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 h čeština (cs){| class="wikitable"
! Reagent
! Název
! Vylepšuje
! Pozice
| {{Reagent|bp}}
| black pearl
| armor
| cech
| {{Reagent|bm}}
| blood moss
| strength
| cech
| {{Reagent|ga}}
| garlic
| dexterity
| cech
| {{Reagent|gi}}
| ginseng
| intelligence
| cech
| {{Reagent|mr}}
| mandrake root
| magic resistance
| cech
| {{Reagent|ns}}
| nightshade
| tactics
| cech
| {{Reagent|ss}}
| spider’s silk
| wrestling
| cech
| {{Reagent|sa}}
| sulphurous ash
| axes
| cech
| {{Reagent|bw}}
| bat wing
| strength
| The Great Pyramid hluboko v poušti na západ od cechu Rangerů
| {{Reagent|bk}}
| blackmoor
| dexterity
| hřbitov u bažiny daleko na východ od cechu Berserků podél pobřeží
| {{Reagent|br}}
| blood reagent
| aim
| Cursed Island severozápadně od cechu Berserků
| {{Reagent|bs}}
| blood spawn
| intelligence
| hřbitov západně od Liosu
| {{Reagent|bn}}
| bone
| magic resistance
| hřbitov jižně od Forsaken Fortress
| {{Reagent|bt}}
| brimstone
| wrestling
| The Ancient Cemetery západně od Forsaken Fortress
| {{Reagent|dw}}
| dead wood
| archery
| Cursed Island severozápadně od cechu Berserků
| {{Reagent|db}}
| daemon bone
| constitution
| Sand Crypt na gladiátorském ostrově
| {{Reagent|ec}}
| executioner’s cap
| evaluating intelligence
| Haunted Ruins na písečném ostrově
| {{Reagent|fd}}
| fertile dirt
| armor
| Ruined Houses západně od cechu Berserků
| {{Reagent|ob}}
| obsidian
| resist element
| Graveyard in the Lost Mountains západně od Snowy Valley
| {{Reagent|pi}}
| pig iron
| tactics
| Medea Cemetery
| {{Reagent|pu}}
| pumice
| constitution
| Hamunaptra jižně od Alcarinque
| {{Reagent|sl}}
| serpent scale
| magery
| Shienar Cemetery
| {{Reagent|va}}
| volcanic ash
| swordsmanship
| Evil Necromancer’s Tower západně od cechu Air mágů
 h angličtina (en){| class="wikitable"
! Reagent
! Title
! Enhances
! Position
| {{Reagent|bp}}
| black pearl
| armor
| guild
| {{Reagent|bm}}
| blood moss
| strength
| guild
| {{Reagent|ga}}
| garlic
| dexterity
| guild
| {{Reagent|gi}}
| ginseng
| intelligence
| guild
| {{Reagent|mr}}
| mandrake root
| magic resistance
| guild
| {{Reagent|ns}}
| nightshade
| tactics
| guild
| {{Reagent|ss}}
| spider's silk
| wrestling
| guild
| {{Reagent|sa}}
| sulphurous ash
| axes
| guild
| {{Reagent|bw}}
| bat wing
| strength
| The Great Pyramid deep in the desert west of the Ranger Guild
| {{Reagent|bk}}
| blackmoor
| dexterity
| swamp graveyard far east of the Berserker guild along the coast
| {{Reagent|db}}
| blood reagent
| aim
| Cursed Island northwest of the Berserker Guild
| {{Reagent|bs}}
| blood spawn
| intelligence
| graveyard west of Lios
| {{Reagent|bn}}
| bone
| magic resistance
| graveyard south of Forsaken Fortress
| {{Reagent|bt}}
| brimstone
| wrestling
| The Ancient Cemetery west of the Forsaken Fortress
| {{Reagent|dw}}
| dead wood
| archers
| Cursed Island northwest of the Berserker Guild
| {{Reagent|db}}
| daemon bone
| constitution
| Sand Crypt on Gladiator Island
| {{Reagent|ec}}
| executioner's cap
| evaluating intelligence
| Haunted Ruins on Sand Island
| {{Reagent|fd}}
| fertile dirt
| armor
| Ruined Houses west of the Berserker Guild
| {{Reagent|ob}}
| obsidian
| resist element
| Graveyard in the Lost Mountains west of Snowy Valley
| {{Reagent|pi}}
| pig iron
| tactics
| Medea Cemetery
| {{Reagent|pu}}
| pumice stone
| constitution
| Hamunaptra south of Alcarinque
| {{Reagent|sl}}
| serpent scale
| magery
| Shienar Cemetery
| {{Reagent|va}}
| volcanic ash
| swordsmanship
| Evil Necromancer's Tower West of the Air Mages Guild
 h čínština (zh){| class="wikitable"
! 试剂
! 标题
! 增强
! 位置
| {{Reagent|bp}}
| black pearl
| armor
| guild
| {{Reagent|bm}}
| blood moss
| strength
| guild
| {{Reagent|ga}}
| garlic
| dexterity
| guild
| {{Reagent|gi}}
| ginseng
| intelligence
| guild
| {{Reagent|mr}}
| mandrake root
| magic resistance
| guild
| {{Reagent|ns}}
| nightshade
| tactics
| guild
| {{Reagent|ss}}
| spider's silk
| wrestling
| guild
| {{Reagent|sa}}
| sulphurous ash
| axes
| guild
| {{Reagent|bw}}
| bat wing
| strength
| The Great Pyramid deep in the desert west of the Ranger Guild
| {{Reagent|bk}}
| blackmoor
| dexterity
| swamp graveyard far east of the Berserker guild along the coast
| {{Reagent|db}}
| blood reagent
| aim
| Cursed Island northwest of the Berserker Guild
| {{Reagent|bs}}
| blood spawn
| intelligence
| graveyard west of Lios
| {{Reagent|bn}}
| bone
| magic resistance
| graveyard south of Forsaken Fortress
| {{Reagent|bt}}
| brimstone
| wrestling
| The Ancient Cemetery west of the Forsaken Fortress
| {{Reagent|dw}}
| dead wood
| archers
| Cursed Island northwest of the Berserker Guild
| {{Reagent|db}}
| daemon bone
| constitution
| Sand Crypt on Gladiator Island
| {{Reagent|ec}}
| executioner's cap
| evaluating intelligence
| Haunted Ruins on Sand Island
| {{Reagent|fd}}
| fertile dirt
| armor
| Ruined Houses west of the Berserker Guild
| {{Reagent|ob}}
| obsidian
| resist element
| Graveyard in the Lost Mountains west of Snowy Valley
| {{Reagent|pi}}
| pig iron
| tactics
| Medea Cemetery
| {{Reagent|pu}}
| pumice stone
| constitution
| Hamunaptra south of Alcarinque
| {{Reagent|sl}}
| serpent scale
| magery
| Shienar Cemetery
| {{Reagent|va}}
| volcanic ash
| swordsmanship
| Evil Necromancer's Tower West of the Air Mages Guild