Class:Abhorsen/en: Porovnání verzí

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(založena nová stránka s textem „With Abhorsen, a player can become a level 1 tramp. To become an Abhorsen, visit the Abhorsen Classmaster, Belatiel. Ask him to "join" and repeat after him: "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?".“)
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== <span lang="cs" dir="ltr" class="mw-content-ltr">Staty</span> ==
== Stats ==
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[[Staty]] jsou základní atributy postav, jejíchž hodnoty jsou ovlivněny výběrem [[Rasy]] a [[Povolání]].
[[Staty]] jsou základní atributy postav, jejíchž hodnoty jsou ovlivněny výběrem [[Rasy]] a [[Povolání]].

Verze z 13. 2. 2024, 11:20

  • Damage

Classmaster Belatiel

Abhorsen is the mortal enemy of all unnatural beings and a relentless defender of the world of the living. His fighting style is a combination of close combat and magic. His preferred weapon is a one-handed sword, on which he can cast one of enhancing runes depending on the situation. He uses one-handed swords because he must always have his other hand free to manipulate the magical bells with which he casts his spells. Abhorsen use ring armor in battle, cannot wear plate armor.

How to become

With Abhorsen, a player can become a level 1 tramp. To become an Abhorsen, visit the Abhorsen Classmaster, Belatiel. Ask him to "join" and repeat after him: "Does the walker choose the path, or the path the walker?".


Jméno Úroveň Typ Popis
Battlecasting 1 Pasivní Kouzlení neresetuje další melee útok - postava může udělit zásah hned po dokončení kouzla.
Deathsense 10 Pasivní Pokud Abhorsen získá zkušenosti za zabitého nepřítele, regeneruje si 5 bodů many a staminy a dostane 5% bonus poškození, který může být aktivní až 4x. Po uplynutí 20 sekund, kdy zkušenosti nezíská, ztrácí celý bonus.
Diamond of protection 15 Aktivní Po dobu trvání diamantu je Abhorsen zamražený, ale každou vteřinu regeneruje 5 bodů hp, many a staminy a dostává o 50 % méně poškození. Cooldown 5 minut. Používá se příkazem .diamondofprotection
Defiant 20 Pasivní Pokud Abhorsen dostane poškození, které by ho zabilo, zachrání se a vyléčí si 30% životů. Cooldown 4 hodiny.



To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
347 2
350 3 Talking bell. Cancels targets spell upon cast. Target is then 20 seconds immune to another Dyrimg cast.
351 3 Thinking bell. Deals damage with bonus to undead and demons while draining mana from target
349 4
348 5
352 5
353 6 Weeping bell. Upon use, bell tries to kill Abhorsen and his target. Deals high damage to both


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
Guard rune
354 3 Reduces damage taken by Abhorsen by 20%, raises aggro by 30% and gives 15% chance for cleave with melee attack. Changes type of damage by sword to blace+pierce. Lasts up to 5 minutes.
Clayre rune
355 3 Has up to 25% chance to reflect enemy spells and melee attacks ifnoring all defend auras of the target. Changes type of damage by sword to psionic. Lasts up to 5 minutes.
Abhorsen rune
356 4 Raises basic damage for melee fight up to 40% (effect is getting stronger with Magery skill) and has better armor penetration. Changes damage type by sword to blade+pierce. Taky zvedá damage do démonů o 20 %. Lasts up to 5 minutes.


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Swordsmanship 100
Tactics 100
Musicianship 100
Spirit Speak 100
Armedcast 90
Magery 80
Meditation 74
Detecting Hidden 74
Arms Lore 74
Healing 60
Alchemy 57
Staves 57
Forensic Evaluation 57
Magic Resistance 57
Wrestling 57
Evaluating Intelligence 50
Hiding 50
Anatomy 50
Herding 35
Polearms 35
Spears 35
Blades 35
Axes 35
Cooking 35
Taste Identification 35
Animal Lore 30


Staty jsou základní atributy postav, jejíchž hodnoty jsou ovlivněny výběrem Rasy a Povolání.

Level 30
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 120 90 68 146 64 168
Human 111 97 95 137 106 163
Half-elf 103 103 108 132 115 161
Elf 100 107 113 129 121 160
Drow 97 102 124 122 130 153
Level 35
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 130 98 76 159 70 184
Human 121 106 103 151 113 179
Half-elf 112 113 117 145 122 177
Elf 108 117 122 142 128 176
Drow 106 112 134 136 137 169