Class: Earth Mage

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Earth Mage
  • Damage
  • Support

Classmaster Terra

Mages are primarily concerned with the study of magic, natural forces, and the development of their own minds. This creates a dangerous combination that allows them to master the power of the natural elements. Due to the high difficulty of studying each element, magicians always focus on only one of the four elements, which are fire, water, air and earth. So an earth mage deals with the power of rocks and earth, which he can amplify and control to his advantage. Mage's Wrath is definitely a good thing to avoid, as out of all the magical professions mages can inflict the most damage on their enemies. Their knowledge and strong bond with magic gradually makes them resistant to the magic of others. Mages spend a large part of their lives studying various books and scrolls and this takes a toll on their physical condition. Their bodies are therefore weak and not very resistant. Mages crave knowledge and experience, so they often join groups of adventurers, to whom they benefit not only with their ability to destroy, but also with other useful spells. If a mage goes on an adventure in the world alone, he usually summons an elemental to help him, this magical creature then fights by his side.

Although a mage is able to wear armor and weak melee combat with a staff, he is unable to successfully cast a spell in any armor.

To join the earth mage guild, you must first be a 10th level mage, then search for classmaster Terra in the earth mages guild, type “join” and say the ice mage oath: “Earth be my element, I accept its power.”


Name Level Type Description
Elementalist 11 Passive Increases the mage's resistance to his element. Increases from 11th level up to a maximum at 30th level. The maximum is 20 points to resist.
Domination 15 Active Teleports summoned helpers to the player's position. Used by command .domination


To cast spells, you need to have reagents (regs) with you. These can be bought from vendors, players, or collected from fallen monsters.

Spell # Circle Regs Description
Magic Arrow
In Por Ylem
105 1

Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Very weak damaging spell.
Night Sight
In Lor
106 1

Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily improves target's sight, turning darkness into daylight.
Dragon Skin
Ex Uus Sanct
227 2

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Basic protective spell for mages and necromancers. For a duration, it mitigates all physical damage received by 20%, absorbs 20% into mana, and inflicts the remaining 60% as actual damage.
Kal Lexi
259 2

Garlic (ga) 3xSpider's Silk (ss)

Ritual spell which increases the target's level for the purpose of other rituals (and thus the chance of success). Can be stacked, target has to stay in line of sight. More in ritual section.
Ort Por Ylem
121 3

Black Pearl (bp)

Versatile weak damage spell. Moves a target by 1 tile in a random direction. Loots targeted item into your backpack.
Rel Por
122 3

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr)

Moves the mage to targeted location.
Wall of Stone
In Sanct Ylem
124 3

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp)

Creates an unpassable wall oriented perpendicular to the way the caster is facing upon finishing the spell. Mage's best asset in dungeons, providing cover for the party or completely cutting off a group of enemies. Commonly referred to as "wall".
Vas Ylem
171 3

Black Pearl (bp)

Weak damage spell, mostly viable only on low levels.
Aetheric Shock
Corp Jux
235 3

Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

A time-limited neutral spell that allows the caster to ignore the enemy's spell reflection effect (Magic Reflection). The effect lasts for 2.5 minutes for non-damaging spells, but for damaging spells, it's a one-time effect, and the caster receives the same damage as the target.
Elemental Guardian
Kal Vas Sanct Xen
316 3

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

A ritual spell for summoning a Guardian. More in ritual section.
Por Ort Grav
130 4

Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Moderately strong damaging spell. Commonly used in player-vs-player combat for it's speed.
Kal Ort Por
132 4

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

Spell for traveling around the realm. A marked recall rune or a runebook is needed as target, teleporting the caster after 12 seconds to it's coordinates. While the mage is free to move after the initial cast, the spell can still be interrupted by receiving damage. Commonly referred to as "port" or "kop".
Vas Uus Jux
207 4

Black Pearl (bp) Spider's Silk (ss)

Reduces target's magic resistance skill. Mainly used on stronger monsters and bosses.
Ex Ort Por
219 4

Black Pearl (bp) Spider's Silk (ss)

Temporarily reduces the target's tactics and animal lore.
Quas Ort Hur
221 4

Black Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga)

Temporarily affects the target's concentration, causing them to use more mana for spellcasting.
Stone Spikes Field
In Hur Grav
245 4

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Summons a passable wall that damages anyone who steps through. The wall is oriented perpendicular to the way the caster is facing upon finishing the spell.
Magic Reflection
In Jux Sanct
136 5

Garlic (ga) Mandrake Root (mr)

A protective positive spell that grants the target a time-limited (2.5 minutes) one-time effect to reflect hostile spells (Magic Reflection). This effect reflects negative spells back to the attacker and is exclusive with the Absorption spell (both effects cannot be active at the same time). However, it can be cast on friendly targets and on oneself and multiple targets simultaneously. It is colloquially known as the "mirror" or "reflector."
An Ex Por
138 5

Mandrake Root (mr) Nightshade (ns)

Temporarily immobilizes the target.
Summon Creature
Kal Xen
140 5

Blood Moss (bm) Mandrake Root (mr) Spider's Silk (ss)

Summoning of a llama or a horse
Earth Elemental
Kal Vas Xen Ylem
162 5

5xBlood Moss (bm)

Summons an elemental of earth to aid it's caster for limited amount of time. It is controlled by common pet commands. Unlike other elementals, it does not cast any spells, but it is more durable and formidable melee fighter. Only one elemental can be summoned at a time.
Body fire
Por Corp Rel
177 5

Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Moderate damage spell, it's damage depends on the difference of the target's highest and lowest stat. It's seldom use shines against enemies with particularly high elemental resistances. Commonly referred to as "pcr".
Mani Corp Sanct
222 5

Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

A protective positive spell that gives the caster a time-limited (2.5 minutes) one-time protection against physical damage. The maximum damage reduction is 55%. Cannot be active simultaneously with the Magic Reflection spell.
Dirt Wrath
Ort Ylem
230 5

Nightshade (ns) Spider's Silk (ss)

Strong damaging spell which scales up with target's armor. Caster is prevented from movement while casting. This is the bread and butter spell in player-vs-monster, but can be utilized also in player-vs-player against certain targets. Commonly referred to as "wrath".
Vas In Jux
234 5

Black Pearl (bp) Ginseng (gi)

Removes the magic reflection from the target if they have it. Hysteria goes through the magic reflection of the target (leaves it intact). If the target casts an offensive spell, they will take half the damage dealt.
An Lor Xen
144 6

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Temporarily hides the selected target. The duration depends on the caster's magery skill. The target becomes visible again if they take any action, move, or the spell's duration expires.
Kal Por Ylem
145 6

Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr)

Marks the location of a rune, which can be used later for teleportation via the recall spell.
Kal Somni Xen
173 6

Blood Moss (bm) 2xBlack Pearl (bp)

Creates a copy of the caster to confuse the enemies. The copy lasts for limited amount of time, can be controlled by common pet commands and repeats the power words of it's caster. It cannot deal damage though and vanishes when being damaged itself.
Dirt Bolt
Ylem Por
181 6

Black Pearl (bp) Nightshade (ns)

Strong spell with high spread of damage. It consists of two damage portions - earth and pierce type. Utilized heavily against targets with low armor. Commonly referred to as "bolt".
Vas Ort Ylem
184 6

Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa)

Moderate damage spell with delayed effect after few seconds. Reduced by target's armor value. Used mainly in player-vs-player combat for chaining with another strong damaging spell, resulting in a big combined burst of damage. Commonly referred to as "bomb".
Dispel Magic
An Ort
193 6

4xBlack Pearl (bp) Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi)

Cancels all magical effects affecting stats or skills on the caster.
Ort Quas
272 6

Garlic (ga) Ginseng (gi) Mandrake Root (mr)

A positive spell that adds a 10-second whisper effect to the caster. Subsequent spells will not display spell words (spellwords). It is occasionally used in PvP to surprise enemies.
Vas Rel Por
152 7

2xBlood Moss (bm) 2xBlack Pearl (bp)

Targets a marked recall rune (or a runebook) and creates a portal for a short amount of time, which can be used by any player, enabling back and forth traveling between the two locations. Can be blocked by Wall of Stone spell. Beware of jumping into uknown Gates, for they can lead to a trap from enemy player killers!
Dirt Strike
Kal Vas Ylem
187 7

2xSulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Very high damage spell with longer cast time. Used mostly in player-vs-player combat. Commonly referred to as "kvf" (for it's notorious fire mage's version Kal Vas Flam).
Dirt Lance
Vas Ylem Ort
201 7

Black Pearl (bp) Sulphurous Ash (sa) Spider's Silk (ss)

Very high damage spell with effect traveling from the caster in it's target's direction. The damage is distributed among all in it's way (even party members). Notoriously known for it's use by player killers. Beware of using in crowds, since attacking other players will give you aggressor or criminal status. Commonly referred to as "lance".
Greater Telekinesis
Vas Ort Por Ylem
223 7

Blood Moss (bm) Black Pearl (bp) Mandrake Root (mr)

Negative spell which enables the caster to move his target to another targeted tile.
Chain Lightning
Vas Por Ort Grav
290 7

Mandrake Root (mr) 2xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Very strong damage spell which chains damage to subsequent nearby targets (except guild and party members). The damage is divided among all targets and can reveal hidden. Beware of using in crowds, since attacking other players will give you aggressor or criminal status. Commonly referred to as "vog"
Boulder Swarm
Flam Kal Des Ylem
296 7

3xSulphurous Ash (sa)

Moderate area of effect damage spell. The damage is divided among all targets (except guild and party members). Can damage hidden targets. Beware of using in crowds, since attacking other players will give you aggressor or criminal status. Rarely used.
Stone to flesh
An Ylem In Mani
330 7

10xMandrake Root (mr)

Canceles petrification.
In Vas Por
157 8

3xBlack Pearl (bp) Volcanic Ash (va)

Damaging spell with wide area of effect around the caster (except party members). The damage dealt is divided among elligible targets, thus making it relatively weak against many enemies. The damage will reveal hidden targets. Beware of using in crowds, since attacking other players will give you aggressor or criminal status.
Frost Nova
An Flam Ex Por
300 9

3xVolcanic Ash (va)

Large area of effect damage spell which paralyses all targets in caster's vicinity (except guild and party members). Requires a frost nova scroll (uncommon loot). Good in emergency situtations. Beware of using in crowds, since attacking other players will give you aggressor or criminal status.


Mage's very basic equipment consists only of regs, but it is also advisable to have at least heal, cure potions and hypnotic ornaments. His bandage healing is very weak. At low level, he can help melee with a staff against weak monsters. Of the armor, he only has robes that provide weak protection. In other armor, he is unable to cast a spell. His basic non-magic equipment is also very cheap for its simplicity, but it does not provide him with any essential benefit. However, magical items are a great help to the mage, more in the items section. Basic equipment can be purchased from npc vendors or craftsman players.


The mage's main weapon is his mind, but he can also deal weak physical damage with a staff up to 2 squares away. The damage type is blunt. He can also cast spells with a staff or a book. Weapons can be crafted by the craftsman profession from a variety of materials and qualities. Weapons are damaged by use, the skill armslore is used to determine the state of weapons. In addition, magic staves and books are also damaged by spells, the skill item identification (itemid) is used to determine their condition. Thus, magic staves can be damaged by both physical and magical use, and it is necessary to use both skills to control them. More information about weapons, their claim to level, properties, etc. in the weapons section.


A mage can only cast spells in robes. Robes from level 10+ can only be worn by a mage, they provide weak physical protection and cannot be magical. In addition to robes, a mage can also wear all kinds of clothing (dresses, shoes, hats, cloaks, etc.) and jewelry (ring, necklace, and bracelet). However, non-magical items, apart from the mage's robes, are just a fashion accessory. Some types of clothing and jewelry can also be magical. Armor can be crafted by the craftsman profession from a variety of materials and qualities. Arms are damaged by damage received and need to be checked with the arms lore skill.


Skills are trainable attributes that have a major impact on each character's gameplay. Below is the table of max values ​​at level 30. From level 31 onwards, only stats are being increased.

Skill Max
Inscription 100
Magery 100
Magic Resistance 100
Meditation 100
Musicianship 100
Spiritspeak 100
Alchemy 74
Detect Hidden 74
Evaluating Intelligence 74
Item Identification 57
Staves 57
Camping 50
Cooking 35
Forensic Evaluation 35
Healing 35
Herding 35
Taste Identification 35
Anatomy 22
Animal Lore 30
Tactics 10


Stats are basic character attributes whose values are affected by Races and Classes.

The mage has a small amount of HP. It is a key intelligence stat for a mage, improving his magic damage, mana pool and mana regeneration. So the choice of race depends on personal preference. E.g. drow has lower strength (has less health and worse carrying capacity) and dexterity (worse dodging attacks), but has more INT (has more mana, better mana regen, and stronger spell damage), compared to elf, which is almost the opposite. For assessment, use the table below with stats at 30th and 35th level. A mage race often used by players is the drow.

Level 30
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 90 57 85 100 129 115
Human 81 64 112 92 171 110
Half-elf 73 71 125 87 179 108
Elf 69 74 130 83 186 106
Drow 66 70 141 77 194 99
Level 35
Race Str Dex Int Hp Mana Stam
Orc 95 60 96 107 146 122
Human 85 68 124 98 189 117
Half-elf 77 74 138 93 198 115
Elf 73 79 143 90 204 114
Drow 70 74 154 83 213 106