
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 15. 2. 2024, 19:14, kterou vytvořil Pyhus (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „* Entry to 2811, 2977 * level 25+ * 限制-(可进入的最高等级不限)“)

你好,我們這裡有一個地牢部分。如果您找不到,或者您想添加信息,請在 wiki 上寫下,我們將添加它。謝謝你們。

Low level dungeons

Daugas sewers

Daugas sewers

Daugas sewers

Daugas sewers

  • 道加斯不同地點有 3 個入口,每個入口通向地牢的不同部分 (3093;2255;-1, 3313;2254;-8, 2943;2144;-10)。
  • 0-12(最大可以進入的等級是12)

Gremlins cave (gremlins)

Gremlins cave

  • Entry in Daugas (3208;2039;20)
  • 0-17 (可進入的最高等級為 17)

Mystic garden (gardens)

Mystic garden (gardens)

  • Entrance in Daugas above the cleric guild. (3299;2030;20)
  • 0-17(最多可進入17級)

Daugas Catacombs

Daugas Catacombs

  • Entrance at the Daugas church (3008;2057;7)
  • 0-17 (可進入的最高等級為 17)
  • 它不會死亡,建議使用銀牌或帶有祝福的聖騎士。

Dark Orc Deep

Darc orc deep

Dark orc deep

  • 3 entrances, the main entrance is next to Daugas castle (3070;2491;28, coordinates of entrance to 12level=3195;2454;16, by boat from Daugas ? coordinates)
  • 0-17? (10級經驗石,最高可以進入17級?)

Lios Catacombs (early Holy garden)

Lios Catacombs

  • The entrance is in the Lios prison. (1734;528;-18)
  • 0-17(最多可進入17級)

Snow orc mine

Snow orc mine

  • The entrance is in Lios mine (1946;654;0)
  • 0-17(最多可進入17級)

Sindhar prisons

Shidar prisons

  • Entry in Sindhar (3221;2861;-3)
  • 0-17 (可進入的最高等級為 17)

Medea sewers

Medea sewers

Medea sewers

Medea sewers

  • 3 entrances in different places in Medea that lead to the same place. (800;3172;-11, 808;3439;-11, 973;3372;-11)
  • 0-17 (最多可進入17級)



  • Entrance is via the bridge southwest of Daugas (approximate location 2733;1912;0)
  • 7-15(入口不受級別限制)

Level 15+

Mercenary underground

  • 直接進入傭兵公會. (5626;2494)
  • 13+ 條目受等級限制 - 我不知道到底有多少 15-18 最大我的意思 - 請如果有人確切地知道補給!N!* 有不死族並且相對較強。推薦多人和銀武器或聖騎士
  • T有不死族並且相對較強。推薦多人和銀武器或聖騎士* 推薦多人和銀武器或聖騎士
  • coordinates ?
  • level ?
  • level restriction ?
  • Animal cave
  • coordinates ?
  • level ?
  • level restriction ?
  • Minidungeons:



  • Cottage at the fork southeast of Golden Mines Village (4020, 1814)
  • 15+ (進入不受等級限制)

Terathan 1 (Under necromancers)

Terathan 1

  • 1 entrance south of necromancer's guild (2054, 2019)
  • 15+(入口不受等級限制)

Terathan 2 (Above Berserkers Guild)

Terathan 2

  • 1 entrance is east of berserker guild (1195, 2394)
  • 15+(入口不受等級限制)

Terathan 3 (Island)

Terathan 3

  • The entrance is to the east of the orc village. Must have boat (1847, 2761)
  • 15+ (入場不受等級限制)



  • Entrance is southeast of Golden mine Village (3633, 1623)
  • 15+ (進入不受等級限制)

Horazit - old mine

Horazit - old mine

  • The entrance is north of the berserker guild, or south of Lios (1535, 1598)
  • 15+(進入不受等級限制)
  • 二樓有很多綠泥石傀儡陷阱。你必須找到正確的方法

Ice garden

Ice garden

  • Entry is in forgotten realms on snow (6085, 2173)
  • 15+(入口不受等級限制)



  • The entrance is to the south of Lios and you need to have a boat, or via a teleport by marked rune. (1623, 1183)
  • 15+(參賽不受級別限制)



  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (3886, 951)
  • 15+(參賽不受級別限制)



  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (4045, 1106)
  • 15+(參賽不受級別限制)



  • Entrance is southeast of Alcaringue town (1404, 3644)
  • 18+(參賽不受級別限制)

Scare Oorok Cave

Scare Oprok

  • 1 entrance north of Daugas (2980, 1477)
  • 20+(參賽不受級別限制)

Shadow crypt

Shadow crypt

  • 1 entry to them from the Abhorsen guild (5441, 3108)
  • level ?
  • restrictions ?

Snow fort

Snow fort

  • 1 entrance south of ice mages guild (1116, 980)
  • level?
  • 限制?



  • 1 entrance northeast of Harbor city (3022, 927)
  • level?
  • 限制?

Vikings Hideout

Vikings hideout

  • Entrance from the island (the underground is entered at 701;1886)
  • 20級以上(可進入的最高等級不限)

Goliath Ruins


  • 1 entry to forgotten realms on snow (5846, 2607)
  • Level ?
  • 限制 ?

Viking camp

Viking camp

  • The entrance is south of Lios, or west of Harbor city (1631, 1232)
  • 15級以上(可進入的最高等級不限)

Viking camp outpost

Viking camp outpost

  • This is an island and a boat is needed (709, 1881)
  • 18級以上(可進入的最高等級不限)

Viking temple

Viking temple

  • This is an island and a boat is needed (672, 498)
  • 等級18+(可進入的最高等級不限)

Viking tower

Viking tower

  • 1 entrance west of Daugas city (2499 2447)
  • Level ?
  • 限制  ?

Damned Mines 1

Damned Mines 1

Damned Mines 1

  • 2 entrances north of the berserker guild, each leading to a different part of the dungeon (1497, 1994 and 1508, 1870)
  • 10-30(可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)
  • 之後殺死炎魔後,可以過橋前往詛咒地雷2。

Cave of suffering

Cave of suffering

  • 1 entrance south of Sindhar city (3160, 3051)
  • 14+ (可進入的最高等級不限)



  • Entrance in the desert, east of Medea (1154;3198;-2)
  • 10-25 (進入不受等級限制)

Winter passage

Winter Passage (Snowman)

  • 1 entrance to forgotten realms in the snow (6118, 2684)
  • 18+ (可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Abbys Garden in Ruined Island

Abbys Garden in Ruined Island

  • 1 entrance on the island, must reach by boat (3747;4004;0)
  • 15-25 (可進入的最高等級不限)



  • Enter east of Necromancer Graveyard or west of Harbor City. (2225, 1765)
  • 沒有橋,所以有船,或者傳送並標記符文
  • 0-25(最大輸入不受等級限制)

Duergar Cave



  • Also called Dwarves
  • 冰法師公會西南方向相距不遠的2個入口 (first 1250, 666) (second 1393,631)
  • 16+(可以進入的最高等級不是有限的)

Ice Valley

Ice Valley

  • 1 entry to forgotten realms in the snow (5818, 2061)
  • 18+(可進入的最高等級不受限制)



  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (3928, 1006)
  • 16+ (可進入的最高等級不限)

Troll caves

Troll caves (troll %C3% A1k)

  • 1 entrance south of Hoggard (3051, 954)
  • 10-25 (可進入的最高等級沒有限制)

Drow Island

Drow Island

  • this is an island and a boat is needed, the island is at (1825, 3096)
  • 15+ (可進入的最高等級不限)

The Burned Dungeon

The Burned Dungeon

The Burned Dungeon

  • 2 entrances, either northeast of Daugas or from Daugas Castle (2801;2110;36, 2927;2492;35)
  • 10-20 (最多可進入 21 級, entrance from Daugas Castle to level 18)* Middle:

Level 20+

Ancient catacombs

Ancient catacombs

  • Entry to 5519, 2263
  • level?
  • 限制?

Ruins of Avalon

Ruins of Avalon

  • This is an island southeast of the priest guild (4420 1789)
  • 需要一艘船
  • 18+(可進入的最高等級不限)

City of Lost Angels

City of Lost Angels

  • 1 entrance west of Daugas (2622 2077)
  • 20+ (可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Damned Mines 2

Damned Mines 2

  • 2 entrances either through Damned Mines 1 or through the entrance in the mine above Golden Mines (3783;1318;0)
  • 15-36(可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)

Urut-hai Camp

Uruk Hai

  • Entrance to 5296, 2538
  • 1 entrance to the north of the Hierophant guild (5296 2538)
  • 18+ (可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Vampire mansion

Vampire mansion

  • Entrance at 1530, 2266
  • 1 entrance above the berk guild immediately (1530 2266) - first, however, you need to visit the turret to be able to open (1593, 1990)
  • 18+ (可以進入的最高等級沒有限制) 隨後地牢中有一條具有高恢復力的龍
  • 變形後只有不死族和惡魔?

Cultist hideout

Cultist hideout

  • Entrance to 481, 3433
  • 1 entrance on the island need a boat and then mark the rune (481 3433)
  • 18+(可進入的最高等級不限)
  • 惡魔,邪教徒.

Cursed island

Cursed island

  • 1 entrance on the island requires a boat (1027 1931)
  • Level 18+ (可以進入的最高等級不限) 地牢裡有一條恢復力大的龍
  • 不死族.

Pretorian Island

Pretorian Island

  • 1 entrance on the island requires a boat (333 3852)
  • 18+(可進入的最高等級不限)

Pretorian Village

Pretorian Village

  • 1 entrance north of Golden mine village (3928 651)
  • 18級以上(可進入的最高等級不限)

Pretorian Big Island

Pretorian Big Island

  • 1 entrance on the island requires a boat (348, 2551)
  • 18級以上(可進入的最高等級不限)

Diablo 1

Diablo 1




  • 1個入口,你會被一個大法師傳送到村莊,他在幾個地方,例如 (1775, 2917) (5991, 3437) (2112, 361) - entrance (6230 3976)
  • 18級+(可進入的最高等級不受限制)
  • 不死族

Ogres at Shienar

Ogres at Shienar

  • 等級25+(可進入的最高等級不限)

Mini Skaven

Mini Skaven

  • Entry to 5277, 2683
  • level?
  • 限制?



  • Entry at 2578, 1916
  • level?
  • 限制?

The Hunting Shadow Fortress

The Hunting Shadow Fortress

  • 1 entrance west of the ranger guild (3481;2546;0)
  • 20-36(可進入的最高等級不限)
  • 這裡要小心,如果你過橋進入大門,門就會關閉。必須謹慎
  • 人類和不死 NPC

Snake cult

Snake cult

  • Entry at 5239, 3370
  • level - 25+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Ophidian cave

Ophidian cave

  • Entrance at 3158, 2596
  • 1 entrance south of Daugas, or north of Sindhar city (3158 2596)
  • 18+(可進入的最高等級不受限制)* 中上層:

Level 25+

Dragon nest

{{Map |X=1369 |Y=3155 |Text=Dragon nest } }

  • Entry at 1369, 3155
  • level - 25+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)



  • 1 entrance in the rock southwest of Alcarinque (1749;3618;0)
  • 20-36 (可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Pagan Fortress

Pagan Fortress

  • 1 entry to forgotten realms in the snow (5997, 2159)
  • 25+ (可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Undead Dragon Cave

Undead Dragon Cave

  • also called Greyhound 1
  • 1 entrance in the cemetery north of Medea (872;3030;0)
  • level 25 +
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不受限制)Googl

Forgotten catacombs

Forgotten catacombs

  • 1 entrance
  • level 20+
  • 限制 - ??

Minotaur cave

Minotaur cave

  • 1 entrance hole in the ground east of the berserker guild (1840 2310)
  • level - 20+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Skavens mine

Skavens mine

  • 1 entrance in the rock north of golden mine village (3914 1394)
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Diablo 2

Diablo 2

  • Entry to 6289, 4043
  • 等級20+ (最高可進入等級不限)* Old Fortress
  • coordinates ?
  • level?
  • 限制?* 高:



  • Entry to 5226, 3682
  • level?
  • 限制?

Dimensional river

Dimensional river

  • 1 entrance east of Harbor City (3011 1172)
  • level 25+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Forgotten castle

Forgotten castle

  • Entry to 2472, 2264
  • level 25+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)



  • Entry to 1193, 922
  • level 25+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)



  • Entry to 4554, 2632
  • level 25+
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Merion's Pyramid


  • Entry to 1790, 3725
  • level 25+ ( ideally 30+ )
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Raven Swamps

Raven Swamps

  • Entry to 5350, 3914
  • level 25+ ( ideally 30+ )
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Raven castle

Raven Castle

  • Entrance to 5350, 3914
  • 你穿過烏鴉沼澤
  • level 25+ (最好是 30+ )
  • 限制-(可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)

Castle 2

Castle 2

  • Entry to 5840, 3640
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)[map]

Sand crypt

  • level?
  • 限制



  • 1 entrance on the island where you can mark the rune (3594 3860)
  • 20-36(可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)

Greyhound 2

Greyhound 2

  • Entry to 1305, 3297
  • to enter you need a dragon head from the Greyhound 1
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Sphinx 1

Sphinx 1

  • Entry to 2903, 2874
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Sphinx 2

Sphinx 2

  • Entry to 2924, 2774
  • to enter you need an item from Sphinx 1
  • 限制 - (可進入的最高等級不限)

Dragonforce keep

Dragonforce keep

  • Entry to 1115, 3614
  • level 30+
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Temple 2+3

Temple 2+3

  • Entrance at 1681, 3581
  • 1 entrance southwest of Alcaringue town (1681 3581)
  • 25 級以上(可進入的最高等級不受限制)

Molten core

Molten core

  • Entry to 1666, 3499
  • level?
  • 限制?



  • Entry to 3546, 379
  • 1 entry and it is an island and you need a boat (3546 379)
  • 等級 25+ (可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)

Assault 1



  • coordinates ( 985 672) and ( 1099 962)
  • 有兩個輸入,參見地圖。你和NPC說話,他會給你做一個門。
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可以進入的最高等級沒有限制)

Assault 2


  • coordinates ( 1099 962) NPC and will make a gate.
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Arcane sanctuary

Arcane sanctuary

  • Entry at 4411, 1910
  • 1 entry from Avalon Island. 你需要一艘船並完
  • 級別23+(可以進入的最高級別沒有限制)

Fall of the High Council


  • Input to 6391, 1274
  • input ?
  • level?
  • 限制?

Goblin mines

Goblin mines

  • Entry to 6504, 2484
  • entry ?
  • level?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)



  • Entry to 6172, 3622
  • entry ?
  • level?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Prism of ice

Prism of ice

  • Entry to 6450, 2632
  • level ?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Castle 3

Castle 3

  • Entry to 5889, 3891
  • level?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Ruins of Morass

Ruins of Morass

  • Entry to 7000, 2557
  • level?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)



  • Entry to 1810, 3709
  • level?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Sisters to the Slaughter


  • Entry to 2601, 2538
  • level?
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Spider Valley

Spider Valley

  • (5383 4056)
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Tomb of eternal horror

* Tomb of eternal horror

  • Entry to 2811, 2977
  • level 25+
  • 限制-(可進入的最高等級不限)

Tal Rasha

Tal Rasha

  • Vstup na 4142, 3346
  • level 25+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)



  • Vstup na 373, 1410
  • level?
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

Temple of the sand serpent

Temple of the sand serpent

  • Vstup na 5835, 4022
  • level 25+ (ideálně 30+)
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

Diablo 3

Diablo 3

  • Vstup na 6289, 4043
  • level 25+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

Diablo 4

Diablo 4

  • Vstup na 6289, 4043
  • level 30+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

Vampires retreat

Vampires retreat

  • Vstup na 4069, 2113
  • level 30+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

* Wyvern valley

Wyvern valley

  • Vstup na 5848, 3729
  • level 25+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

* Bloody Grotto

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

* Battle orc

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

* Abandoned reservoir

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

* Ancient mausoleum

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

Dread pirates paradise

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

Forgotten catacombs

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

Pagans Hideout

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

Screaming Vault

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

Shadowed Caverns

  • souřadnice ?
  • level?
  • omezení?

Mountain troll

Mountain troll

  • Vstup na 1541, 1699
  • level 25+
  • omezení - (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)

Ork camp

Barbarian camp

  • Vstup na 3503, 865
  • level 25+ (maximální level který může vstoupit není omezen)