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(založena nová stránka s textem „{| class="wikitable" |- ! Stat ! Abbreviation ! Description |- | {{ll|Attr:Health|Hitpoints}}<br> Life | HP | It gets to 0, the character dies, becomes a ghost and needs to be revived by another player or a healer. It replenishes on its own, eventually it can be treated with spells, bandages, potions or regenerative food. |- | {{ll|Attr:Mana|Mana}} | Mana | Allows casting and using abilities that require mana ({{ll|Class:Paladin#Aury|paladin auras}},…“)
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{| class="wikitable"
{|=“wikitable”!N!|-!N!统计!N!!缩写!N!!描述!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:生命值|生命值}}<br>生命!N!| HP!N!|它达到 0 时,角色死亡,变成鬼魂,需要由其他玩家或治疗者复活。它会自我补充,最终可以用咒语、绷带、瓶子或再生食物来治疗。!N!|-!N!| {{ll|属性:法力|法力}}!N!|法力!N!|允许施放和使用需要法力的能力({{ll|Class:Paladin#Aury|圣骑士光环}}、游侠{{ll|Class:Ranger#Ammunition|特殊弹药}})。它会自我补充。它可以通过冥想、法术、小瓶或再生药水来加速。!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:耐力|耐力}}
|斯塔!N!|需要使用武器进行移动和战斗。如果英雄超载或使用重型武器,它会下降得更快。一旦耗尽,角色就会因疲劳而倒下,暂时无法移动或攻击。它可以自行补充,也可以通过休息(技能露营,通过点燃木片火进行更快的露营)、咒语、瓶子或再生食物来补充。!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:力量|力量}}
| STR!N!|影响近战时的攻击力(除了盗贼的能力{{ll|Class:Rogue#Backstab|背刺}}),需要携带一些较重的盔甲和武器,角色也可以携带更多。同时增加HP。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
! Stat
| {{ll|属性:敏捷|敏捷}}!N!|德克斯!N!|它影响远程战斗中的攻击力以及盗贼的{{ll|Class:Rogue#Backstab|背刺}},允许更快的攻击,同时也会影响闪避几率。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
! Abbreviation
! Description
| {{ll|Attr:Health|Hitpoints}}<br> Life
| {{ll|Attr:智力|智力}}
| HP
| INT!N!|它会影响大多数法术的力量,并增加法力。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
| It gets to 0, the character dies, becomes a ghost and needs to be revived by another player or a healer. It replenishes on its own, eventually it can be treated with spells, bandages, potions or regenerative food.
| {{ll|Attr:Mana|Mana}}
| {{ll|Attr:宪法|宪法}}
| Mana
| Allows casting and using abilities that require mana ({{ll|Class:Paladin#Aury|paladin auras}}, ranger {{ll|Class:Ranger#Ammunition|special ammo}}). It replenishes on its own. It can be sped up with meditation, spells, potions, or regenerative waters.
| {{ll|Attr:Stamina|Stamina}}
| {{ll|Attr:智慧|智慧}}
| Stam
| Necessary for movement and combat with a weapon. It drops faster if the hero is overloaded or using heavy weapons. Once it runs out, the character collapses from fatigue and is temporarily unable to move or attack. It replenishes on its own, or it can be replenished by resting (skill camping, regenerate faster if resting by a lit fire from kindlings), spells, potions or regenerative food.
| {{ll|Attr:Strength|Strength}}
| {{ll|Attr:魅力|魅力}}
|查!N!| ''未使用''!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:生命再生|生命再生}}<br>生命值恢复!N!| HP 恢复!N!|影响角色的被动生命恢复。!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:法力恢复|法力恢复}}
| It affects the attack power in close combat (except for the rogue's ability {{ll|Class:Rogue#Backstab|backstab}}), it is needed for the ability to carry some heavier armor and weapons, the character can also carry more. Also Increases maximum HP. The value increases gradually with each acquired character level.
|法力回复!N!|影响被动法力恢复。!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:耐力恢复|耐力恢复}}
|斯塔姆恢复!N!|被动恢复体力。!N!|-!N!| {{ll|Attr:召唤命令|召唤命令}}<br>召唤控制加成!N!| SC!N!|用于召唤师的独特统计数据({{ll|Class:Necromancer#Summoni|necromancer}} {{ll|Class:Heretic#Summoni|heretic}})。 SC中获得的每一点相当于一个角色等级。示例:如果 13 级的玩家无法同时控制两个特定的怪物,但在 14 级他们已经可以了,那么具有 +1 SC 加值的物品将允许他们这样做。如果异端者自己还无法控制恶魔,则该奖励不能用于异端者的恶魔。随着角色等级的提升,数值逐渐增加(游戏中仅显示角色穿戴的装备所获得的加成)。
| {{ll|Attr:Dexterity|Dexterity}}
| It affects the attack power in ranged combat as well as {{ll|Class:Rogue#Backstab|backstab}} from the rogue, allowing for a faster attack while also affecting the dodge chance. The value increases gradually with each acquired character level.
| {{ll|Attr:Intelligence|Intelligence}}
| It affects the power of most spells, as well as increases mana. The value increases gradually with each acquired character level.
| {{ll|Attr:Constitution|Constitution}}
| Con
| Increases HP and Stamina. The value increases gradually with each acquired character level.
| {{ll|Attr:Wisdom|Wisdom}}
| Wis
| It affects the power of some spells, it also increases mana. The value increases gradually with each acquired character level.
| {{ll|Attr:Charisma|Charisma}}
| Char
| ''unused''
| {{ll|Attr:Life Regeneration|Life Regeneration}}<br> Hitpoints regeneration
| HP regen
| Affects the character's passive health regeneration.
| {{ll|Attr:Mana Regeneration|Mana Regeneration}}
| Mana regen
| Affects passive mana regeneration.
| {{ll|Attr:Stamina Regeneration|Stamina Regeneration}}
| Stam regen
| Passively regenerates stamina.
| {{ll|Attr:Summon Commanding|Summon Commanding}}<br> Summon control bonus
| SC
| A unique stat used for summoners ({{ll|Class:Necromancer#Summoni|necromancer}} and {{ll|Class:Heretic#Summoni|heretic}}). Each point gained in SC is equivalent to one character level. Example: If a player at level 13 cannot control two specific monsters at the same time, but at level 14 they would already be able to, an item with a +1 SC bonus will allow them to do so. The bonus cannot be used on the heretic's demons if he cannot yet control them himself. The value increases gradually with each acquired level of the character (only the bonus obtained from the equipment the character is wearing is displayed in the game).

Verze z 14. 2. 2024, 11:39


需要使用武器进行移动和战斗。如果英雄超载或使用重型武器,它会下降得更快。一旦耗尽,角色就会因疲劳而倒下,暂时无法移动或攻击。它可以自行补充,也可以通过休息(技能露营,通过点燃木片火进行更快的露营)、咒语、瓶子或再生食物来补充。!N!|-!N!| 力量 影响近战时的攻击力(除了盗贼的能力背刺),需要携带一些较重的盔甲和武器,角色也可以携带更多。同时增加HP。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
智力 它会影响大多数法术的力量,并增加法力。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
宪法 增加生命值和耐力。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
智慧 它会影响某些法术的威力,也会影响法力。该值随着角色等级的提升而逐渐增加。
魅力 未使用!N!|-!N!| 生命再生
生命值恢复!N!| HP 恢复!N!|影响角色的被动生命恢复。!N!|-!N!| 法力恢复
影响被动法力恢复。!N!|-!N!| 耐力恢复 被动恢复体力。!N!|-!N!| 召唤命令
召唤控制加成!N!| SC!N!|用于召唤师的独特统计数据(necromancerheretic)。 SC中获得的每一点相当于一个角色等级。示例:如果 13 级的玩家无法同时控制两个特定的怪物,但在 14 级他们已经可以了,那么具有 +1 SC 加值的物品将允许他们这样做。如果异端者自己还无法控制恶魔,则该奖励不能用于异端者的恶魔。随着角色等级的提升,数值逐渐增加(游戏中仅显示角色穿戴的装备所获得的加成)。