
Z Endor Revived Wiki

Arenas are an automated PvP system that allows you to compare your skills with other players in a balanced environment. You get all your gear in the arena and you don't lose anything here - you just gain. There are 2 game modes - 2v2 and 3v3 arenas.

3v3 Arenas with Koty


Once every 2 weeks, the reset takes place and if the player has played 40 2v2 games or 35 3v3 games, he will automatically receive a reward in the bank. When playing 2v2 and 3v3, he is entitled to a 2x reward. In addition to the classic items, the reward also includes the possibility of the rarest runes, RW and miracul components. For characters up to and including level 35, the reward includes 3k blood coins and 3000 exp. Characters 36+ only get blood coins.

Arena Store

It pays for a special arena with currency - blood coins, which players receive in the bank for winnings in arenas Located next to the desert arena - 1526 3109


Arena Schedule

  • 19:00 - 22:00 (CET)
  • Monday: 2v2
  • Thursday: 3v3

How do I get started?

  • Have a 20+ level character.
  • Starts with establishing/joining a team. The leader team creates by command
    • .create2v2team nazevteamu
    • .create3v3team nazevteamu
  • The next step is to join the waiting queue for the arena
    • .2v2
    • .3v3

After finding the enemy team, you are informed by text, in 10 seconds you will be transferred to the arena. It is RECOMMENDED not to have your equipment with you when you report to the arena - you may lose it by some mistake - keep it in the barracks / bank. After being transferred to the arena, you have half a minute to prepare before the fight begins.

Special Modifications for Arenas

They all have:

  • Custom sanguine weapon
  • Custom equipment
  • Strengthening non-disappearing potion (30str, 20dex, 20int)

Some classes may not have all of their spells or abilities available in the arena.

Other Useful Commands

  • Arena heal potion - .drinkpotion arena
  • Switch between morph/demorph equipment for druid - .arenasetspec morph/demorph