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 h čeština (cs)== Ability ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Příkaz
! Popis
| <code>.angelicpresence</code>
| Zapne abilitu Angelic Presence (pouze hierophant)
| <code>.demorph</code>
| Zruší současný morph (pouze druid).
| <code>.diamondofprotection</code>
| Zapne abilitu Diamond of Protection (pouze abhorsen)
| <code>.divineshield</code>
| Použije na vybraný target abilitu Divine Shield (pouze hierophant)
| <code>.frenzy</code>
| Zapne zuřivost (pouze berserk).
| <code>.lifetap [parametr]</code>
| Aktivuje abilitu lifetap. Parametr určuje počet obětovaných HP (napřiklad: .lifetap 50) (pouze heretic).
| <code>.ma [parametr]</code>
| Bez parametru zobrazí ability dotupné pro aktuální morph. Parametr je název ability, kterou chce druid použít.
| <code>.missionary [parametr]</code>
| Použití ability missionary (paladin).
| <code>.morph [parametr]</code>
| Bez parametru vyvolá menu s výběrem morphu. Parametr určuje typ požadovaného morfu (pouze druid).
| <code>.painshare</code>
| Použije na daný target abilitu Pain Share (pouze hierophant)
| <code>.spellbreak</code>
| Použití ability Spell Breaker (mercenary).
| <code>.taunt [on/off]</code>
| Zapnutí/vypnutí taunt modu (mercenary).
| <code>.taunt</code>
| Zobrazení stavu taunt modu (mercenary).
| <code>.truth</code>
| Použití ability Truth Seeker (paladin).
 h angličtina (en)== Abilities ==
{| class="wikitable"
! Command
! Description
| <code>.angelicpresence</code> 
| Enables the ability Angelic Presence (hierophant only)
| <code>.demorph</code> 
| Cancels the current morph (Druid only).
| <code>.diamondofprotection</code> 
| Enables the ability Diamond of Protection (abhorsen only)
| <code>.divineshield</code> 
| Uses the Divine Shield ability (hierophant only)
| <code>.frenzy</code> 
| Turns on fury (berserk only).
| <code>.lifetap [parameter]</code> 
| Activates the lifetap ability. The parameter determines the number of HP sacrificed (for example: .lifetap 50) (heretic only).
| <code>.ma [parameter]</code> 
| Without a parameter, it will display the abilities available for the current morph. The parameter is the name of the ability the druid wants to use.
| <code>.missionary [parameter]</code> 
| Using the ability missionary (paladin).
| <code>.morph [parameter]</code> 
| Without a parameter, it brings up a menu with a morph selection. The parameter specifies the type of morph requested (druid only).
| <code>.painshare</code> 
| Uses the Pain Share ability (hierophant only)
| <code>.spellbreak</code> 
| Using the ability Spell Breaker (mercenary).
| <code>.taunt [on/off]</code> 
| Turn on/off taunt mode (mercenary).
| <code>.taunt</code> 
| Displaying the status of taunt mod (mercenary).
| <code>.truth</code> 
| Using the ability Truth Seeker (paladin).
 h čínština (zh)== 能力==
| <code>.angelicpresence</code> 
| <code>.demorph</code> 
| <code>.diamondofprotection</code> 
| <code>.divineshield</code> 
| <code>.frenzy</code> 
| <code>.lifetap [parametr]</code> 
|激活生命分流能力。该参数决定了牺牲的HP数量(例如:.lifetap 50)(仅限此处)。
| <code>.ma [parametr]</code> 
| <code>.missionary [parametr]</code> 
| <code>.morph [parametr]</code> 
| <code>.painshare</code> 
| <code>.spellbreak</code> 
| <code>.taunt [on/off]</code> 
| <code>.taunt</code> 
| <code>.truth</code> 