God Blessing

Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 8. 1. 2025, 11:11, kterou vytvořil Dedorudo (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „Category:Guide“)
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Gods Blessing status bar

Every player can get a special reward in the form of a Gods Blessing scroll once a month which will give them the opportunity to get +50% EXP within 2 hours after activating the scroll. Obtaining the Gods Blessing scroll is conditional on active playing where the status bar will show you the current progress and the required number of experience points (EXP).

The status bar is divided into 5 parts, where during the month you can always get one of 4 rewards and 5 (the main reward) is always a Gods Blessing scroll. After completing and unlocking the Gods Blessing scroll will appear directly next to the character bank account. The Gods Blessing scroll can then be activated at any time within 7 days (after 7 days it disappears without the possibility to take a reward).

A few tips:

  • The current level of the character always determines the given rewards at the beginning of the month.
  • After buying a level during the month the necessary number of experience points is also adjusted.
  • Gods Blessing can be displayed using the .claim
  • Activating the Gods Blessing scroll is most beneficial right before going to the dungeon.
  • Gods Blessing scroll does not react to experience points (EXP) obtained from experience stones or "tincture of wisdom" (experience bottle).
  • The Gods Blessing scroll on the other hand reacts to the experience points (EXP) obtained from the Bounty Hunting quest or other quests given by quest NPCs. So during the month you can prepare various quest items for submitting quests and submit them only within 2 hours of the +50% EXP bonus being active.
  • After activating the scroll the 2h timer is tied to an active login so if the player is not in the game the timer on the scroll is not active.
  • .claim also shows current daily events and their times.