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Tento skript tahá dřevo mezitím co hýbete se svou postavou a zároveň se snaží každé 2 vteřiny posekat strom na západ od vaší postavy. Tento skript umožňuje sekat stromy s minimálním úsilím z hráčské strany, naprosto bez problému si můžete pustit Netflix na druhém monitoru a zároveň sekat dřevo, jen se vyvarujte divoké zvěři. 😊
- Mějte sekyrku v ruce a nejlépe pár náhradních seker v batohu.
- Běžte na místo kde jsou stromy, které se dají sekat.
// Lumberjacking // version 1.0 if listexists 'lumber-loghues' removelist 'lumber-loghues' endif createlist 'lumber-loghues' ### start of configuration ### # logs that will be dropped on the ground # and dragged behind pushlist 'lumber-loghues' "0" ### end of configuration ### if not timerexists 'lumber - check' createtimer 'lumber - check' endif while 1 = 1 // try lumbering tree north of character if timer 'lumber - check' > 2000 sysmsg 'Checking for tree..' setvar! 'lumber-lumbering' 1 while varexist! 'lumber-lumbering' clearsysmsg if not lhandempty or not rhandempty hotkey 'use item in hand' elseif findtype 3907 'backpack' as 'tool' or findtype 3908 'backpack' as 'tool' dress 'tool' wait 500 dclick 'tool' else sysmsg 'No tool found' stop endif waitfortarget targetrelloc 0 -1 setvar! 'lumber-wait' 1 while varexist! 'lumber-wait' // invalid tile/use if insysmsg "What do you want to do" or insysmsg "That is too far away" unsetvar! 'lumber-wait' unsetvar! 'lumber-lumbering' endif // lubering done if insysmsg "There's not enough wood here to chop." or insysmsg "You stop chopping." unsetvar! 'lumber-wait' unsetvar! 'lumber-lumbering' endif // try again if insysmsg "Your tool broke" unsetvar! 'lumber-wait' endif wait 50 endwhile wait 250 endwhile // drop all logs @clearignore foreach loghue in 'lumber-loghues' while findtype 7133 'backpack' loghue as 'backpackstack' @ignore 'backpackstack' while findtype 7133 'backpack' loghue as 'otherstack' @ignore 'otherstack' endwhile lift 'backpackstack' 0 if findtype 7133 true loghue as 'groundstack' sysmsg 'Dropping {{loghue}} to ground stack' drop 'groundstack' else sysmsg 'Dropping {{loghue}} to ground location' droprelloc 0 0 endif wait 100 @clearignore endwhile endfor @clearignore settimer 'lumber - check' 0 endif // drag logs sysmsg 'Dragging logs..' @clearignore foreach loghue in 'lumber-loghues' while findtype 7133 'backpack' loghue as 'stack' @ignore 'stack' endwhile // first stack unsetvar! 'lumbervacuumgroundstack'; while findtype 7133 true loghue as 'stack' lift 'stack' 0 if varexist! 'lumbervacuumgroundstack' drop 'lumbervacuumgroundstack' else droprelloc 0 0 setvar! 'lumbervacuumgroundstack' 'stack' endif wait 50 @ignore 'stack' endwhile endfor @clearignore endwhile