
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 8. 7. 2024, 23:10, kterou vytvořil Reloecc (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „* You will level up again from lv0. * You will have your equipment available (some equipment cannot be worn due to insufficient strength). You will be able to repeat quests and level up in low-level dungeons, as if it were a new character. * Skills related to crafting, which are difficult to train, will be retained: Alchemy, Animal Taming, Blacksmithing, Cartography, Cooking, Carpentry, Enchanting, Fishing, Gemcutting, Inscription, Lumberjacking, Mini…“)
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  • You will level up again from lv0.
  • You will have your equipment available (some equipment cannot be worn due to insufficient strength). You will be able to repeat quests and level up in low-level dungeons, as if it were a new character.
  • Skills related to crafting, which are difficult to train, will be retained: Alchemy, Animal Taming, Blacksmithing, Cartography, Cooking, Carpentry, Enchanting, Fishing, Gemcutting, Inscription, Lumberjacking, Mining, Tailoring, Tinkering. However, not in such a way that the character at lv0 has Animal Taming at 80. But each time the character levels up, the skill will automatically increase up to the maximum previously trained. Other skills start at a basic level around 25 or less (if the character at lv0 is not entitled to 25).