
From Endor Revived Wiki

Preview of bonuses

It is a game mechanic for dedicated adventurers, available from level 35 and above, who want to push their strength beyond the limit of a common mortal. Rebirth allows the player to give up their experience and skills in exchange for a permanent bonus to their stats of choice. Experience above level 35 are not lost, you will gain them again after reaching lvl 35. Levels must be bought again though.


has its limits:

  • Each stat (str, int, dex, etc.) can be chosen as a bonus only 2 times. The first time adds +5, the second time adds +3. In total, 5 stats can be chosen.
  • Each skill can be chosen 2 times and also adds +5 max skill and +3 max skill. In total, 2 skills can be chosen.
  • Resist can be chosen only once, just one.

A few examples of bonus combinations you can claim after 5 rebirths:

  • 2x str (+8), 2x int (+8) a 1x resist (+10)
  • 1x str (+5), 1x con (+5), 2x max tactics (+8), 1x max magicres (+5)
  • 2x healing (+8), 2x int (+8), 1x shock resist (+10)


It is possible that the offer of bonuses or mechanics associated with Rebirth will be further expanded.


At the location, you will find an NPC who will inform you about the details associated with Rebirth. It is important to note that you will lose all levels, combat skills, and quests, and will appear at level 0 in the starting location in Daugas. Most importantly, here you will find an altar where you can choose a bonus and perform the Rebirth.



It is important to understand what the player will lose and gain.

  • You will level up again from lv0.
  • You will have your equipment available (some equipment cannot be worn due to insufficient strength). You will be able to repeat quests and level up in low-level dungeons, as if it were a new character.
  • Skills related to crafting, which are difficult to train, will be retained: Alchemy, Animal Taming, Blacksmithing, Cartography, Cooking, Carpentry, Enchanting, Fishing, Gemcutting, Inscription, Lumberjacking, Mining, Tailoring, Tinkering. However, not in such a way that the character at lv0 has Animal Taming at 80. But each time the character levels up, the skill will automatically increase up to the maximum previously trained. Other skills start at a basic level around 25 or less (if the character at lv0 is not entitled to 25).
  • The Cube buff is also retained, but it is active again only from level 21.
  • You lose your league status.


And what does the player gain?

  • The aforementioned bonuses,
  • Unique titles that cannot be obtained in any other way, each time Rebirth is performed:
    • Reincarnate
    • Elder Reincarnate
    • Ancestral Reincarnate
    • Ancient Reincarnate
    • Mythical Reincarnate
  • Also, the ability to choose any race at the starting location.
  • The ability to enter dungeons and complete quests that were not possible due to your level. This can be useful in connection with Slayer titles, which do not reset.