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 h čeština (cs)Abyste se stali priestem, musíte být [[Class:Cleric|Cleric]] na 10. úrovni. Navštivte Augustina, Classmastera v cechu priestů do kterého se dostanete díky převozníkovi jménem Lars. Požádejte ho o “join” a opakujte po něm “I shall protect the purity of Endor. There shall be no darkness in the Light.”.
 h angličtina (en)To become a priest you must be a [[Class:Cleric|Cleric]] at 10th level. Visit Augustin, a Classmaster in the Priests' Guild, which you can reach thanks to a ferryman named Lars. Ask him to "join" and repeat after him "I shall protect the purity of Endor. There shall be no darkness in the Light.”
 h čínština (zh)要加入牧师行列,必须是达到10级的1转祭祀Cleric,在牧师公会中找到大师奥古斯丁Augustin,请求他接纳(输入"join")并重复神圣誓言:"I shall protect the purity of Endor. There shall be no darkness in the Light."(我将保护恩多的纯洁。光明中没有黑暗")