
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 2. 3. 2025, 09:55, kterou vytvořil Dedorudo (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „== Res. Shelfs == Resource shelves are special magic items which can hold a large amount of items. The rumour is, it's up to 1 milion items. To craft such a shelf You will need: 30x Soubor:Dimension-crystal.png and 5000x Soubor:Logs.jpg.“)

Engineering is a skill used to create furniture, some wooden weapons, various containers, and things in general out of wood.


To create hypnotics, you first need ornaments. They are created by using dagger on wood and then creating "carved ornaments". Subsequently, by double-clicking on the carved ornaments and selecting a certain reg, you will create a hypnotic.

Ornament Reagent INT

Spider's Silk (ss)


Blood Moss (bm)


Nightshade (ns)


Blood Reagent (br)


Res. Shelfs

Resource shelves are special magic items which can hold a large amount of items. The rumour is, it's up to 1 milion items. To craft such a shelf You will need: 30x and 5000x .

Image Shelf Allowed
mage's shelf reagents, necro reagents, enchanting materials
craftsman's shelf ore, ingots, logs, hides, cloth, sand, glass, yarn, wool, shafts, feathers, chunks, ornament carvings, wires, golem stands, barrel hoops, barrel lids, barrel taps, dimension crystals
scriber's shelf empty scrolls, magic scrolls, chlorite tablets, cube scrolls, enchanting pergaments
chef's shelf all cooking items, all fishes
alchemic shelf mortars, recipes, bottles, kegs