
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 18. 5. 2024, 22:55, kterou vytvořil Reloecc (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „Patreon signs“)

As a Patron supporter, you have the option to choose a game account where you will receive a reward in the form of the Patron title and shimmering coins. These coins can be used to purchase various decorations, unique dyes, and a robe that will remain with you even upon death.

What will I get?

Money for purchasing these and other decorative items. Never pay to win!

Patreon rewards

Dostanete také přístup na chat pro patrony, kde se budete dozvídat spoustu informací s předstihem a budete mít možnost ovlivnit vývoj hry. Pro přístup na discord kanál je nutné spárovat patreon účet s discordem.

Jak účet spárovat?

V nastavení účtu na webových stránkách najdete příslušnou sekci.

Patreon administrace

Na Discord se napojíte v Patreon účtu.

Jak to funguje?

  • After pairing, you will have the option to set the Patron title using the .title command.
  • Shimmering coins will start to be deposited into the first character's bank on the selected account every day based on the tier.
  • You will have the ability to create a patron sign using the .patreon sign create command, which will be used for receiving shimmerings (instead of the bank).
    • The sign comes in various colors depending on the tier in the Patreon system.
    • You can lock it onto your house.
    • The sign indicates how long you have been a patron.
    • Only a character on your account can open the sign. Even co-owners do not have access to the sign.
    • You can flip the sign using the .flip command.

Patreon signs