Translations:Class:Priest/20/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „When it comes down to it, the priest can fight with any blunt weapon, such as hammers, maces, and staffs, and with one-handed weapons, he can also pick up a shield. However, his maximum skill parry and staves are lower, so he usually prefers only a two-handed hammer. He can also cast spells with a staff or a book. If a character does not reach the required level to carry a weapon, they have a slim chance of hitting their target.“)
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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
When it comes down to it, the priest can fight with any blunt weapon, such as hammers, maces, and staffs, and with one-handed weapons, he can also pick up a shield. However, his maximum skill parry and staves are lower, so he usually prefers only a two-handed hammer. He can also cast spells with a staff or a book. If a character does not reach the required level to carry a weapon, they have a slim chance of hitting their target.
When it comes down to it, the priest can fight with any blunt weapon, such as hammers, maces, and staves, and with one-handed weapons, he can also pick up a shield. However, his maximum skill parry and staves are lower, so he usually prefers only a two-handed hammer. He can also cast spells with a staff or a book. If a character does not reach the required level to carry a weapon, they have a slim chance of hitting their target.

Aktuální verze z 13. 2. 2024, 15:05

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Zdroj zprávy (Class:Priest)
Když už na to dojde, tak priest může bojovat s jakoukoliv tupou zbraní, kterými jsou kladiva, palcáty a hole a k jednoručním zbraním vzít do ruky i štít. Jeho maximum skillu parry a staves je však nižší, proto většinou preferuje pouze obouruční kladivo. Také může kouzlit s holí nebo knihou. Pokud postava nedosáhne potřebné úrovně pro nošení zbraně, má mizivou šanci trefit svůj cíl.

When it comes down to it, the priest can fight with any blunt weapon, such as hammers, maces, and staves, and with one-handed weapons, he can also pick up a shield. However, his maximum skill parry and staves are lower, so he usually prefers only a two-handed hammer. He can also cast spells with a staff or a book. If a character does not reach the required level to carry a weapon, they have a slim chance of hitting their target.