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Verze z 26. 1. 2025, 01:49, kterou vytvořil Tyrnel (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „== Level 20+ Dungeons == {| class="wikitable" |- ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Dungeon Name ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Level ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Restrictions ! style="background-color:#3b3c36; color:#ffffff; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;" | Notes ! style=…“)
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Level 20+ Dungeons

Dungeon Name Level Restrictions Notes Coordinates
Ancient Catacombs ??? ??? Information to be added. X:5519 Y:2263 Z:0
Ruins of Avalon 18+ No Located on an island southeast of the Priest Guild; requires a boat. X:4420 Y:1789 Z:0
City of Lost Angels 20+ No Entrance west of Daugas. X:2622 Y:2077 Z:0
Damned Mines 2 15–36 No Accessible via Damned Mines 1 or through a mine above Golden Mines. X:3783 Y:1318 Z:0
Urut-hai Camp 18+ No Entrance north of the Hierophant Guild. X:5296 Y:2538 Z:0
Vampire Mansion 18+ No First, visit the small tower at (X:1593 Y:1990 Z:0). The dungeon contains a dragon with high regeneration. X:1530 Y:2266 Z:0
Cultist Hideout 18+ No Located on an island; requires a boat and rune marking. Contains demons and cultists. X:481 Y:3433 Z:0
Cursed Island 18+ No Requires a boat. Contains a dragon with high regeneration and undead enemies. X:1027 Y:1931 Z:0
Preti Island 18+ No Requires a boat. X:333 Y:3852 Z:0
Preti Village 18+ No Entrance north of Golden Mine Village. X:3928 Y:651 Z:0
Preti Large Island 18+ No Requires a boat. X:348 Y:2551 Z:0
Diablo 1 18+ No Port via Arch Mage, who can be found at various locations (e.g., X:1775 Y:2917 Z:0). X:6230 Y:3976 Z:0
Ogri near Shienar 25+ No Information to be added. X:5284 Y:3086 Z:0
Mini Skaven ??? ??? Information to be added. X:5277 Y:2683 Z:0
Hulk ??? ??? Information to be added. X:2578 Y:1916 Z:0
The Hunting Shadow Fortress 20–36 No Beware of closing gates beyond the bridge. Contains humanoid NPCs and undead. X:3481 Y:2546 Z:0
Snake Cult 25+ No Information to be added. X:5239 Y:3370 Z:0
Ophidian Cave 18+ No Entrance south of Daugas or north of Sindhar City. X:3158 Y:2596 Z:0