Translations:Ovládání Pomocníků/3/en

Z Endor Revived Wiki

Command Description
kill, attack The minion will attack what you target. If the helper can't fight (for example: a horse), it can refuse to obey.
stop, stay Helper will remain standing
come The helper comes to the master, but does not follow him further.
follow Helper follows target.
follow me The helper follows the master.
release Cancels sumon, releases animal and golem (its shem disappears).
guard Helper guards the objective.
guard me The assistant guards the master.
transfer Allows you to give the animal to the target (change of master).
fetch The animal picks up and carries the targeted item. He can only have one item with him, but it can also be a filled backpack. Each animal has a maximum carrying capacity according to its species. If the object weighs more it will not pick it up.
drop The animal places the item it is carrying (if it has one) under it.
deactivate only the golem, it returns the shem to the master and the golem is deactivated (Be careful where you do this, after deactivation it can be killed with impunity).