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Verze z 22. 5. 2024, 13:08, kterou vytvořil Kf4st87 (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „== Komponenty == <div style="display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; gap: 1em"> {| class="wikitable" style="width:850px" |- ! Components !! Description |- | Soubor:Box.jpg | The Miracul Box can be converted into a Miracul Amulet which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor. |- | Soubor:Ore.jpg | The Miracul Ore can be converted into a Miracul Ingot which can further be used as a component to compose di…“)

Sauron on the Folding Island

A wrapped parchment lay on a cupboard in the corner of the library. A bright light could be seen shining through the cloth. It says something about a distant island and about miraculous components that can only be assembled on this island into an artifact that is tailored to its owner and that no one else can wear. It is also written here about the shaking of the earth that accompanies this folding and thus lets the whole country know that something is happening. The creation of artifacts is accompanied by terrible battles, in which many heroes are injured and many components are stolen to be reused next time.

Each profession is said to have different combinations of these strange components that valuable items are made of. And it is these variants that are written on the glowing parchment, along with the special properties that appear when using the five parts of these sets.

Components are sometimes accompanied by dragons and similarly powerful monsters that stole them from magical priests in ancient times. If necessary, they are in treasures that are protected by a number of such monsters.

On the Folding Island you can buy miracul tools from Mr. Sauron which are needed to remake components.


Components Description
The Miracul Box can be converted into a Miracul Amulet which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor.
The Miracul Ore can be converted into a Miracul Ingot which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor.
The Miracul Reagent can be converted into a Miracul Potion which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor.
The Miracul Log can be converted into a Miracul Board which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor.
The Miracul Hide can be converted into a Miracul Leather which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor.
The Miracul Chunk can be converted into a Miracul Gem which can further be used as a component to compose different parts of different Miracul Armor.

Air Mage

Artifact Components Bonus
Robe of storm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magery
Wizard hat of storm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magicresistance
Staff of storm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% EI
Bracelet of storm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5 INT
Earrings of storm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% meditation
Amulet of storm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion 1x mana regeneration


Artifact Components Bonus
Furious chainmail tunic Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5% Magicresistance
Furious chainmail coif Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5% Healing
Furious chainmail leggings Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5% Tactics
Furious chainmail gloves Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5 DEX
Furious war axe Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5% Axes
Furious superior axe Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5% Axes
Furious cloak Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5% Anatomy
Furious studded leather gorget Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet +5 STR
Furious sleeves Gem, Leather, Ingot, Amulet 1x stamina regeneration


Artifact - demorph Components Bonus
Staff of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Staves
Wolf hide of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% EI
Tunic of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magery
Leggings of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Sleeves of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Gloves of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Gorget of deep forest Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Artifact - morph Components Bonus
White charm of nature power Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Green charm of nature power Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5 % Animallore
Violet charm of nature power Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Blue charm of nature power Gem, Leather, Board, Potion
Red charm of nature power Gem, Leather, Board, Potion

Earth Mage

Artifact Components Bonus
Robe of earthquake Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magery
Wizard hat of earthquake Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magicresistance
Staff of earthquake Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% EI
Bracelet of earthquake Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5 INT
Earrings of earthquake Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% meditation
Amulet of earthquake Gem, Leather, Board, Potion 1x mana regeneration

Fire Mage

Artifact Components Bonus
Robe of firestorm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magery
Wizard hat of firestorm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magicresistance
Staff of firestorm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% EI
Bracelet of firestorm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5 INT
Earrings of firestorm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% meditation
Amulet of firestorm Gem, Leather, Board, Potion 1x mana regeneration


Artifact Components Bonus
Unholy platemail gloves Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5% Healing
Unholy platemail gorget Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion 1x mana regeneration
Unholy platemail leggings Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5% Anatomy
Unholy platemail arms Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5% Magicresistance
Unholy platemail breastplate Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5% Magery
Unholy platemail helmet Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5 INT
Unholy shield Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5% Parry
Unholy mace Leather, Ingot, Amulet, Potion +5% EI

Ice Mage

Artifact Components Bonus
Robe of cold Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magery
Wizard hat of cold Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magicresistance
Staff of cold Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% EI
Bracelet of cold Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5 INT
Earrings of cold Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% meditation
Amulet of cold Gem, Leather, Board, Potion 1x mana regeneration


Artifact Components Bonus
Militant warmace Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Macefighting
Militant platemail gloves Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Tactics
Militant platemail gorget Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5 STR
Militant platemail leggings Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5 Healing
Militant platemail arms Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Magicresistance
Militant platemail helmet Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5 DEX
Militant platemail breastplate Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Anatomy
Militant halberd Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Polearms
Militant heater shield Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Parry


Artifact Components Bonus
Liche shroud Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magery
Liche helmet Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Magicresistance
Liche staff Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% EI
Liche gloves Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5 INT
Liche leggings Gem, Leather, Board, Potion +5% Meditation
Liche kiris Gem, Leather, Board, Potion 1x mana regeneration


Artifact Components Bonus
Blessed platemail gloves Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Tactics
Blessed platemail gorget Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5 STR
Blessed platemail leggings Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5 DEX
Blessed platemail arms Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Magicresistance
Blessed platemail helmet Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Healing
Blessed platemail breastplate Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Anatomy
Blessed long blade Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Swordsmanship
Blessed heater shield Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Parry
Blessed trident Board, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Spears


Artifact Components Bonus
Hierarch platemail gloves Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Healing
Hierarch platemail gorget Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet 1x mana regeneration
Hierarch platemail leggings Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Anatomy
Hierarch platemail arms Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% MAgicresistance
Hierarch platemail breastplate Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Magery
Hierarch platemail helmet Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Veterinary
Hierarch cloak Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5 STR
Hierarch mace Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% Macefighting
Hierarch heater shield Gem, Potion, Ingot, Amulet +5% EI


Artifact Components Bonus
Elven bow Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Archery
Elven gloves Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5 STR
Elven crossbow Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Archery
Elven sleeves Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet 1x mana regeneration
Elven coif Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Magicresistance
Elven leggings Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Healing
Elven tunic Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Anatomy
Elven cloak Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Aim
Elven gorget Leather, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5 DEX


Artifact Components Bonus
Rogue's coif Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Healing
Scimitar of silent death Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Blades
Cloak of master thief Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Stealth
Rogue's sleeves Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5 DEX
Rogue's leggings Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Tactics
Rogue's tunic Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Aim
Rogue's buckler Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Parry
Stilleto of pain Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet
Rogue's gloves Gem, Board, Ingot, Amulet +5% Anatomy