Translations:Class:Ranger/16/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „Any player can become a ranger right after completing introductory quests. Ask Glimp, the Class Tutor, to teleport you to the ranger's guild. Visit your classmaster Joseph and ask him if you can '''join'''. Then repeat the oath after him: “''Woods are my home and my grounds. I will care!"'''<br /> Note the location of your classmaster as you will need to visit him every time you want to level up.“)
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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
Any player can become a ranger right after completing introductory quests. Ask Glimp, the Class Tutor, to teleport you to the ranger's guild. Visit your classmaster Joseph and ask him if you can '''join'''. Then repeat the oath after him: “''Woods are my home and my grounds. I will care!"'''<br />  
Any player can become a ranger right after completing introductory quests. Find Lars and teleport to Rangers guild. Visit your classmaster Joseph and ask him if you can '''join'''. Then repeat the oath after him: “''Woods are my home and my grounds. I will care!"'''<br />  
Note the location of your classmaster as you will need to visit him every time you want to level up.
Note the location of your classmaster as you will need to visit him every time you want to level up.

Aktuální verze z 24. 3. 2025, 08:47

Informace o zprávě (přispět)
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Zdroj zprávy (Class:Ranger)
Každý hráč se může stát rangerem hned po splnění výukových úkolů. Nájdi Larsa a teleportuj sa do cechu Rangerov. Navštivte svého classmastra Josepha a zeptejte se ho, zda se můžete “'''join'''”. Pak to po něm zopakujte: “'''Woods are my home and my grounds. I will care!“'''<br />
Poznamenejte si polohu svého classmastera, protože ho budeš muset navštívit pokaždé, když budeš chtít zvýšit úroveň.

Any player can become a ranger right after completing introductory quests. Find Lars and teleport to Rangers guild. Visit your classmaster Joseph and ask him if you can join'. Then repeat the oath after him: “Woods are my home and my grounds. I will care!"
Note the location of your classmaster as you will need to visit him every time you want to level up.