
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 26. 1. 2025, 03:54, kterou vytvořil Tyrnel (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „<div style="flex: 1 1 calc(33% - 20px); border: 1px solid #e5bb5c; padding: 10px; border-radius: 8px;"> <b>Gobi</b><br> <i>Tester</i><br> Gobi is responsible for testing new content and mechanics. He ensures that all new features work correctly and are ready for players. He helps identify bugs and suggests improvements. </div> </div>“)
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Gobi is responsible for testing new content and mechanics. He ensures that all new features work correctly and are ready for players. He helps identify bugs and suggests improvements.