Z Endor Revived Wiki
Command | Description |
Shows the time the prisoner has left to serve in prison. |
It will show the number of kills. |
Endor language settings and game announcements (such as the appearance of PKs). |
It informs how full you are. Food is important on Endor. |
Displays the quick list. Click the button in the upper left corner to view detailed information about your character. |
.infopos [parameter]
Sets the position of the quick list for example [.infopos 5]. |
Shows your profession's spell list. |
It will show you the tasks given to you by Antonio and his friends. |
For Necromancers, it will list regs for boosting undead summons (must know them). |
Shows the old skill window. |
Shows quest log. |
Shows body names. |
Displays coordinates of your location. |
Command | Description |
Shows a table with the amount of ammo/hypnoes/potions you have on you. |
Use a bandage. |
Use a bandage on yourself. |
Use bandage on last target. |
Throws bola from the character's main backpack. |
.cast [parameter]
Cast a spell. The number, name or power words of the spell can be used as a parameter. |
.cast_ts [parameter]
Cast a spell on yourself. |
.cast_lt [parameter]
Cast a sell on last target. |
Changes pvp morph skin power (Druid only). |
.drinkpotion [word 1] [word 2]
Drinks a potion that has all the required words in its name (for example: .drinkpotion greater heal). |
Use a hypnotic ornament. |
.projectile [parameter]
Changes arrows in a crossbow or bow. (for example: .projectile lightning). |
When used, it will show a menu of summons. |
.summoncreature [parameter]
Summons the summon you want to summon directly, [parameter] is its name. |
When used it will show a menu of daemons. |
.summondaemon [parameter]
Summons the demon you want to summon directly, [parameter] is its name. |
When used, it will show a menu of undead summons. |
.summonundead [parameter]
Summons the undead summon you want to summon directly, [parameter] is its name. |
Lists summoned summons. |
.throw [parameter]
Throws a shuriken/knife. |
.throw [lt] [word 1] [word 2]
Throws a shuriken/knife at the target (for example: .throw lt knife deadlypoison). |
.usescroll [word 1] [word 2]
Use a scroll that has all the required words in the name. |
.usescroll_[ts] [word 1] [word 2]
Use the scroll on yourself. |
.usescroll_[lt] [word 1] [word 2]
Use scroll on last target. |
.warmode [on/off]
Without a parameter warmmode switches, with on/off it's turned on and off. |
Command | Description |
Enables the ability Angelic Presence (hierophant only) |
Cancels the current morph (Druid only). |
Enables the ability Diamond of Protection (abhorsen only) |
Uses the Divine Shield ability (hierophant only) |
Turns on fury (berserk only). |
.lifetap [parameter]
Activates the lifetap ability. The parameter determines the number of HP sacrificed (for example: .lifetap 50) (heretic only). |
.ma [parameter]
Without a parameter, it will display the abilities available for the current morph. The parameter is the name of the ability the druid wants to use. |
.missionary [parameter]
Using the ability missionary (paladin). |
.morph [parameter]
Without a parameter, it brings up a menu with a morph selection. The parameter specifies the type of morph requested (druid only). |
Uses the Pain Share ability (hierophant only) |
Using the ability Spell Breaker (mercenary). |
.taunt [on/off]
Turn on/off taunt mode (mercenary). |
Displaying the status of taunt mod (mercenary). |
Using the ability Truth Seeker (paladin). |
Party management
Command | Description |
Ask the target to join your party. |
Accepts the party. |
Create a party with members of your guild (which you can see). |
Leave the party |
Adds a target to the party. |
Accepts party offer. |
Rejects the party offer. |
Lists party members. |
.ploot [0/1]
Changes the ability to legally loot your body in a party. |
Kicks the target out of the party. |
.psayall [text]
It will tell everyone in the party what you type behind this command. |
.pguild [on/off]
Adds all nearby members of the same guild and alliance to the party without having to manually accept the offer. |
Command | Description |
Shows pvp league member points. |
Displays the TW commander table (for commanders only). |
Opens or closes a gate (for city defender commanders only). |
Shows the time when TW starts. |
Shows the times when the different phases of TW start. |
Command | Description |
Hides/shows the RP flag (only if you got the flag from the RP leader “Flagger”). |
Shows RP community members (only for RP leader). |
Command | Description |
Opens a window for changing the account password. Attention, it is not possible to set a password longer than 15 characters! |
Teleports you to safety in 20 seconds (doesn't cancel when you get DPS after confirmation). |
Shows the remaining time until the cooldown of active abilities expires. |
Restore all your abilities. Only useful for system abilities changes. |
Shows other players that you are currently out. |
You bow. |
.emote [parameter]
Without a parameter, it will display a table of available audio emotes. The parameter indicates an emote (for example: .emote kiss). |
The next invocation of the .cast_lt or useskill_lt macros will ignore the last target and invoke focus instead. |
Opens a menu to search for the five nearest healers. |
It will change the orientation of the item if possible (such as a chair). For glowing items, it changes the shape of the lighting. |
You target your party member and then an arrow points at them. |
You call guards in the city. |
Will offer to change identity (rogue only). |
Cancels the current action. |
Uses the last used skill. |
Checking players within screen range. Sends all players information about the PK, its location and the name of the person reporting the PK. |
Mounts on the last mount used. |
Get off the mount. |
Opens the guild resignation menu. |
Carve up the target's body. |
You salute. |
If you are stuck somewhere, this might help you. |
The character looks at the given object or player. It is used for some types of targeting - it sets the so-called "last target". |
When you are frozen after an automatic AFK check, this command will free you, but can only be used once per allotted time. |
Allows the player to switch their nickname, provided they have more than one. |
.track [parameter]…
Tracks by parameter (possible: “animal”, “mount”, “person”, “player”, “playerkiller”, “monster”, “other”). |
Tracks mounts. |
.trackname [text]
Tracks everything that contains the given text in the name. |
Tracks PK. |
Tracks the player. |
.useitem [item number]
Uses the set item. Without a parameter, it calls the setup gump. |
.useskill [skill name]
Use the skill. |
.useskill_lt [skill name]
Use the skill on the last target. |
.useskill_ts [skill name]
Use the skill on yourself. |
Home Zone
Command | Description |
Opens/closes doors in range (also works in world). |
Destroys a targeted deed item in the home zone. |
.housing [parameter]
Performs an action in your house. |
.housing reveal/unhide
Reveals hidden characters in the house. |
.housing eject
Throws the targeted character out of the house. |
.housing lock
Locks the item in the house. |
.housing lock all
Locks everything within two squares of the character. |
.housing unlock/release
Unlocks an item in the house. |
.housing unlock all/release all
Unlocks everything within two spaces of the character. |
.housing add
Add character to house friend list. |
.housing remove
Remove character from house friend list. |
Command | Description |
raise anchor/drift
drop anchor
Pack the ship |
turn left
turn right
turn around
Full speed |
clear deck
Clear deck, doesn't destroy player bodies |
right, left forward, back
Direction to go |
north, west, south, east
Direction to go, doesn't matter which side the boat is facing |