First steps

Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 12. 2. 2024, 23:40, kterou vytvořil Brugnio (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „Gaian guides you through the trading system for Rusty Coins. You will receive a small amount from him, with which you can buy bandages, cure potions and a short sword from the relevant NPCs. If you bring these items to him, he will reward you with a large amount of Rusty Coins. '''We recommend not to skip this step, with these coins you can easily buy any equipment you lose!'''“)

Character Creation

On the first screen after logging into the game, you choose the name, gender and appearance of the character. Only the hairstyle and the color of the waltzes/beards can be changed in the game, the others cannot, so choose carefully. Rules for character names: - Maximum length of 16 characters, only letters and spaces (but no spaces after the name!) - The character must not have a title in the name (e.g. Lord, Sir, etc.) - The character name must follow the principles of polite speech, must not refer to real persons and must not be offensive in any way.

Race Selection

After confirming your selection, your character will materialize on Endor. However, it begins as a soul that has yet to choose its earthly form. There are of five races to choose from. The chosen race affects the character's stats as well as its appearance. It is advisable to decide in advance what profession you want to pursue, and choose your race accordingly.


By clicking on the statuette of the given race, you can read something about it, its strengths, weaknesses and recommended professions.

Click “Apply” to select a race. Race can be freely changed until you leave the starting room. But if you go through the portal at the end, the choice becomes permanent, so choose carefully! It is clear that some races have a natural aptitude for becoming, for example, a knight or a wizard. But nothing is impossible in Endor, each character has a free choice and can definitely fall a little further like an apple from a tree.

First steps

Once you appear in the world of Endor, you will be greeted by Guide Quark.




If you say hi to him (as he prompts you to), a dialogue will open where he will explain the basic elements of gameplay and guide you through the first steps of Endor. - If you want to change the language of the game to Czech, write the command .switchlang .

Read carefully what the Guide tells you and you shouldn't get lost. Still, here are some tips to get you started.

  • Put the dagger in your backpack into your hand. Open the backpack by double-clicking on its image in the character menu (so-called paperdoll). Daggers can then be placed in your hand either by double-clicking on it, or by clicking and dragging on the paperdoll character graphics.
  • In order to attack, you must turn on “War mode”. It can be turned on by default with the tab or by clicking on the inscription "Peace" on the paperdoll
  • it will change to the orange colored "War".

Be careful what you attack! After turning on war mode, you double-click to attack an NPC, but attacking a blue NPC or a blue player in the city turns you into a criminal, and then anyone can kill you with impunity, or send guards to finish you off. Therefore, always attack only gray or red monsters and NPCs. Quark immediately sends you to Kenen, who is standing nearby.




He will give you the task of bringing him 150 feathers from birds. This is obtained by killing any birds throughout Daugas, using the .rip command on their corpse, and dragging the feathers onto your character or into your backpack.

All the quests you have received can be displayed with the .questlog command.

Return to Kenen when you have 150 feathers. He will then send you to William at the main bank.




William will explain the functions of the bank. The banker will open your chest at the command bank - ask him using the word help for more options. For example, you can find out how much money you currently have in the bank with the command status . Then he will send you to Jake, who is based in the Daugask church:




Jake walks you through death and reanimation on Endor. If your character dies, all items (with a few exceptions such as keys or runebooks) will remain in the body, and the player must go to the Healer to revive the ghost. You can find the closest one with .findhealer command. When you come to him, so that he can revive you, he must see you - you must have "War mode" on. It's usually enough, if it doesn't work the first time, try telling him something. Healers are important for other reasons as well, for example if your character catches a plague or poison that he can't cure himself, just get close to any healer and he will rid you of the disease.

Another important piece of information she will advise you on is how to reach other levels. Levels on Endor do not jump automatically, but after reaching a sufficient amount of experience (exp) you have to buy a new level from your classmaster. Masters of each profession are discussed in the respective wiki articles. To advance to the next level, if you have enough money in your main backpack, tell the master the command level .

So Jake sends you to the master of the wanderer profession, which you are after character creation. It is located in the beginner's camp in Daugas, near Quark.




Write the level command to him to advance to the next level. The first one is free :-) After that, return to William at the Daugas Bank. After completing this part of the tutorial, your next task is to reach level 3. Run around the city killing animals, doing npc quests, and don't forget to return to Kenen at level 3 (if you forget, you'll have a reminder in the .questlog menu.

Kenen will then send you to Glimp to learn more about professions. Glimp will then offer you a one-time teleport to the guild of your choice. But be careful, they won't transport you back! Before choosing a profession, it is strongly recommended to study the wiki, because the choice of profession can no longer be changed.




To choose a profession in a given guild, find a master and tell him the join command. The master will tell you the oath, which you must repeat exactly (including punctuation!). If you didn't have time to copy the text, you can find it in the Journal, which you open with the button on the top bar.

You will have to make your own way back, or take a ride with someone. There are several types of transporters on Endor that will transport you to a large number of locations around the world for a small fee. They are "Lars"' who drives on the main land, ''Silver' who transports across the seas and "Lysander" who controls the airship that transports you almost anywhere. In each guild there is a possibility to ride back to Daugas with at least one of them.

The next step is to acquire the basic equipment for the profession you have chosen. Most of the low level quests in Daugas reward not only money but also a new beginner's currency - "Rusty coins". You can use this currency in the starting camp to buy basic equipment for each character, including reagents, bandages, ammunition and potions. The sources of rusty coins are varied, apart from the already mentioned quests, you can find them in treasures in low level dungeons, you can get them by selling various things from npc in the starting camp (feathers, meat, etc.), and they even appear in a bag that can drop after discharging any surface spawn (Bag of Spoils).

After choosing a profession, we recommend talking to Gaian, the Advanced Tutor:




Gaian guides you through the trading system for Rusty Coins. You will receive a small amount from him, with which you can buy bandages, cure potions and a short sword from the relevant NPCs. If you bring these items to him, he will reward you with a large amount of Rusty Coins. We recommend not to skip this step, with these coins you can easily buy any equipment you lose!

Tímto jste dokončili tutorial a můžete se vydat za dobrodružstvím!

Další užitečné rady

  • Vendoři reagují na slova buy a sell, bankéř otevře vaši truhlu na příkaz bank - pro více možností se ho zeptejte pomocí slova help. Questovní vendoři většinou reagují na pozdrav (hi).
  • Pokud potřebujete vydělat peníze, sbírejte z monster vše prodejné a užitečné. Reagenty, pokud je nepotřebujete, můžete prodat jiným hráčům. Z některých monster lze získat peří, kůže nebo maso (po vykuchání - .rip), které lze taky zpeněžit. Naopak zbraně a zbroje, které mají přídomek (shabby), vám ku prospěchu příliš nebudou. Zbraně jsou tupé, zbroje poskytují minimální ochranu a po pár úderech se rozpadají.
  • Dávejte si pozor, jestli nasazení zbraně či zbroje nevypíše nějaké zvýrazněné systémové hlášení. Většinou to znamená, že budete mít problémy s používáním těchto věcí.
  • Otravu lze vyléčit buď léčením pomocí bandáží se skillem Healing nebo Veterinary (jen pro druidy v morfu) nad 50 %, nebo častěji pomocí lahvičky cure. Slabší cure potion léčí pouze slabší otravu. Greater cure dokáže zcela vyléčit všechny jedy kromě natural poisonu, který lze dostat z otrávených zdí. Vypití cure chrání na chvíli před další otravou - čím silnější nápoj, tím delší ochrana.
  • Z paralýzy se dostanete pomocí hypnotic ornamentu (vyrábí craft pomocí engineeringu). Je jich více druhů. Čím větší inteligenci postava má, tím silnější ornament je potřeba. Ornament lze použít pomocí příkazu .hypnotic.
  • Pokud jdete někam ve skupině, používejte party system (dvojklik na pravý stočený svitek na paperdollu postavy). Zkušenosti pak budou získávat všichni v partě.
  • Na jízdním zvířeti lze jezdit, pouze pokud má nasazenou ohlávku. Ta se kupuje u vendora a zvířeti ji nasazuje hráč, který má znalosti ochočování zvěře (Animal Taming).
  • Zvíře můžete za poplatek ustájit ve stájích. Stačí říct vendorovi (stable masterovi) stable, zaplatit a dostanete potvrzení (ticket), že je u něj zvíře ustájeno. Pokud má ustájené zvíře ohlávku, ticket je bílý, v opačném případě je béžový. Zvíře si zpět vyzvednete přetažením ticketu na jakéhokoliv stable mastera. Nezapomeňte svá zvířata pravidelně krmit, jinak vás opustí!
  • Pokud najdete v těle monstra malý nažloutlý váček s popisem “a treasure of [jméno]”, nesnažte se jej otevřít. Jde o malý poklad, ve kterém bývá zpravidla nějaký magický předmět. Tyto poklady často bývají opatřeny nějakou nástrahou, která může neopatrného hrdinu i zabít. Poklad dokáže bezpečně otevřít příslušník cechu zlodějů.