Spawnery/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „In outer world, there are places so-called Spawners in the form of bonfires that reward adventurers for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag contains an experience bottle when drunk, the other one (NUTNÉ DOKONČIT).“)
(založena nová stránka s textem „But beware! Pouches are not for everyone and not always both. Each area will only release its wealth once every unknown amount of time.“)
Řádek 3: Řádek 3:
In outer world, there are places so-called Spawners in the form of bonfires that reward adventurers for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag contains an experience bottle when drunk, the other one (NUTNÉ DOKONČIT).
In outer world, there are places so-called Spawners in the form of bonfires that reward adventurers for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag contains an experience bottle when drunk, the other one (NUTNÉ DOKONČIT).

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But beware! Pouches are not for everyone and not always both. Each area will only release its wealth once every unknown amount of time.
Avšak pozor! Pytlíčky nejsou pro všechny a nejsou vždy oba. Každá oblast vydá své bohatství jen jednou za neznámý čas.


Verze z 12. 2. 2024, 19:16

Forest troll's spawner

In outer world, there are places so-called Spawners in the form of bonfires that reward adventurers for killing all the monsters around. Once the area is clear of enemies, bags with various rewards will appear near the campfire. One bag contains an experience bottle when drunk, the other one (NUTNÉ DOKONČIT).

But beware! Pouches are not for everyone and not always both. Each area will only release its wealth once every unknown amount of time.