
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 10. 7. 2024, 21:26, kterou vytvořil Reloecc (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „A few examples of bonus combinations you can claim after 5 rebirths: * 2x str (+8), 2x int (+8) a 1x resist (+10) * 1x str (+5), 1x con (+5), 2x max tactics (+8), 1x max magicres (+5) * 2x healing (+8), 2x int (+8), 1x shock resist (+10) etc.“)
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A few examples of bonus combinations you can claim after 5 rebirths:

  • 2x str (+8), 2x int (+8) a 1x resist (+10)
  • 1x str (+5), 1x con (+5), 2x max tactics (+8), 1x max magicres (+5)
  • 2x healing (+8), 2x int (+8), 1x shock resist (+10)
