- Poisons tend to be the most effective tool, as poisoned targets need to remove their poison first before healing damage. Poisons have four strengths (Lesser, Normal, Greater, and Deadly). The main difference is the duration and strength of the poison.
- Bombs' are made in several elemental variants and are useful against opponents who are vulnerable to any of the four elements (eg an ice elemental is vulnerable to a blade coated with fire bomb).
- There are two more special potions that can be used to coat a weapon. Vial of slowing' and Vial of softening. Weapons coated with these potions slow opponents or weaken their armor.
.useskill poisoning
- Using the Taste Identification skill on coated weapons can be very useful as it helps you see how many doses are left.
.useskill tasteidentification
Tip: The most common preparation for most combat situations is as follows. Uncoated main weapon, throwing weapons coated with poison, slowing and softening potions, and elemental bomb coated backstab weapon depending on enemy type.*
Backstab is the most effective combat ability of any rogue. In order to stab an enemy, several conditions must be met.
- hold a dagger or any other weapon usable for backstabbing.
- optional - coat the weapon with the chosen bomb
.useskill poisoning
. - successfully hide and start moving stealthily
.useskill stealth
- turn on warmode
.warmode on
- optional - stand behind target
- attack enemy
Whether your backstab is successful or not, you cannot hide again for a short time after attempting to backstab, and another backstab can be used after ten seconds.
The damage and chance of a backstab then depends on many factors, the main ones being your Dexterity, your Aim skill ([Aim]), and your location to the target's back.
Backstab can also be critical. The chance depends on your Aim skill ([Aim]). A critical hit can hit different parts of the body, has increased damage and a special effect depending on the part of the body hit (bleeding, loss of stamina or loss of mana).
Throwing Weapons
Throwing knives and shurikens are the best way to apply various effects on your opponent. (poison, armor softening and slow).
Both types of weapons can be crafted by any character who has mastered the [Tinkering] skill. Knives are easier to make.
The main differences between knives and shurikens are range and base damage: - Knives are lighter, can be thrown faster and further. The downside is their low base damage. - Shurikens have a shorter range and slower throw speed, but deal higher base damage. (four out of five rouges prefer this type).
The command for throwing weapons is .throw *type* *status_effect*
: - type = shuriken/knife - status_effect = poison/soft/slow - Example: .throw lt shuriken poison
will search your backpack for poisoned shuriken and throw it to the last target.
Name and Profession Change
Cover Identity
In order to define a cover identity for your rogue, you need to visit a guy named Silk (or Silken for PK rogue).
Silk can be found in Rogues Guild in Daugas, Silken in Forsaken Fortress. Tell him the following keywords: - “change” - for the initial setting of your cover identity or to change the cover identity to a new one (once every 7 days). - “show” - to whisper the name of your cover identity (in case you forgot it). - .identity
- to switch between your real name and incognito name (this command can be used anywhere)
Changing profession
is easy, just use the .identity
command to appear as your chosen profession. Your title will change on the paperdoll.
SkillsSkills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.
StatsStats are basic character attributes whose values are affected by Races and Classes.