House Decorator/en

Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 9. 6. 2024, 20:24, kterou vytvořil Dedorudo (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „'''''the item can only be moved within the house of which the player is the owner or co-owner'''''“)

A tool for precise home beautification. It can be bought from vendors: Provisioner, Carpenter and Tinker for 1500gp.

After using and selecting an item in the house, the player has the opportunity to move the item along all three axes and other tools for precise handling of the item.

the item can only be moved within the house of which the player is the owner or co-owner

Reset position

Přesune item na původní místo.

Move to me

Přesune item ke mně.

Lock Down Item

Zamkne item v domečku.

Relase Item

Odemkne item v domečku.


Pokud má item možnost otočení