Translations:Speedruny/4/en: Porovnání verzí

Z Endor Revived Wiki

(založena nová stránka s textem „== Conditions for enlisting your time == * The entire group of players must be from the same guild, ie. if there is one person in the party without a guild or from another guild, the run will not be valid. * There can´t be more than 10 players in the dungeon (at any time during the entire run!). * No more than 120 minutes have passed since entering the final lantern. * The dungeon must not be on cooldown - after anyone clicks on the lantern at the en…“)
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Řádek 1: Řádek 1:
== Conditions for enlisting your time ==
== Conditions for time records ==
* The entire group of players must be from the same guild, ie. if there is one person in the party without a guild or from another guild, the run will not be valid.
* The entire group of players must be from the same guild, ie. if there is one person in the party without a guild or from another guild, the run will not be valid.
* There can´t be more than 10 players in the dungeon (at any time during the entire run!).
* There can´t be more than 10 players in the dungeon (at any time during the entire run!).
* No more than 120 minutes have passed since entering the final lantern.
* No more than 120 minutes have passed since entering the final lantern.
* The dungeon must not be on cooldown - after anyone clicks on the lantern at the end of the dungeon, a 2 hour cooldown commences so the dungeon can respawn and reset. If someone completes the dungeon during this period, the run will not count. You can tell that the dungeon is currently on cooldown by the entrance obelisk - it turns red.
* The dungeon must not be on cooldown - after anyone clicks on the lantern at the end of the dungeon, a 2 hour cooldown commences so the dungeon can respawn and reset. If someone completes the dungeon during this period, the run will not count. You can tell that the dungeon is currently on cooldown by the entrance obelisk - it turns red.

Aktuální verze z 13. 2. 2024, 16:19

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Zdroj zprávy (Speedruny)
== Podmínky pro zapsání času ==
* Celá parta hráčů musí být z jedné guildy, tzn. pokud je v partě jeden člověk bez guildy nebo z jiné guildy, běh nebude platný.
* V dungeonu nesmí být více jak 10 hráčů (kdykoliv během celého běhu!).
* Od vstupu do poklikání na finální lucernu neuběhlo více jak 120 minut.
* Dungeon nesmí být na cooldownu - poté, co kdokoliv na konci dungeonu pokliká na lucernu, naskakuje dvouhodinový cooldown, aby se dungeon mohl respawnout a zresetovat. Pokud někdo dungeon projde během tohoto období, běh se mu nebude počítat. Že je dungeon zrovna na cooldownu, poznáte podle vstupního obelisku - zčervená.

Conditions for time records

  • The entire group of players must be from the same guild, ie. if there is one person in the party without a guild or from another guild, the run will not be valid.
  • There can´t be more than 10 players in the dungeon (at any time during the entire run!).
  • No more than 120 minutes have passed since entering the final lantern.
  • The dungeon must not be on cooldown - after anyone clicks on the lantern at the end of the dungeon, a 2 hour cooldown commences so the dungeon can respawn and reset. If someone completes the dungeon during this period, the run will not count. You can tell that the dungeon is currently on cooldown by the entrance obelisk - it turns red.