PvP league

Z Endor Revived Wiki

Verze z 17. 5. 2024, 13:39, kterou vytvořil Kf4st87 (diskuse | příspěvky) (založena nová stránka s textem „Actual members of this cult are the only ones who can participate in Town Wars. More in the {{ll|Town_War|Town War}} section“)

Daren, Death Mistress at Gladiators Island

If you are interest in PvP and would like to participate in a PvP league so you'll have to visit the Gladiators Island. A cult which resides on this island will allow you to become their servant and therefore participate in battles between individual members of this cult.

If you want to join the cult so you need to find Daren and write "join for sure". You will then be assigned to one of three PvP leagues based on your current experienced level.

  • "Apprentice league' which is intended for players up to lvl 18 (inclusive)
  • "Veteran league" which is intended for players from lvl 19 to lvl 24 (inclusive)
  • "Master league" which is intended for players from lvl 25

Current results of the individual league participants and their current point scores can be found directly at www.endor-revived.com

Current cult members can buy various things such as imbue items (enchant magic items), buy GMR (Great Mana Refresh) potions or build their own houses with "platinum coins" at TW stones in the cities for "platinum coins".

Actual members of this cult are the only ones who can participate in Town Wars. More in the Town War section

Pokud hráč již nechce být nadále členem kultu a nechce se již účastnit bojů mezi jednotlivými přisluhovači kultu, tak je potřeba opět cestovat na Gladiators Island a vyhledat Darena. Po napsání příkazu "resign for sure" Vás Daren zbaví této povinnosti. Dávejte však pozor, protože to nebude zadarmo. Daren Vás sice vyřadí z kultu, ale zároveň Vás i zabije a v kultu budete vedeni ještě celých 7 dní jako členové aby Vás mohli i nadále zabíjet i ostatní členové kultu.