
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 8. 7. 2024, 23:08, kterou vytvořil Reloecc (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „* Each stat (str, int, dex, etc.) can be chosen as a bonus only 2 times. The first time adds +5, the second time adds +3. In total, 5 stats can be chosen. * Each skill can be chosen 2 times and also adds +5 max skill and +3 max skill. In total, 2 skills can be chosen. * Resist can be chosen only once, just one.“)
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  • Each stat (str, int, dex, etc.) can be chosen as a bonus only 2 times. The first time adds +5, the second time adds +3. In total, 5 stats can be chosen.
  • Each skill can be chosen 2 times and also adds +5 max skill and +3 max skill. In total, 2 skills can be chosen.
  • Resist can be chosen only once, just one.